New Vote Count Favoring Bush
Termed An Error
Readers Research and Set the Record Straight On Vote Tally
By Mary Mostert - Analyst, Original Sources
For about 2 hours yesterday I posted figures I had received from a reader someone had sent him listing the Official Vote counts for all 50 states that showed close to a 2 million vote lead for George W. Bush. I checked about 15 of the states and found the figures to be mostly accurate, with some totals showing small differences that appeared to be from late absentee voter counts.
So I posted the article, with both my reader's warning that the figures were not verified and my own observation that I had not checked all the official vote tallies in all 50 States. I was rushing to a catch an airplane to Chicago, and didn't do a total verification.
Posting the article was a mistake. Very quickly I began getting letters from Michigan readers that the person who compiled the report had used the TOTAL vote for Michigan of all votes cast for George W. Bush, rather than the Bush vote. So, I removed the article and send a correcting e-mail to the list that gets my e-mailed reports.
The rest of the day was spent en route to Chicago and out of touch with my computer.
When, after midnight, I finally was able to download e-mail again, I found a huge number of e-mail from people who had taken my suggestion and checked out the individual official State Election results they could find by going to the Original Sources State pages at At the top of each state page is a link to election results for that page, generally to the State's Secretary of State.
Several readers had checked out all 50 state Election Department website posts of the OFFICIAL counts for each state. Three states still do not have official returns posted on their websites but all those who checked the ORIGINAL SOURCE of correct official returns, which I had posted told me much the same story. George W. Bush did not receive the majority of the popular vote according to those official returns. Several pointed out that it doesn't make any difference whether he did or not. He received the majority of the ELECTORAL COLLEGE votes and that is what our constitution provides to choose the President.
Those readers are, of course correct. Contrary to what the media often says, the founding fathers did not found a pure Democracy. In fact, they thought a pure democracy was the worst form of government. What we have is a Republic We have heard a lot about "voter intent" during the 36 day challenge to the official returns in Florida. In fact, we are told daily it seems that if "voter intent" was counted as legal votes in Florida, Al Gore would have won the State and therefore the Presidency.
If "voter intent" is important in Florida, shouldn't it also be important in California, New Mexico, and other Pacific Standard Time states? Every person I have talked to who was a California election worker on election day tells me the same story. Because Al Gore was declared the winner at 4:50 PM California time, hundreds of thousands of registered voters who "intended" to vote for George W. Bush, didn't go to the poll while many more Democrat voters DID go to the polls after Gore was declared the winner. We will never know who WOULD have won had true voter intent been counted as a vote in the November 7th election.
On the airplane today I found myself with a California election worker as a companion. She told me that immediately following the announcement on all networks that Al Gore had won Florida, there was a sharp drop in the number of registered Democrat voters coming to vote sharply increased while the number of registered Republican voters coming to vote sharply decreased. They had believed false media reports of a Gore victory.
While I apologize for adding more media confusion to an already confusing situation by posting the report containing an error on the Michigan tally, in some ways I'm glad I did it. I am impressed that so many readers, once they knew where to look, took the time and made the effort to search out the original source of correct, official, vote returns, add them up and make their own judgments on who won the official vote tally.
So far, no two tallies of the results match, although all of them indicate George W. Bush did not win a majority in the popular vote. But as many readers pointed out, that is just irrelevant at this point George W. Bush won the Electoral College vote in spite of reports of widespread voter fraud, illegal aliens voting, the dead voting, Democrats paying "walking around" money to voters in black precincts to get more votes for Al Gore.
The November 7th election clearly was imperfect. But, the Electoral College has voted and George W. Bush will become the 43rd President of the United States. The next time we have a national election, hopefully we will have figured out a way to reduce the voter fraud and conduct a truly honest election that everyone can believe selected the president and the members of Congress the majority INTENDED to vote for. That will require a system that halts voter fraud AND media manipulation.
One of the best ways to accomplish that is for more people to do what many of my readers did - go to the original sources which are increasingly available online and complain loudly when someone in the media gets it wrong. The American people have become far to accepting of leaders and media who don't tell them the truth.
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