Recipe For Extinction
Criminal governments, corrupt media, comatose public:
the perfect combination to permanently
eradicate the human species.
By John Kaminski
I have a recurring dream. I am on an airplane, sitting in a window seat, gazing contentedly out the window at the tops of puffy clouds and microscopic towns far below, gabbing amiably with the passenger next to me. Soon it becomes apparent that we disagree about our scheduled destination. He insists it's L.A.; I say New York.
As I begin to stir in my seat to get up to ask a flight attendant to settle our dispute, we notice the busy stewardesses are conducting an odd exercise. With polite smiles, they are choosing random passengers one by one, and escorting them to the emergency escape hatch. First a boy clutching his skateboard, then a middle-aged woman in a black business suit, then a soccer mom grasping the small hand of her toddler, all willingly step out into thin air as their guides bid them a cordial farewell.
Incredulous, I lurch to the far window and witness a Mary Poppins-like trail of passengers plummeting toward the ground. Panicked, I turn back to my seatmate, and he returns my look of horror with an empty-headed, nothing-is-wrong smile. Apoplectic, I race feverishly toward the cockpit, wrench open the cabin door, and discover there is no one inside. The pilots' seats are empty.
Astonished, I whirl around and find myself face-to-face with a mannequin stewardess. "Don't you just love autopilot?" she mutters dreamily. "You know, you just have to have faith. Here, let me show you the door to your future."
How much longer, I wonder constantly, will seemingly sensible and honest people continue to put up with this perverted political passion play now besieging the world that is so obviously detrimental to the needs of average people, even willfully destructive of those needs?
The dire predictions of so-called conspiracy theorists are all coming true: senseless wars are being created with transparent lies for the profits of a select few; the populace is infected with obvious poisons from both the medical profession and the food industry who because of recently passed laws are immune from legal action by the victims of these cruel concoctions; and our money is being steadily stolen by inbred elitist bankers who use accounting sleight-of-hand to funnel currency to that same small segment of the population who all seem to be immune from laws that guarantee poverty for the rest of us.
Maybe worst of all is the fantasy world created by our commercial mass media, which prohibit any discussion of human values relative to honest government and exacerbate our problems with so-called entertainment dominated by nihilistic and pornographically self-destructive scripts.
What kind of spineless, braindead cretins would tolerate such a blatant conspiracy?
Well, the American people, to name one group, but also most of the people on the planet, who every day choose to trade their hard-won emotional securities and family ties for mindless mechanized titillation, and then cower in their powerlessness because they are all so dependent on a technological system that encourages addiction to mindless consumerism.
Most of us are hypnotized by fashionable capitalistic shills who castigate natural self-reliance as antisocial selfishness. We have all been victimized by the alluring softness of high-tech trinkets that sever our contact with the life-giving land and more and more solidify our isolation while causing us to forsake our healthy dependence on those we are inclined to love.
How come so few people realize that nobody is free, that everybody is owned by banks? Nobody owns their homes, their cars; even their educations and careers are in significant hock to the banks. You regard your marriage, for those of you who still have one of those, as inauthentic without the sanction of the state. Even your children are not your property; they must be given poisonous vaccinations at birth or public health fascists will take them from you and claim you are unfit parents. This is law in a world made mad and turned upside down.
Isn't it strange so few Americans have objected to the new, out-front use of torture on people who have never even been tried in a court of law - never mind convicted - especially when underground reports of those taken prisoner and persecuted at Guantanamo reveal them not as terrorists but as hapless victims abducted to lend apparent authenticity to a minor detail of Washington's contrived terror fantasies?
Why has nobody figured out that our government is not protecting us from terrorists? Our government creates terrorists so we will in sheer insecure panic support the criminal cabal that is ravaging the world with senseless mass murder, enabling it to keep us in a stirred-up state of dependent fear because that allows it to better control and regiment us into prescripted cadres of servile dupes. This is not freedom, this is slavery - terrorized, manipulated slavery to the banks - and it is what we face with increasing insecurity every single day.
Why do we put up with it? Why don't we see through the ruse? Especially since our lives depend on seeing through it.
