Estrogen/HRT - Being A Normal
Female Is Nearly A 'Disease'
To Big Medicine
By Sherrill Sellman <>
With the frantic holiday pace increasing, you may have been too busy to have read my recent email. I receive hundreds of emails each week from women pleading for assistance. The best way I know to assist is to present you and other women with the opportunity to become educated about their bodies and healthcare. So, like Paul Revere, on a long but defining ride, I am sounding the alarm.
Here is the essence of my message and request.
FACT: Women are big business to the medical/pharmaceutical world. More than ever our natural cycles are being medicalized and pathologzied. And it's s not just menopause that is being treated as a disease with Hormone Replacement Therapy. . The growing trend is to now make women's menstrual cycles the cause of all their suffering and reproductive diseases. (Time Magazine, Sept. 18, 2000). The cure is simple. Just use a continuous low doe Pill and only menstruate 3 or 4 times a year.
Sound ludicrous? Well, the so called "experts" are out on the media circuit trying to brainwash women into accepting this outrageous and inaccurate theory. This treatment is already being prescribed to women.
FACT: The Pill has 4 times the amount of steroid hormones than HRT. Remember, synthetic estrogens and progestins combined have more than 120 possible risks and side-effects. Remember, estrogens and progestins are known to initiate and cause breast cancer and as of a report published today, is being considered by the FDA to be listed as a carcinogen.
My publisher has almost sold out of the Women's Wisdom Collection, there are only a few left unsold. The absolute best way that women receive assistance from me is by getting the materials that have been made available. To receive this special offer go to:
FACT: HRT has now be found to also cause heart disease. That's right CAUSE heart disease. More hysterectomies are being done than ever before. Breast cancer rates are on the rise as is the use of the known carcinogenic drug tamoxifen (New York Times, May 16, 2000).
FACT: Did you know that there are to date no long term studies showing the safety of HRT? (And I don't believe HRT will ever be proven to be safe).
Do you know women presently taking the Pill or HRT? Are you aware of the serious dangers from these drugs? Do you know that there are safe and effective solutions to all hormonal issues? Do you know that 95% of hysterectomies are not necessary and that most hormonal imbalances are symptoms of poor health? What are the most natural ways to address hormonal imbalances? Why will our daughters face higher risks of dying from breast cancer?
The answers to these vital questions and solutions are found in my book "Hormone Heresy", the newly released audio tape - HRT or Natural Progesterone and 7 in-depth reports covering the shocking facts about the Pill, myths of menopause,tamoxifen, hysterectomies, HRT & osteoporosis,and HRT & heart disease. I call this the Woman's Wisdom Collection. It is the culmination of 8 years of research and relentless investigation into the real causes and solutions to women's hormonal health issues.
This is crucial information for all women. It not only will empower you but also help you emerge out of the confusing maze of frustration and harmful drug treatments. So, please consider ordering the Woman's Wisdom collection. Whether it is a gift for yourself or as a Christmas gift for the special women in your life, it will make a difference and, perhaps, even save a life. It will certainly help to alleviate much suffering.
Remember that the Woman's Wisdom Collection is a gift that you will not want to miss, it's at:
It also includes $100 worth of savings to some of the best natural products and services for hormonal balance that I have found.
Give a gift of real value. Order the Women's Wisdom Collection. The health and well-being of your family and friends are precious.
Kindest regards, Sherrill Sellman
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