Thurston Bell Challenges
60 Minutes On Tax
Disinformation Report
From Thurston P. Bell <>

Dear Members,
My showing 60 Minutes that I want am willing to meet with them and am not hiding, will help me indict the credibility of 60 Minutes with REAL evidence and not MERE words and beliefs of the average man or woman. Also, if they were to interview me, I would insist on having my own video tape running at the same time.
Although I have a tendency to believe that the media is not our friend and that I would approach a meeting with someone like Mike Wallace with a certain level of suspicion, I MUST at least once hold my hand out in TRUTH and HONOR on the record, and then make a record of what it is that they do. This will prove that they lack credibility and are not to be trusted and have NO honor to the public service that they are to effect under the Freedom of Speech. If not for Freedom of Speech, then they are not honorably using the 1st Amendment, which is not about merely speaking, it is about questions, discussions, and debating the TRUTH and to state facts without FEAR.
If they are my enemy, I must prove it, and then expose them; and then I must destroy them with their own weapon....for they are more powerful than I. They may speak of me for 20 minutes, but I will speak of them every day at
Please help me. This test will expose 60 Minutes once and for all. They will either do our bidding by forcing TRUE public debate, or they will destroy their own legitimacy.
Thurston P. Bell
(This is Maddie, below are some letters from members that are being sent and will be published on our website. Also, if you haven't already done so, please look at ALL the feedback left by members here: and please do leave your feedback. There are two feedback posts we will NOT be publishing, one is vulgar and came from Steve Deluca and the other is from Taxgate researcher Sean O'Hara making smart-alecky comments like "Tax Moses Bell".
We are making history, one way or the other and it's important to VOICE your opinion. We spoke with the receptionist at 60 Minutes and he said that writing letters is the best way to communicate with them. NOT e-mail or phone.) _____
Mr. Don Hewitt,
Executive Producer 60 Minutes
524 West 57th St.
New York, New York 10019
Dear Mr. Hewitt:
It has been brought to my attention that 60 Minutes is looking at a story on employers not withholding the usual panoply of taxes.
I also understand that you have been in touch with Joe Banister who is lining up another ex-IRS agent. You are probably looking to run the story before April 15th.
Although you may not have formerly interviewed Joe yet, is it true that you are in touch with him and making some preliminary arrangements?
Let me just say that any story that concerns the above mentioned topic would be shallow indeed, if the individual who bears the primary and overwhelming responsibility for the research and utilization of the data by such employers were not also interviewed! That individual is Mr. Thurston Bell and it is from Mr. Bell that Joe Banister obtained the limited information that he has. Joe knows only enough to be "dangerous." Without Thurston Bell, none of the employers who have taken this stand would have done so.
The subject of the federal income tax is one that I have studied in depth as a professional for the past seven years. I have read every book that one of the pioneers in this "movement" has written, Irwin Schiff. I have compared his information with countless other so called tax experts like, Wayne Benson, Eddie Kahn, Eddie Rivera, Larry Becraft, Richard Clark, Lynne Meredith, Pastor Richard Standring, et al. All of these mentioned and 99% of all the rest unmentioned, in my opinion provide information that sooner or later will get the person utilizing their off point strategies "tarred and feathered" by the Service. But they fill their pocket books nonetheless.
Only one individual in my examination of the literature and research has provided truly useful, affordable, effective, factual, and legal information that proves conclusively that the IRS is completely contemptuous of numerous Constitutional rights afforded Americans, not the least of which is Due Process which is a story in itself, and that individual is Thurston Bell.
In conclusion then, any 60 Minutes national news show on this very important subject without the participation and input of this superior researcher would not be a reflection of the historic professionalism of your show. So I urge you to avoid at all costs setting up the American people once again as cannon fodder for the IRS and let the truth come from the "horse's mouth," Thurston Bell.
Yours truly, T. Michael Haney, CFP
Mike Wallace 60 Minutes 524 West 57th Street New York, NY 10019 December 29, 2000
Dear Mr. Wallace, I understand that you or an associate is making preparations to do a story featuring former IRS agent Joe Banister regarding the withholding of income taxes. Since many people view your program as representing "serious" investigative reporting, may I recommend that the very first homework you should undertake, if you haven't already, is that which will put you in touch with the only repeatedly successful expert on the subject, to my knowledge, in the country. His name is Thurston Bell and he is the founder of the National Institute for Taxation Education (
I do not know Mr. Banister personally, and although he may be a fine man and well-intentioned, there is ample evidence that he simply does not have a sufficient grasp of the code and the positions which have been successfully used to present his case authoritatively. And in presenting a story that could have a direct impact upon literally tens of millions of Americans, I'm sure you would want to present the most authoritative expert who can be found.
To a certain extent, of course, that is a judgment call, but I would like to think that you would prefer to make that an informed call. To be unaware of the seminal work done on this issue by Thurston Bell, or to present on 60 Minutes simply the derivative work done by others after being alerted to the role of Mr. Bell in formulating the strategy, would be tantamount, in my opinion, to willfully misleading the vast audience of your program. I know that is not your intention.
The decision is yours, naturally, but I'm confident that Mr. Bell would be responsive to any inquiries from you. He may be contacted through the website cited above.
I have enjoyed many of your reports in the past, and look forward to the continuation of full, accurate and authoritative reporting on 60 Minutes.
Kind regards,
Harold Long
cc: Don Hewitt Thurston Bell
Don Hewitt,
Exec. Producer 60 Minutes
524 West 57th Street
New York, NY 10019
Dear Mr. Hewitt,
It has come to my attention that 60 Minutes is preparing a segment concerning the growing number of U.S. employers who are no longer reporting employee or independent contractor income to IRS. I understand that the segment will be based on your interview with Mr. Joe Banister, the ex-IRS CID agent who has become allied with the tax protestor movement in this nation.
While I believe the subject matter is worthy of the attention of a show of the caliber of 60 Minutes, I must tell you that it would be a basic error to use Mr. Banister as an authority on the subject. He is far from that, notwithstanding his former connection to the IRS. The true nature of the subject is not that of protesting the income tax. It is based instead on the growing insistence that the IRS follow due process of law-which it has broadly disdained to do in its Nazi-like tax collection practices. Mr. Banister was part of those practices until, he says, he began to doubt that the income tax was basically legal. Whereupon he joined with a group of nut cases who claim the Sixteenth Amendment was never ratified, the IRS is bogus, and a string of other fanciful theories.
Truth be told, sir, Mr. Banister knows little or nothing of the lawful basis for what these employers are doing. The person centrally responsible for researching the law and basing those employer's successful actions squarely on due process is a man by the name of Thurston P. Bell, a paralegal who founded and heads the National Institute of Taxation Education. Bell's organization has achieved notable success in backing down IRS by dint of the tax code and IRS's own manual. He's the key and responsible authority on the matter-not an off-topic Johnny-come-wrongly like Mr. Banister.
At the very least, you should interview Mr. Bell to get the full and accurate story. You may reach him through the NITE web site at I would like to stress again that Mr. Bell is not a tax protester, but one who advocates and relishes the rule of law for everyone, especially including the IRS.
Tom Bottaro

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