Curious Martian Anomalies - Part XIII
By Richard Sauder,
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Well, I was completely underwhelmed by Michael Malin's and Ken Edgett's announcement a couple of weeks ago that they have found photographic evidence for lakes and seas on Mars billions of years ago. Why, even a casual examination of the Mars photos on the MSSS site reveals abundant evidence of large amounts of water in the Martian geologic record. Why it took Malin and Edgett three years to work up the courage to publicly proclaim this exceedingly obvious fact is beyond my capacity to understand.
But I have determined not to dwell on their puny powers of scientific observation. Not when much more powerful minds are hard at work downloading and deciphering the enigmatic Martian photo trove! I refer, but of course, to the work of Mr. Zfitzzz:
Mr. Zfitzzz's website refers to the following MSSS photo:
Now click on the link below. Scroll down to the bottom 20% of the photo. It is a big file so give it a couple of minutes to load.
Right. Geysers. Huge geysers. At the South Pole. Gadzillions of them. You can see them spouting up into the air and their plumes blowing downwind toward the right of the frame. Have NASA/JPL/MSSS seen these babies? Of course they have! And they aren't saying diddly-squat about them. But thanks to Mr. Zfitzzz, and courtesy of the WWW, you now know something about Mars that NASA/JPL/MSSS think you are too stupid and undeserving to know.
What is spouting up from underground? You tell me, because I certainly do not know! Suggestions that a couple of my e-correspondents have made include: spores from giant, subterranean fungi, petroleum, and sulfur. The field is open. NASA/JPL/MSSS have abdicated their positions. They don't want to do interesting science, so come up with ideas and hypotheses of your own.
Here is my suggestion. Paper the internet with this information. Plaster the web with these images and links and "coax" Malin and Edgett to state the obvious: there are myriad, enormous geysers at the South Pole of Mars spouting great gobs of something up into the sky and splattering it all over the landscape and they don't have a clue as to what is happening.
Instead, as the years go slowly by, Malin, et al, repeatedly make their comical "Herr Doktor Professor" impersonation and state and restate their embarrassingly obvious "dramatic discovery" that in the distant past there used to be a lot of water on Mars.

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