Argentina - Rooftop
Madman Seen At Window

From Scott Corrales
INEXPLICATA - The Journal of Hispanic Ufology
The Devil At The Window
Commotion in Barrio San Lorenzo over accounts of a ghostly entity.
Bulldog edition of 'Diario El Litoral'
Residents of Santa Fe neighborhoods like Centenario and San Lorenzo are in an uproar over the insistent stories concerning the appearance of a ghoslty entity.
It is for this reason that many--at nightfall--lock themselves and bolt the door. In all fairnes, it must also be said that others pluck up their courage and go out in search of the ghost, armed with sticks, machetes and dark intentions.
This same scene has repeated itself day after day over the past two weeks, but last night's chapter was, without a doubt, the one that reached the greatest dramatic intensity.
Until yesterday, the mysterious entity only leaped from one rooftop to another and vanished as quickly as it had appeared. Last night was different: it dared invade a family home.
Around 22:00 hours, Elsa let out a scream that was heard all along Entre Rios Street and gave everyone goosebumps -- so much that even the hardend boys of the El Pasillo gang were alarmed.
Elsa, a hairstylist whose salon is located in the heart of San Lorenzo, took to the street --surrounded by nephews--to tell anyone willing to listen that while she bathed the youngest one, the ghost pressed its face against the bathroom window, showing its claws menacingly and fixing a menacing stare on her.
Everyone remained in suspense after this new story, but immediately, those who were standing guard appeared in vast numbers, wielding heavy clubs, sharp machetes, stilettos, penknives and even humble kitchen knives.
Thus armed and willing to settle the score, they went out after the apparition while various police patrols reached the site with the intention of avoiding a possible lynching or a tragic mistake among the vigilantes themselves.
That's when we heard, amidst the tumult, some frightening stories. Ruben agreed with Elsa when she said that the phantom has red eyes like fire and added that the horrifying personage dresses in black from head to toe.
Ruben also said -- while everyone around him nodded -- that the character being sought is a tall man with a long, wavy mane of ahir. Aside from that, our interviewee sworn having seen it -- together with other neighbors -- as it escaped from Elsa's house, leaping from rootop to rooftop.
"How do you explain," he replied to a question we asked, "how this guy can climb a smooth wall six meters tall? How can you explain that it can leap across the street in a single bound, like it crossed Entre Rios street tonight, unless it was the Devil himself?"
When a respectful silence had settled around Rubén -- a silence that would only be interrupted by the appearance of a police officer, who asked in turn: "How can you explain how we couldn't catch him, when we shot him three times and hit him twice?"
Believe it or bust. But the mystery, the night watch and the risk of a fatal mistake were still latent in the southern area neighborhoods when we returned to the newsroom. To tell the tuth, where and when the next chapter will be written is something we still do not know.
Translation (c) 2005. Scott Corrales, IHU. Special thanks to Liliana Núñez.



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