The Mask Is Slipping &
The Nightmare Grows

By Jim Kirwan
When the Bush Doctrine of 2002 was implemented, that signaled the world that any country could be next, in our megalomaniacal quest, to own everything and everyone on the planet. At that moment, the rest of the civilized world began to put plans in place to marginalize the USA, to remove us from their horizons. When the theft of the last election became a fact their plans jumped to light-speed in order to be implemented. The entire world has begun to rearrange their priorities to cut us out of the global picture, and that's what awaits us now!

How many of the things you use every day were made in America? What kind of vehicle do you drive, and where was it made. You know that the fuel to operate it doesn't come from here; you can see that the buses, the trains, and most of the rest of what we take for granted are not made here: but what about all the smaller items? China bought out IBM's PC division, and most component parts, no longer come from here. We have outsourced our way of life, along with most of the real jobs, and all that's left are the few occupations that must remain here, because they require some physical act that cannot be done from abroad. We used to lead the world and now we're just one step from beggary.

Reagan began the privatizing that turned this nation into a pink-collar service, back in the 1980's. Bush has now finished off the process by outsourcing even that paltry shadow of an industry. India and China and other places, now have the jobs, to avoid regulations and to allow American owners to vastly increase their profits, with zero oversight. Tax-dodging corporations get corporate welfare to aid them in their quest for dominance over what's left of American business, and there are no discussions. This government has opened the floodgates to mergers and acquisions, and in every field there are ever fewer competitors. What happens when there's nothing left to buy or acquire. What happened to real competition? What will happen when Wal-Mart succeeds in crushing all the competition, we will see their prices soar when there is no longer any choice.

Today our "money" buys about half what it did (in the world), just two years ago. Most are unaware of this, unless they travel outside this country. Under Reagan the USA went from the world's largest creditor nation to the world's largest debtor nation during his term. Clinton reversed that and left the nation with a huge surplus a surplus that George W. Bush promptly turned into the largest debt that this country, or the world has ever seen. This was done while citing Reagan's view that deficits were unimportant., Now we've reached the point where we can no longer pay those debts, and we've begun defaulting on some of them. With nothing much to sell, and too few jobs, and an empty treasury besides - it appears that we're living now on borrowed time.

This situation, for those who have underwritten our obscene debt load has become impossible to bear, so they will soon begin to withdraw their invested capital, as well as their continued interest in our welfare. This is due directly to the policies of this administration, and has only been exacerbated by the arrogance and greed of those who have taken over USA incorporated. America is now known for belligerence and thugery, and that's a lousy business arrangement. Every U.S. taxpayer is also a silent partner with this government, having no say, and no choice in what will be done with either our money, or our military. Why have none of these changes ever been publicly discussed, before they became policies? Bush says it's because "we are at war." But the question lingers: who is the real enemy here?

For decades now, the Neo-Cons has have believed that the United States cannot be allowed to fail, because the entire world would go down with us. They cite the crash of 1929 as proof of that. But it's 2005 now, and money can be moved around the world in the time it takes to make a computer keystroke. We are no longer a manufacturing power, no longer a consumer bulwark, because we've lost too many of the jobs that were the backbone of this nation's health and wealth, in the world at large. Without good jobs there is no money to remain in the consumer class, much less rise to what we may have dreamed of. Because of the new policies of other nations and our own rush to unemploy this nation's working people, we are finding that there is now far less demand for "things American" around the planet.

The world has changed, and we have not kept pace, in fact we're going the other way at light speed. We make some weapons, and we export our garbage, literally. Beyond that this nation is barely a shadow of its former self. Most of these changes owe their existence to either presidential decrees or to shoddy and rushed legislation, with little or no debate. Aside from a handful of legislators, who really cares what happens to us?

Just look around your kitchen: if you live in a major city how much of what you're eating comes from here? Whenever you read, in books or magazines, whatever it is probably comes from Germany, from Bertelesmann to be precise. The formerly US owned publishers were allowed to retain their hallowed imprints, but the decisions to publish are mostly made over there:

What has been undertaken is the dismemberment of this nation, the destruction of our capacities, along with our freedoms and any hope for a real tomorrow. Through the redistribution of our wealth carried out by privatization, our once mighty and successful nation has become a virtual corpse, compared to what we were: before we let the bandits run amuck. Bear in mind that prisons, schools, transportation systems, hospitals and libraries are only some of what's been lost, and most of those institutions were created with public money, and were deeded to the privateers for ten cents on the dollar.

