The Return Of The
Robber Barons

By Jim Kirwan
The murder of the middle class has made all this possible, and unconsciously we have colluded in this by keeping silent; by not wanting to disturb the lowering expectations of the herd as a whole. True we did this out of fear and concern for personal survival, but we traded real opportunities for token security - and we gave up our freedoms in that bargain - so we now have neither; freedom, safety or national security! What we have allowed ourselves to be enlisted in a faceless army of the poor that must now do only what we are told to do by those criminals that we have allowed to steal the very heart of all that once kept us free and conscious in a difficult and changing world.
There is a clash in "the utter inconsistency between ideology and operational policy - a general characteristic of Roman religious fundamentalism in that it has traditionally preached "Christianity" and practiced imperialism, colonialism and now capitalism. America's religious capitalism has no use for scientific knowledge and its philosophical ramifications but yet it has become utterly dependent upon scientific technology to fuel the production of commodities and capital in nourishing corporate dominion. In other words, religious capitalism is all body and no mind in the interest of greed-driven survival.
"All body and no mind," Think about that phrase because that would mean that people are nothing but human machine parts - with none of the human attributions that make us into the individuals that we claim to be. What this means, in terms of the evolution of society, is that human potential is not and has not been part of the equation - wherever work or the life of the individual is considered.
Literally this involves that disconnect between human beings and the capabilities and thoughts that each of us brings to any endeavor. A body without a mind is not technically a human being. So when the jobs market consists only in the training and retraining of people as if we are all of the same caliber, all virtually as uniformly available for any job and as indistinct as cattle in a herd; we can therefore be treated as though we individually have no mind or our own, no skills or talents to be used in particular slots in the grand scheme of things - this is why "work" is so boring and so bland across the board today.
So long as we are treated by employers as slaves; with no rights, with no need to consider special talents based on inherent merit, with no avenue to appeal this decree - then not only are companies the poorer for it, but the society is permanently handicapped to the degree that the situation is prevented from changing by those dominant forces (of Roman religious fundamentalism in that it has traditionally preached "Christianity" and practiced imperialism, colonialism and now capitalism) that have sworn allegiance to these backward and confining conditions.
Many writers have been wrestling with why it is that we cannot seem to break the hammerlock that this system seems to maintain over the consciousness of so many people that seem to be buying in to the nightmare that The Bush Doctrine of 2002 has laid on all humanity, simply to enable their schemes for global dominion to succeed. The problem seems to be that the dumbing down of education and the exclusion of hope or possibility within the jobs markets of the world today - combines to force most people to accept the unacceptable - which amounts to having no real choices (in society, in work, or in political or philosophical thought) at all!
So, when pundits try to "Tell the People" what the hell is really going on - the public simply shuts down, and denies that there is anything wrong, because that would necessitate doing something about this situation? Our "conditioning" does not permit this avenue of thought to even be explored: because the penalties for that are job termination, possibly prison, and or expulsion from the main stream of the herd - any or all of which are technically unthinkable.
So congratulations people, we have made the transition from people to dumb animals, and no amount of shiny new toys, or sexy bodybuilding, or in-group perks can compensate anyone for the loss of our personal individuality or our humanity.
This has taken the overseer's many decades to achieve, in order to run this human machine with the kinds of precision that they have been seeking since they were first denied their role as robber barons at the top of a society, where they were the self-appointed kings. Well They're Back - and we are no longer equipped to fight them, because we have allowed them to strip us of the humanity that could have saved our lives. Part of what "humanity" contains is the guts to fight to protect the survival of the species, which is called courage, along with the use of the human brain that contains things like consequential thought and logic, along with reason - virtually all of which as been suspended by far too many - in attempting to deal with Bush & the Bandits!
These little noticed and recently inserted flaws in the society are what have made possible the coup that has taken over the USA. It happened because we allowed ourselves to become divided by race and gender, by religious and moral issues that have been used to distract and destroy this society - rather than as potential bulwarks of those differences that could have made us all stronger.
The extreme Left and the extreme Right have combined along with Communism and Capitalism, to aid and abet by the divisiveness inherent within all the major religious systems that have allowed the zealots to concentrate on the negatives with Islam, Judaism, and Christianity - to paint the dark side as most important, when these same three religions also contain exact opposite examples, equally within their respective texts. Had they chosen to they could have pained a picture of inclusion and human evolution, rather than the hate, the tribal revenge, or the politics of force that have been currently co-opted to serve these New Barbarians that want this New World Order - an "Order" that will subject the world to tyranny on such a scale, that no one except the Overlords will have anything like a life to live at all.
They're BACK now - and the question of the hour is still: What are we going to do about it? Here's something that one reader suggested we might begin with:
"Regarding the resolution that Congress passed (War Powers) which authorized Bush to use force, the caveat that W ignored was that he was authorized in a limited way, and that he had to have the approval of the UN Security Council, and the inspectors had to show that Saddam Hussein had WMD.
Of course, W, at that time, went to war, giving the inspectors NO TIME to physically visit the sites, and they had satellite maps. With no time to even view the sites, and no time at all to prepare a report, W went in.
Now, we all know that Article 1 section 8 of the US Constitution says explicitly that ONLY CONGRESS HAS THE RIGHT TO WAGE WARS, and this is a war in violation of Article 1, section 8, but now that W got away with this, he is planning another war on Iran. Both actions in Iraq and in Afghanistan were illegal. Now here comes another one.
You are right about these people being criminals, but "thugs" is too good a word for them. They are traitors of the first order. W swore to uphold the US Constitution, and then trampled on the explicit power of Congress to declare war, and the Bill of Rights, including the 8th Amendment prohibition of torture. The right to due process is avoided by renaming the prisoners in Camp X-ray, as "enemy combatants". Yesterday, the Supreme Court heard the second part of oral arguments on what is an "enemy combatant". I don't know how that turned out, but with Scalia, I am sure that they ruled in Bush's favor. (I was going to go listen to oral arguments, but I got tied up in my own practice and couldn't get there.)
But, treason is the word to describe them all. Seriously, they have committed war crimes and crimes against humanity, and done it illegally, unconstitutionally, and in violation of the public trust. Rumsfeld himself admitted that this policy has not decreased terrorism, and may indeed have increased terrorism. Therefore, this policy is against the Public Trust.
Treason is a capital offense. They should be brought to trial for that, and someone exposed a CIA agent in there, and that person caused the death of many American agents, who's cover was blown, and that person needs the death penalty for violation of Federal law, as well.
So, this is what I think. And, anyone who is a lawyer should realize that this is the case, and should be doing something. I think the Bar Association and the community of attorneys should be foremost in calling this pig as it is, and removing the lipstick from it, so that all can see it for the pig that it is. No man is above the law, and that includes King George."



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