SoCal Companies Pay $73 Million
To Clean Up Pacific Shoreline

TORRANCE, California, December 20, 2000 (ENS) - Four companies will pay $73 million to clean up contamination from the pesticide DDT and restore the ocean environment off the coast of Los Angeles. The settlement with the United States and State of California, filed Tuesday, ends a 10 year suit over the world's largest DDT pollution site.
From 1947 until 1971, the Montrose plant discharged an estimated 1,800 tons of DDT into Los Angeles County sewers that empty into the Pacific Ocean. Montrose also dumped hundreds of tons of DDT contaminated waste into the ocean near Santa Catalina Island.
The discharge of DDT through the sewer system created the largest known area of DDT contamination in the world. More than 110 tons of DDT remains in a 17 square mile layer of contaminated sediment on the Palos Verdes shelf, an area of the ocean floor off the coast of Los Angeles.
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