Right after the recent bombings in London, I was so impressed by the size of the web chorus immediately pointing out that the deed was a deception, and that four innocent Islamic chaps from Leeds had apparently been set up to take the fall as the culprits for this latest public atrocity from the power elite. These reports dutifully noted that all the suspicious characters, from Rudy Giuliani to Benjamin Netanyahu, were conveniently in place to spin the traditional public myth, just like after 9/11.
I thought, each time the The Big Lie becomes a little bit clearer, the human future gets a little bit brighter.
But the power of big media is monstrous, and just as with 9/11 and the Iraq war, what is on the lips of people in the street is far different from what is on the minds of intelligent commentators in cyberspace.
First it was my neighbor. "Those freaking ragheads. We oughtta just go over there and bomb them all to bits." Taken aback, I retorted, "We've already been doing that for years." But he would not be placated, or reasoned with. "Nuke 'em. Nuke 'em all," he barked, and stormed off.
Things were no better with my family. "Why do THOSE PEOPLE keep doing these things to us?" several wondered, interrupting their trains of thought from the preparation of a family feast, with no recognition of the continuing American atrocities all over the world. "Oh? Which people are that?" I countered casually, but they didn't answer.
Then came the TV blasts of Muslim-this and Arab-that, the prediction by Bush-shill Joseph Farah that al-Qaeda would strike soon in the U.S.
But lost amid all the mawkish mourning of the London tragedy was the excellent story about what al-Qaeda truly was - a CIA database that the war machine's spin doctors had long ago morphed into the reincarnation of Dracula's vampires - that was posted on the Conspiracy Planet website which I read at <> (another cool website) that had been sent to me by some friendly Dalits in India (love those Dalits, but the rest of the Indians seem as ugly as Americans and Israelis put together).
And speaking of great webfriends, Lilia Firefly, well-known West Coast tawo seed carrier (Google it), sent me a very telling story that aptly signified the danger of careening from atrocity to atrocity without stopping to think about the context of all these serial depredations. The Downing Street Memos. Remember them? Two weeks down the line and they've already been sucked into the memory hole.
The Downing Street Memos, dear American friends, are the documents which prove Bush and Blair had determined to go to war against Iraq and fixed their public pronouncements - tailored their phony evidence - around this murderous policy. The Downing Street Memos are what should have brought every honest American into the streets as a lynch mob demanding the immediate and public hanging of George W. Bush and hundreds of other U.S. government officials.
But this also should have happened after 9/11 when Bush and Daschle agreed to limit the scope of the investigation so as not to jeopardize "national security." By now you can see by all these non-responses how many honest Americans really exist - namely, not nearly enough.
The Downing Street Memos are what proves that George W. Bush and his Gang of Ghouls (prominently featuring Judith Miller and The New York Times in the starring role of perverted propagandists) have thrown away 9,000 American lives and 128,000 Iraqi civilian lives for what were provably premeditated lies.
The Downing Street Memos verify beyond any doubt what Americans have become - irredeemable Zionist Nazi thugs, who will kill anyone for any reason, or no reason at all.
The main reason for the London bombings was to disappear the Downing Street Memo story from the world's headlines, and it worked perfectly. The satanic chorus of Fox News, CNN, et al chimed in with strategic bits of planted information to brook no doubt that Islamic terrorists were behind the London atrocities, even though the alleged perps - now conveniently dead - previously exhibited not a sniff of terrorist tendencies.
Even an old Mossad chief got in on the act, advocating for World War Three. And several Israeli officials hammered their propaganda point home with remarks like "now you know how we feel."
Yes, we do, I thought. We are being lied to constantly about what is actually happening, and you are blowing us up to prove your point. The mass media are in your pocket and ordinary people are so consumed by their own survival requirements that they can't possibly perceive the twists and turns of all the deceptions, and consequently just accept the pap they hear on their local media outlets, because they don't have the time and energy to pursue the accurate details themselves. Which is just the way they want it, they being the people who control us, conduct fraudulent elections, and bomb whomever they please in pursuit of profit.
