Quid Pro Quo
And The Beat Goes On
By Barbara Stanley <>

Just finished reading all about Hitlery's hilariously named 'book deal' from Simon and Schuster ($8 Million) -for a book of which the outline is still non-existent. Yet all too existent is S&S's parent company, Viacom, which is sure to have legislation before the Senate. Oh, gee. Sound familiar? Whereas before, it was 'cattle futures', or U.S. hi-tech for Chinese commie blood money, now it is just SOP, standard operating procedure. Buying off a Senator or president is not even done behind closed doors anymore, but as before, (as they have shown us time after time after time, it is their pattern) right in our faces! So much for the ending of the Clinton regime.
Have they no shame? Well, now that I think about it, I guess not, otherwise why would she promise to write a book about their dirty laundry? Are these people so caught up in their own lives, they believe we find their lapses of judgment and character and morals too interesting to pass up reading even more about? And, paying for it to boot? Haven't we already paid enough? Hasn't America suffered more than enough in the eyes of the world as a result of their pubescent egocentric and self-serving poor behaviour?
Is it because they have such control of the propaganda machine we laughingly refer to as 'mainstream' media that they get away with spinning this as acceptable, tell us that she is "not yet a Senator" and not bound by the ethics and rules of the Senate? They are really telling us that we are idiots, aren't they?
And they are also showing us that nothing will change. Just as their bamboozling over the word 'is', now timing, in this case, the moments before swearing in, are just fine and dandy to get all the moneyed ducks in a row. Step right up, pay yer fee and we'll sell you the legislation that will make you potential billions. Just as was done with the paltry million or so from Bernie Schwartz to the DNC which has turned into potential billions in development of telecommunications in China, now more quid pro quos will appear as if by magic. Gee, whatta coincidence.
Perhaps we should keep an eye on the pharmaceutical industry and the way they set up free clinics in schools, buy legislators and hence legislation giving the school money for each child 'at risk' (read here, not learning up to standards and more than likely because of a teacher who is not really a gifted teacher and sometimes even an idiot to boot who could not pass an 8th grade exam themselves) and you have a ready made market for all the drugs that will accompany that youth into adulthood. In the case of Senator Hillary, what mischief will be done with ethics non-existent?
How come the "appearance", as Janet Reno said, "of impropriety" is worthy of investigation, yet it also seems it's only a matter of concern if it is on the GOP side of the aisle. Oh, I get it. If you actually commit the felony, it is okay, but if someone thinks you might have had a thought, or their might be a faint whiff of impropriety, oh, well, then it's "Off with their conservative heads!"
I remember what David (tea and sympathy buddy to commie Daniel Ortega) Bonior did when there was the accusation of taint in the Gingrich book deal he went ballistic. Bonior trumped up enough charges, screamed the word "ethics" as though he invented it (clearly not having had determined its meaning yet) over and over to any leftist media outlet that would give him a microphone until Gingrich was seriously damaged and to the tune of a $300,000 insult to add to this injury. Where are these guardians of virtue now? How is Newt's book deal any different than Hillary's?
What did Newt eventually do? He tried to do the right thing, abide the letter of the law-all in the face of a baseless accusation. The final outcome, Newt's acquittal in this non-trial was that Newt was blameless. But, as was once said by another man savaged by the democommie spin, where does one go to get back a reputation? Chances are, if you don't read the truth on line or the Washington Times, you would never have known that after all was said and done, Newt did nothing wrong. But, lest we forget, it is only the appearance by a republican that gets any notice, right?
And now we have the Missus herself, flaunting her special status to be above the law, any law and I call this her 'let them eat cake attitude'. This is how I recognize a limousine liberal. They will use anyone or anything, usually in the name of 'the children', to make sure there is a law for me and a law for them. Their law is no law. Their law is any means to an end, and I do mean any. They are just so far above us who actually make our way in the world, despite all their taxes, who make the world for them to toy with and claim as their own labours harvest. They make millions to squirrel away in their off shore accounts while se are reduced to accepting that which we think we cannot change. Ah, but we can change things and, in reality, things are changing already. We have had enough placed in front of us by the last eight years that the next few will be very much watched and, certainly, written about.
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