Computer Keyboards, Faucets
Spread Pathogens To Patients
(Note - It was determined several years ago that pencils and pens used by doctors and health care workers are also prime vectors of spreading pathogens to patients.)
WESTPORT, CT (Reuters Health) - Computer keyboards and faucet handles in medical intensive care units are potential reservoirs of nosocomial pathogens, study findings suggest.
Dr. Joel T. Fishbain and colleagues, from Tripler Army Medical Center in Honolulu, Hawaii, collected 144 environmental samples from 10 computer keyboards in 8 patient rooms, 1 nurses' station and 1 doctors' station, as well as from 8 pairs of faucet handles in the hospital's medical ICU. Samples were collected over eight collection periods in a 2-month period.
In occupied rooms, 26% of keyboards and 15% of faucets were contaminated, Dr. Fishbain and colleagues report in the American Journal of Infection Control for December. In unoccupied rooms, the rates were 17% and 0%, respectively.
In the 33 environmental isolates obtained from these samples, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) was the most frequently occurring pathogen, followed by Enterococcus, Enterobacter and other gram-negative rods. In the 14 patient isolates, MRSA was again the most frequently occurring pathogen, followed by Enterobacter and other gram-negative rods.
The researchers detected an indistinguishable strain of MRSA in two patients, as well as on the keyboards and faucets in their rooms and on keyboards throughout the ICU.
"Institutional policy changes should occur to help minimize the potential effects of this contamination," the researchers conclude. Since the study was conducted, Tripler Army Medical Center has installed plastic covers on keyboards in the ICU, which are cleaned daily. In addition to reinforcing existing guidelines about handwashing, the hospital plans "to replace all faucet handles with noncontact controlled sinks in all critical care units."
Am J Infect Control 2000;28:465-470.

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