Nobody I know in cyberspace believes the official story. What appears to have happened is that four innocent patsies were recruited to participate in a terror drill, then deceptively given live bombs that took their lives, and the lives of 50-some others. Once again, the anticipated aftermath was meticulously scripted to defame Muslims.
The ensuing spin goes one better than the trick of 9/11, in which the FBI instantaneously named 19 Arabs as the culprits, then had to suffer the indignity of having eight of the names turn up alive in various places, all claiming that they didn't do the deed. Of course, the FBI wasn't embarrassed enough to change their list of 9/11 perps, and the American public was simply too stupid to ask why not.
This time around, they figured out a way to kill them all, then planted their papers near the scene. So while their families know these men to be innocent, at least the FBI will have no surprise patsies turning up alive this time.
If this caper could be anything other than a Zionist false flag advertisement for its continuing genocide against the worldwide threat known as the Amalek (a.k.a, non-Jews who don't support Israel), I would like to know what that is.
I receive about 500 e-mails each day, and most frequent question I get is - for sure - what can we do?
For a long time now I've been fielding questions about what to do and have only had the clumsy answer, "Stand securely in your own truth and be an example to others."
But lately I've realized that the world has never been in touch with a reality that we desperately need to achieve if we are to survive.
The principal revelation of this reality is that religions control our minds with magical, fictional lies, and if we choose to believe them, we become susceptible to authoritarian propaganda that also is all lies.
You can't prove that Moses, Krishna, Buddha, or Jesus ever walked on this planet, and if you believe in the statements attributed to them, you cannot accurately perceive what is happening to you as the bars on this prison planet are securely constructed around your lives.
As long as we continue to believe that we are to bow down to and not criticize these religious stereotypes, we can't adequately challenge the same kind of authoritarianism we get from our corrupt leaders, and as a consequence, the "authorities" have carte blanche to exploit and obliterate us at their whim. And we, in our gratitude for the gifts we have been given, are constrained from challenging them with simple logic.
How many times in your life have you heard your preacher, your priest, or your rabbi declare with unctuous certainty, support your leaders, or, my country right or wrong. It all stems from the Biblical injunction, "Render unto Caesar ...."
This is not spirituality. This is mind-control. To go against this portentous command, you risk eternal damnation, the loss of your soul, and whatever other dire consequences you may, from your many formative years of conditioning in these matters, contemplate.
We need to reach a new reality we have never had, and first among the tasks in accomplishing that is doing away with magic myths that prevent us from seeing what's really going on.
Because of their ingrained preconditioning, this solution offends a majority of the world's population, who since their childhoods have been indoctrinated in one religious system or another, and consequently base their perceptions of the world and its chaotic human society on these magical stories and senseless myths that in a very real way limit their ability to react sensibly to insane pronouncements, like "they hate our freedoms" or "Saddam has weapons of mass destruction," two deliberate, stupid, and facile lies that have been believed by a majority of the American people.
These are lies we tell our children, and lies we tell ourselves.
The only legitimate excuse for religious ritual is to calm the fears of children who wonder where their loved ones have gone when their lives have expired. The unexpected consequence of this seemingly innocent practice is that these children never grow up. Instead, they transfer the feelings of both security and fear they felt toward their parents to an imaginary superbeing whom they regard as an imaginary parent for the rest of their lives.
As this is the single most important cultural ritual humans ever undergo, its power and importance was long ago recognized and by those with the psychological need to dominate others, and was cloaked by a profession of altruism that thrived on a certain power to control the lives of others with magical myths that masked the exploitation of innocents by self-labeled aristocrats. The same process continues today.
The relationship between holy men allegedly possessing secrets of the afterlife and those who cherish such fantasies because they alleviate the everpresent but suppressed fear of death is the dark side of human consciousness, and a corrupt cultural relationship that has lasted for more than five thousand years. So in a sense, the priestly process can be regarded as satisfying an obvious and universal emotional need.
But it is also a recipe for extinction, since holy warriors will always willingly kill for a goal that no one else can see, except the malicious minds of power-mad priests. And mullahs. And rabbis. It has been proven too many times that when the enemy is completely annihilated, then we begin killing each other, because we have learned no other way to live.
