Last Years Of The
Catholic Church
By Jack Manuelian

The world is witnessing the last years of the Catholic Church. There are only two more popes coming after John Paul II, then their play of some eighteen centuries will come to an end and the final stage-curtain will fall amids a world in flames because of a raging World War III.
St. Malachy, the Irish Catholic saint of twelfth century, gave the following mottos to the last two popes who will succeed John Paul II. To the penultimate pope he gave the motto "of the glory of the olive." An olive branch stands for peace and there is presently only one Catholic spiritual figure who merits that branch. He is Cardinal Roger Etchegaray.
Etchegaray was president of the Vatican council of justice and peace, up until 1998. In Jan. 2001, he was special papal envoy to the celebration of the World Peace Day in Jerusalem and the Holy Land. In May 1-8, 2002 he was papal envoy on a special peace mission to Jerusalem. On March, 2004, he received the Prize "Felix Houphouet-Boigny" for his work toward world peace.
Etchegaray, although now 83 years old, he is very much active. On sept. 2004, he was special papal envoy to the celebrations of the centennial of the "social week of France." Presently most cardinals of the conclave are inclined toward a short papacy, toward a "transitional pope" and Echegaray can serve them right. Actually, his reign would be short and during his papacy the see will be moved from Vatican because of climate of war (like USA attacking Iran) or because of fire destroying most of the buildings of Vatican.
Etchegary was born in ancient France, toward south of the famous wine region Bordeaux, near the Spanish border, in the town of Bayonne. His surname indicates that he is of a Basque heritage and not a French. If he becomes the next pope then the saying of sage Nosty will come true: "Not from Spain, but he who is born in ancient France will be elected for the trembling gondola of the papacy."
Etchegary's successor is most likely Cardinal Jean-Marie Lusti-ger, who with his eyeglasses looks like Henry Kissinger. He was born as Aaron Lustinger in Paris, France, from a Polish Jewish parents. He lost his parents during Nazi occupation of France. Lived with a Catholic family, then converted to Catholicism in Aug 25, 1940. Presently he is 79 years old. He could become the last pope and during his reign the Catholic Church and its hierarchy will be "gone by the winds."
St. Malachy gave him the motto "Petrus Romanus" which is Latin for Peter the Roman. The original apostle Peter was a Jew of course who, in contrast, might be called "Petrus Judaicus." Also, in 1981, when Lustinger became a cardinal he received the title "Saints Marcellino e Pietro," now, "Pietro" means stone or a rock, this is another reference to Peter whom the Catholics believe was the rock upon whom their church was build, a church that the world will soon witness its destruction.
Jack Manuelian is the author of the book--NOSTRADAMUS: PREDICTIONS OF WORLD WAR III. ISBN: 0938294520. This article is not copy-righted.



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