A Lesson From Nature For
The Coming Year

By Judith Moriarty
In a world at war and catastrophic destruction from a tsunami, it's enlightening to observe the actions of various people and nations. For example: The first response from the Super-Power nation (that's us) was that letters of condolence were sent to the various countries! This from the platform of Christian empathy-the supposed 'values' of those claiming God will rid the world of evil no matter how many are shredded or slaughtered! Meantime on CCTV (out of Beijing) the 'immediate' response (absent letters) were huge cargo planes of tents-food-medicine and teams of doctors! Meantime here in the U.S. Colin Powell (Mr. Bush on vacation) announced 4 million-then 15 million and finally after UN outrage an announced 35 million to be sent to nine countries with multi-billions in damage and whole villages destroyed!
Meantime we pause (some of us) thinking of the $1 trillion in tax cuts under Bush (to the wealthy)-the $228 million per day on the Iraq war (all borrowed), the $400 million spent on the Bush/Kerry gyrating buffoonery of conventions-the $65 million spent on the Ukrainian voting debacle (ours meantime unreported), $225 million for ONE F-22 Raptor tactical fighter jet and the planned $45 million + for the upcoming coronation fiasco in Foggy Bottom.
The point being that be it Rose Bowl parades, football games, Times Square revelry tonight, inaugurations-balls-or the lament of a family on a year's long vacation losing their camera and computer in the "tsunami event"; like spooks or voyeurs to life's events; nothing hinders or interferes with party hardy-trips-parades-or gladiator sports events! Not even what has been announced as a tragedy of "Biblical proportions?" What schizoid perverseness has on the one hand sighing over those poor brown people (uninsured) suffering total destruction (loss of life) while we go about the continual pulverizing-maiming-shredding-and brutal torture of other brown people? What delusional insanity is this? Hmmm-God is being blamed for (various reports) on His insensitivity-brutality on 'causing' such an environmental tragedy but lauded on the other hand as being the God of War able to pulverize-poison (depleted uranium) whole lands and generations of people (soldiers and Iraqis) for billions of years!
It is perplexing for those of simple common sense understanding this schizophrenic God! He apparently gives the genius to invent and create the most diabolical of organ rupturing-oxygen sucking-melting weapons but neglected to whisper in the ears of the officials that a mere $20 million in warning technology would have saved tens of thousands of people! He's apparently 'gifted' the oil-gas corporations of the world with the 'genius' to rupture the bowels of the ocean floors (surrounding Indonesia) to explore with sophisticated sonar-electromagnetic waves etc., but is in a quandary as to responsible stewardship of gifting corporations with knowledge on preventing toxic poisoning of whole regions! Genius from this mentally ill God, creates pigs with human hearts and livers, sterilized seeds, mutated modified foods, chemical blankets of the world's skies (nobody looks up), biological chemicals, killer viruses, stun guns, laser scans, land rovers for distant planets, space stations, et al; but is incapable of granting the genius to stop acid rain, feeding the multitudes, heal cancer, restore sight, or ministering to the dispossessed, homeless and marginalized of the world outside the city gates!
How is it that this God proclaimed as raising the dead, healing a withered hand, caring for the sick, the stranger, the hungry, the imprisoned, the leper and delivering the demoniac of his legion of demons cannot heal the hardened, insensitive, brutal, ruthlessness or greed of man? But, ah, then that would have this maniacal God of War as a mere puppet-master giving man no choice in the matter. It is not God who supplies thousands of machetes to a people so that they might hack their neighbors to death. It is not God who piles pyramids of naked people in distant prisons and laughs at the humiliation. It is not God who hoods men, puts them in cages and identifies them as non-persons. It is not God who shoots down women, children and wounded people in vengeful rage. It is not God who has men building roulette wheels, one armed bandits, blackjack tables, and various games of chance for the sake of mammon. This and more is all man's can serve two masters.
When one deconstructs emotionally and chooses to reside outside the barriers of his/her walled, hardened heart for shallow, superficial monetary, materialistic or corrupt power over others; they enter the realm of prejudice, hatred, insatiable greed, abuse, venomous attacks, torture, lewdness, sexual depravity, and murder. There is no light in this maze----one inhumane act leads to another. They choose to live in the twilight or darkness of the soul stealers. No love, empathy, compassion, kindness, gentleness, or sacrificial giving exists in this void. They are the living-dead who costume themselves in various masked personages to exist in society. Any emotions-social amenities-postured concern etc., is all mimed and staged. Only thing is.the one gift of the Spirit that cannot be counterfeited is LOVE. This is impossible---thus by their "fruits" (love being one of them) you shall know them. Simple.
In the realm of Love one does not covet another nation's resources. In the realm of Love one does NOT use the gifts, genius, and talents that each is given to maim, destroy, torture, poison, or kill another. In the realm of Love one does not sacrifice one's young to the master puppets of war. In the realm of Love one does not plunder, drill, poison, and pollute the majestic wonders of the earth for profit! In the realm of Love one never creates weapons of annihilating destruction. In the realm of Love one does not pollute the heavens, outer space or the awesome oceans with technology, waste, and sonar disruptive sound waves---killing ocean life. In the realm of Love one does not posture and pontificate over the word genocide while hundreds of thousands die. In the realm of Love one does not serve corporate hucksters with tax breaks, subsidies, and inhumane trade policies. In the realm of Love one does not party, spend obscene millions or parade while the multitudes of the earth suffer and die. In the realm of Love one does not beat clubs on shields, gas, beat, or terrorize those who stand on Freedom's side! In the realm of Love one does not threaten, intimidate, or attack those on the side of righteousness and justice. In the realm of Love one creates, feeds the hungry, houses the homeless, cares for the sick, protects the environment, pays a fair wage for a day's labor, and sees to one's neighbors. Love hopes all things.
Many have 'chosen' not to reside outside the barriers of their hearts in the outer darkness-but can be seen as beacons of light, thus darkness will not conquer. They joy in the small patch of yard in Ohio, care for an autistic son in New Mexico, are cabinet makers, artists, forest rangers, farmers, social workers, representatives, janitors, editors, counselors, doctors, business people, fishermen, poets, musicians, teachers, and ordinary people. These are those who live in the realm of Love and are not the destroyers; but instead builders, creators, and peace-makers. Their presence and voice can be found wherever there is injustice, greed, bias, prejudice, illegal gain, and bombastic war. They are the drummers-the voice in the wilderness. They are much maligned and labeled in a perverse world which sees evil as good and lauds those who destroy-or salivates at the feet of the titled, moneyed, and famous. In the realm of Love their heartbeat cannot be silenced.
A few years ago it was another Christmas season. I walked in the woods to visit an ancient tree. Seemingly these acres of woods were being eyed for the few dollars of profit they would bring. Surely I thought the people in this removed wilderness would protect this land. Alas---a few months later it was clear cut with the debris of smaller trees and hemlocks left rotting. Greed won again.with surprisingly (too late) the land now marked as protected for recreation etc! Man's insanity knows no bounds.recreation in a plundered forest!
And so when I think of peace of the strong leaning down to nuzzle-to communicate with the small-fragile and weak -------- it's to nature I turn. And so I gift you with a lesson of a gigantic Moose (that resides in our part of the country-NH) and a small kitten.would that man had such empathy and gentleness, one for another. Love Jude SEE picture below. Kiss of peace!



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