Our allegiance may not be to one race, creed, or color. If it is, within the rules of the free market, we will eventually claim supernatural superiority for ourselves and begin the holy task of eliminating all the infidels. Clearly written in the Talmud and the Old Testament, it is really the beginning of the task of eliminating ourselves, subliminal marching orders to our own self-destruction.
This is what will finish us. It's time to realize this very small-minded syndrome has been going on for much longer than two thousand years, and it's a stupid illusion, cultivated for profit by the very perps who besiege us now with all their fake terror alerts, false flag mass murders, and supercilious, sanctimonious soliloquies saying they are acting in the name of God.
The choices are two: get real, and let people venerate the awesome miracle of life in any way they wish, or perish, by the sword or by the pox. Time grows short.
Here's another recurring nightmare, one that you, dear reader, have experienced all too frequently in recent years. In it, an angelic being, majestically robed in sacred raiments, benevolently beams down at you and says, in the most soothing voice imaginable, "My God is better than yours ...."
John Kaminski is an Internet columnist whose essays are seen on hundreds of websites around the world. They have been collected into two anthologies, titled "America's Autopsy Report" and "The Perfect Enemy." These are for sale on his website, Also for sale is "The Day America Died: Why You Shouldn't Believe the Official Story of What Happened on September 11, 2001," written for those who still believe the government's false story of that tragic day.
From Richard
Hi, John -
Boy, you're a powerful writer!
The late Robert Monroe, author of "Journeys Out of the Body," was working on what most of us never consider, as we go about our day-to-day living: the fact that the entirety of life on this planet is centered around this: the never-ending struggle between PREDATOR and PREY; that is EITHER EAT or BE EATEN.
Most religions try and step into that struggle and bring peace.
Religion is not the cultprit, HUMANS' HERITABLE NATURE IS, which most religions try to mitigate.
Always keep that in mind whenever you deni- grate religions.
Granted, just as with any category, there or ranges, from VERY BAD to BAD to GOOD to BETTER to BEST religions.
Islam is a bad religion because it's premised on killing unbelievers, generally.
Chrisitanity is one of the best because it is, at its very foundation, premised upon perfect brother- ly love and passivity. That's the core of it, if we are to believe the words attributed to Jesus, NOT THOSE WHO INTERPRET him.
In this scribbler's opinion, the avant-garde thought system - "religion," if you will - called "A Course In Miracles" is the PINNACLE of Western philosophical thought and psychology.
Its premise is this: The world is an illusion that has entrapped us; that we are caught up in a dream; and that to escape it one must see the dream for what it is and extricate oneself through mind-training. Find a set of the books (3) and open up the workbook. Pick any page and begin to read a sentence or pargraph, then put it down. You'll have changed in an instant.
In any case, would you rather live next to an atheist or a fundamentalist Christian?
An atheist may or may not have a conscience while the Christian ALWAYS has an over-arching one.
You may not have noticed, Hispanic and black people are desparate to live next to white people--rich or poor; especially Christian ones.
That's a demographically established fact of the past 60 years in the U.S.
I bring that up because your UTOPIAN view - that "Our allegiance may not be to one race, creed, or color" - is COMMUNISTIC!
I fear COMMUNISTS more than any category among the world's ideologies. Ridding the world of all religions is an underlying tenet of Marxian ideology.
In fact, that purpose - UNIVERSAL COMMUN- ISM - has done more damage to humanity than any other philosophical bent!
-from my collection of thoughts on the ROOT CAUSES of the West's steep moral/cultural decline, "Paleoconcervative Thoughts To Ponder":
78) Lenin, Stalin, Mao Tse-tung and Pol Pot were leftist utopians of the same emotion-driven mind as these liberal Democrats.
