History Of The Universe Takes
A Dive To 10 Billion
Phenomena Research Australia <>


Dear Jeff,
If the calculations are confirmed, then the history of the universe will have to be re-written in a big way.
An Australian team under the leadership of Professor Ray Norris at the Australian CSIRO radio telescope have located a Galaxy named "Source C", a faint "red dot" as seen through the Hubble Telescope as being a very unusual object.
The measurements put it at between 5 to 11 billion light years away.
This could mean that the "Big Bang" theory takes another negative hit from its current position, that we are all 13 billion years old to a unbelievable reduction, to 10 billion years!
The Australian team are said to be very excited with the find, at present all the measurements are right and a paper on the find is being prepared.
IMAGE of "Source C", a faint "red dot"

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