Psychiatrists Urge People To
Watch For 'Creepy' Colleagues
By William Neuman - NY Post

NEW YORK - Stress on or off the job can cause workers to snap and turn violent, but the warning signs may not always be apparent to fellow employees, mental health experts said yesterday.
"Very often, with someone who's upset in the workplace, things are going on in their private life at the same time," said Manhattan psychiatrist Jeffrey Kahn, president of WorkPsych Association, which advises companies on mental-health issues.
"Every situation is different and usually it's a combination of factors that lead someone to get violent.
"The actual reasons are not always obvious to people in the workplace. There are different levels of anger that range from people who just yell to people who end up shooting."
Kahn, who sometimes counsels companies about how to deal with potentially violent workers, said there are some warning signs to look for.
"One of the things you should pay attention to is someone who makes other employees feel scared," Kahn said.
Other tip-offs are "anybody who makes threats, who carries weapons into the workplace, someone whose emotions or behavior have become more erratic than they used to be," he said.
Salt Lake City psychologist Mark Zelig said he tells companies to keep in mind a profile of potentially violent workers.
"Typically the individual involved is a white male, 35 years of age and older, who lives alone and has relatively few social contacts," Zelig said.
"The reason it's an important variable is that if people are undergoing some sort of stress or anger, they may not have the social support network available to discharge their anger in more appropriate ways."
He pointed out that most men who fit the basic profile are not prone to violence.
"In general, individuals who resort to this sort of violence do not have a rich social network in which to correct distorted feelings or vent anger," Zelig said.
He said workers who turn violent may believe they are in trouble at work or in danger of being fired or disciplined.
"For whatever reason, the person is feeling some threat and in their distorted way of thinking, this [getting violent] is a way of neutralizing the threat," he said.
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