465) Marxian Jews' Bolshevik revolution against TRUTH had spilled into Germany and helped to give rise to Hitler and Nazism. That Russia-based effort by Marxists, to create Utopia, had next prompted Chairman Mao in China and Pol Pot in Cambodia to apply the UNIVERSALIST/UTOPIAN model, all of which do-goodism on the Left had cost the lives of 100-million-plus individuals, and which cost had been well hidden under cover of leftists' anti-fascism outrage over a mere several-million deaths from Nazis, brand of utopianism (the Nuremberg trial judges' calculations had put Jewish deaths nearer to 3 million). Every white Western democracy had become infected by Marxian Jews' social-engineering schemes into the next century. Tens of millions more shall fall in the 21st, on the altar of left-wing do-goodism and its bloody sacrifice of truth for lies--for building their impossible Utopia.
532) NATURAL SELECTION: Consider that single sperm cell which reached an egg to form Hitler or Stalin or Mao or Pol Pot or yourself, beginning its journey with 250 million other sperm cells, struggling against incomprehensible odds until only 50 or so reached the egg, hours after their ejaculation into the vaginal barrel, all frantically hammering against the egg,s protective wall with such competitive furry that the egg actually turns round and round, until just one breaks through and stimulates the egg to release just one chemical that prevents all other sperm cells from entering. Why?
636) Nuclear annilation appears to be certain because Left-driven feminism is passive-aggressive; ergo, more clever and more reckless whenever it resorts to overt violence: Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot.
- TRUNCATED SELECTIONS for brevity's sake -
2345) Communism is the goal of socialism, which is but a temporary pause in leftists' forced march of humanity towards hell on earth, about which hell this scribbler has been giving warnings to anyone sympathetic to that cause - to that horrific insanity - of socialism/communism, which ism's bottom-line underpinnings are expertly retold by Long Visalo, a returnee to Pol Pot's communist Cambodia in 1973, and who gave this account of an indocrination seminar for intellectuals at camp K-15 (conducted by Khieu Samphan): "How do we make a communist revolution?
The first thing you have to do is to destroy private property. But private property exists on both the material and the mental plane...To destroy material private property, the appropriate method was the evacuation of towns...But spiritual private property is more dangerous, it comprises everything that you think is 'yours', everything that you think exists in relation to yourself--your parents, your family, your wife. Everything of which you say, 'It's mine' is spiritual private property. Thinking in terms of 'me' and 'my' is forbidden.
The knowledge you have in your head, your ideas, are mental private property, too. To become truly revolutionary, you must...wash your mind clean...So the first thing you must do to make yourself fit to participate in the communist revolution is to wash your mind...If we can destroy all material and mental private property...people will be equal. The moment you allow private property, one person will have a little more, another a little less, and they are no longer equal. But if you have nothing zero for him and zero for you - that is true equality.
If you permit even the smallest part of private property, you are no longer as one, and it isn't communism [pp. 316-317, Pol Pot: Anatomy of a Nightmare, by Philip Short]"...
"The whole aim of Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought...In the end we will make thoughtcrime literally impossible, because there will be no words in which to express it. Every concept that will be needed will be expressed by exactly one word, with its meaning rigidly defined and all its subsidiary meanings rubbed out and forgotten. Every year fewer and fewer and fewer words, and the range of consciousness always a little smaller...In fact there will be not thought as we understand it now.
Orthodoxy [communist orthodoxy] means not thinking...Orthodoxy is unconsciousness [p. 325]"; an INSANITY that's lost on all leftists harboring any hope of good being found in socialism/communism, and so extreme in its utopian pursuit of equality that even to think of how beautiful a sunrise is or to smile at the misteps of a toddler at play or to feel even a hint of pleasure from a warming morning sun invites MENTAL INEQUALITY, which necessarily leads to material inequality. How dare you to steal a mental pleasure that some comrade, somewhere, cannot equally share with you?
And today's socialism-/communism-/feminism-driven Left in white Western democracies is incrementally leading us there, as today's fairness-driven leftists are tomorrow's equality-driven Pol Pots - those Marxian-Jew ARCHITECTS and their liberal-Christian and secular-humanist dupes! - who'll eventually come to TORTURE and KILL any opponents of perfect Marxian equality, and which fact about them ought to horrify any person anticipating the future results of Marxian Jews' DIVERSITY MOVEMENT and the requisite FORCED INTEGRATION that their open-borders immigration policies demand.
