The Strange Death Of James
Forrestal And MJ-12
Active Measures: The Strange Death Of
James Forrestal And The Majestic Twelve
By Tim Cooper <>

Tim Cooper writes.....On July 26, 1947, Secretary of the Navy James Forrestal learned from President Truman that his name had been submitted to the Congress as the first Secretary of Defense in the reconstituted War Department which came into being on that same day when Truman signed into public law the National Security Act of 1947 which also brought into being the new military establishment under civilian control. As a duly constituted civilian authority Forrestal was charged with charting the nation's defenses and responsible for all intelligence activities of the military and the newly formed Central Intelligence Agency.
Among other responsibilities, Forrestal was appointed a senior member of the President's reconstituted National Security Council. And, according to unacknowledged documents which has surfaced from informed sources over the last sixteen years was also a member of the Majestic Twelve, a panel composed of high level members of the government and the military establishment appointed and tasked with the mission to thoroughly investigate, collect, and assess the worrisome phenomenon of unidentified flying objects and the question of extraterrestrial visitation and intent. Please see,

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