Our borders are a joke; Americans are forced to train the illegals that are being hired to replace them. This fake government wants to see this nation hobbled, to the point of abject slavery - because these thefts come back to greed and power, for the very few elites that want to own it all.

The policies of this administration are based on the belief that the USA can do anything it wants because we are the sole superpower in the world. Real superpowers do not make polices from the barrels of their guns. A superpower leads by cooperation and diplomacy, because to resort to force means that the aggressor has lost the discussion. Things are done that way, because the world is connected in so many ways, and because any long term changes politically, monetarily, or socially have to made with the involvement of all the parties. No real changes can ever successfully be dictated. Vietnam should have taught us that!

The Bushwhackers are using the "problem-reaction-solution method." First they create a problem (911), then they reacted to it (attack the bad guys - without evidence or proof of anything at all), then they provide the solution that isn't (unending war upon evil and terror - which is unwinable, by any measure).

In the case of Iraq, the masters are blackmailing taxpayers into paying out hundreds of billions to cronies, for stuff that either doesn't get done, or is worked on and then blown up. That doesn't include the huge costs of re-supplying the military continuously, while insuring that the situation can never reach a real solution. There are finite limits on how long such policies can be continued - and now time is running out on this shell game. It's time for either another contrived act to "bring the country together," or for a complete reassessment. However, since the latter might involve impeachments or prison, that seems doubtful now.

Bush wants to use this same process against Social Security: by declaring that it will crash unless we act (no proof whatsoever, and aside from the fact that this solution, was born decades ago, he still spent the reserves to enhance this problem in the first place). This proposal, he followed by making his tax cuts permanent, thus guaranteeing that the government will be short of money in perpetuity. First they create each problem, then they extort the funds needed by stealing them from actual domestic needs, so that the open-ended quagmire will never end. This used to be called "the gravy-train," now it's just a semi-secret transfer of wealth from taxpayers to those very special few who swallow all the profits.

The budget is only $368 billon, but does not include the $300 billion for the war, the several trillion in tax cuts, or the one to two trillion for privatizing Social Security. Was Ken Lay was a mentor, in designing this version of voodoo economics - or was this just a coincidence? There is a huge difference between what this government is "counting" in the budget, and what they are omitting. This is a duplicitous series of self-serving lies, and it's happening despite our pending bankruptcy, as well as the military failures that we have yet to admit to.

In Iraq we dictated impoverishment for that country, while we killed over a hundred thousand of those we said we were there to protect. Did those who died have a "right to vote," what about their freedoms - well they're dead - so their surviving relatives should just be glad we came to give them freedom and liberty. But liberty cannot be given, it has to be fought for by those who want it, so our guns can never be a substitute for their transformation. In this case all we've done with our barbaric invasion and the after-slaughter, is to insure a hundred years of hatred by millions more who are now dead-set against us. We have succeeded, in creating the thoughtless slaughter of vast numbers of people in their own country, because they resisted occupation. Yet Bush shows no grasp of this very basic disconnect, just as he shows no knowledge of this entire sad episode of American machismo and thugery.

Our infrastructure is crumbling, our schools are failing, our social services are in a shambles, and thanks to our extremists, we have very few of the liberties or the freedoms that we say we want to bring to the world. To speak with a straight face about these things to the public is beyond farce, and given the fact that Bush has not protected either the US Constitution or the people of this land - he is personally giving evidence that he is in violation of his oath of office, with every lie he continues to voice.

No one has asked the USA to take command of the world, yet that is exactly what the Bush coronation speech tried to do. Bush has very specific duties under law - as president - yet he steadfastly refuses to fulfill those duties. Commander-in-Chief is not an elective office, it's a subordinate duty that he must also carry out - his first duty has to be to us and not to the Iraqi people. There was not one word in his coronation about us, or Iraq, all of that was only about how and who he wants to rule - with no word about all his mistakes that are still waiting to be fixed.

"There are cracks in everything." One has to wonder when that crack in our Liberty Bell will finally shatter the concepts that we thought we lived under - so that in the reality of the daylight we can finally and firmly overwhelm all the lies and distractions that are the mainstays of this administration.

We need "to let the light get in," to this complicit and perverted pact we seem to have with this imposter who calls himself the president - this cowboy who believes that he was sent by God to be absolute ruler of the planet. It sounds outrageous, but he is a madman, and his fantasies must be addressed clearly and on the record, or he and his masters will take us all into that special hell, in which no one who works will ever profit from their labor.

Watch him blink, see him lie repeatedly, and then decide how much longer will you can tolerate this fool who would be King. The mask is slipping, and now all can see the nightmare that was designed for us all to live in.




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