86% In Poll Don't Want Pardon
For Clinton Or His
Whitewater Cronies
With Carl Limbacher and Staff
For the story behind the story...
An overwhelming majority of Americans do not want President-elect George Bush to pardon Bill Clinton if, as expected, Clinton is indicted for perjury and obstruction of justice next month, according to a survey taken by the Web site
Of the self-selecting sample of 18,930 visitors who registered a preference, 86 percent said Bush should allow Clinton's prosecution to go forward, even at the risk of aggravating partisan animosity in Washington.
Just 2,585 visitors, or 14 percent, said Bush should short-circuit a Clinton trial with a pardon.
Presidential pardons for Clinton's Whitewater cronies Susan McDougal and Webster Hubbell were even less popular, with a staggering 94 percent of visitors saying they were against the move.
Clinton is said to be actively considering pardons for Hubbell and McDougal, who both went to jail rather than implicate the first couple in Whitewater crimes.
As for himself, the president told CBS's "60 Minutes II" Tuesday night that he didn't think he deserved to be indicted, but if he was he would "stand and fight." is owned and operated by Clinton's former political guru, Dick Morris.

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