Best Regards,
- Richard
Please, John, go to your library and check out a copy of Robert Monroe's book.
All of it is true.
As he liked to say:
"We are more than a physical body."
He was a friend, because I had had much in common with him.
Alton Raines
Once again, Kaminski, you say things as though they were simply, irrefutiable "so" when you clearly don't have a clue! And, as usual, an attack on religion and people of faith.
quoting: "The principal revelation of this reality is that religions control our minds with magical, fictional lies, and if we choose to believe them, we become susceptible to authoritarian propaganda that also is all lies."
Communist China certainly had no trouble with mind control without the aid of any 'religion.' Yet, you continue to lay the blame at the doorstep of anything collectively spiritual; anything that might be higher, wiser than Lord Kaminski.
"You can't prove that Moses, Krishna, Buddha, or Jesus ever walked on this planet, and if you believe in the statements attributed to them, you cannot accurately perceive what is happening to you as the bars on this prison planet are securely constructed around your lives."

Say something often enough and the lie becomes a truth. At least for fools. You're either deliberately telling a lie or you're simply ignorant. Moses (Moshe) is mentioned by name in the heiroglyphs of Ramses II as well as a derivative of his name in several cuniforms of neighboring nations from that time period. The existence of Guatama (The Buddha) is indisputable, the evidence for his life and history is literally volumnous. Krishna may very well be a mythic person or highly exaggerated (possibly borrowed) figure, but ancient temples devoted to him exist to this day -- and to suggest that a mere Jewish myth brought about the whole of western civilization as we know it, the power of the Roman Empire transformed as it was, is simply preposterous. Yes, truly, only in this age of mind control could you convinced people Jesus never lived. Jesus clearly existed. He is mentioned by the historian Josephus and the only disputed element of the text follows the brief mention of him; no reasonable scholar has ever questioned whether he was named by Josephus or not. There is similar lacking 'evidence' to the existence of many Caesars, yet, intelligent scholars are able to assertain the validity of their existence through cumulative external means, references and connections and no one questions it.
"How many times in your life have you heard your preacher, your priest, or your rabbi declare with unctuous certainty, support your leaders, or, my country right or wrong. It all stems from the Biblical injunction, "Render unto Caesar ...."

No, it doesn't come from 'Render unto Caesar' -- it comes from Paul who stated that believers should pray for their leaders and kings; and no, not "right or wrong," but simply recognizing the power of the sword which the state wields. If you are living contrary to the laws of the land, and you do evil, you can expect just punishment. Take it like a man. If you live rightly, you have nothing to fear -- But if the bearer of the sword is unjust, and you are unjustly persecuted -- count it for joy -- for all who seek to live a godly life will be persecuted in this age... by Kaminski, by corrupt government and by those who hate God and his ways.
This was penned by a man who broke no laws and yet was imprisoned for his faith. Why would such a man teach such a thing, when a victim himself of outrageous persecution? He was speaking to the spiritually capable, not the spiritually infantile -- much less the unbeliever who is truly powerless in this world to live a godly life. God at any time could strike down the evil-doer, but he seeks his salvation over his destruction. Paul taught the pacifism of Jesus Christ to people who do not regard this as their world, who seek a better land, wherein only righteousness dwells, and do so by faith. Christians were/are instructed to "be perfect" as their heavenly Father is perfect. To live without malice, revenge, spite or attachment to earthly things.(It's not hard to spot corrupt religious leaders based on this litmus). Not to seek their own, but to put their brother before themselves. And in all humility, honor the King and governing authorities, lest one despise all authority, including the authority of God. For God even established Pharoah, that his will might be done. There will always be corrupt and evil gov't so long as there are corrupt and evil men.

There's not much difference between Kaminski's hatred for people of faith and the corrupt gov't and NWO, other than that thankfully Kaminski isn't holding the lash he'd clearly like to bring against the backs of the faithful for believing "lies." I thank God you are not in power. You would be just as horrible and corrupt as the ones you condemn. I thank God you are open about it too... you're one enemy of the cross we can all clearly see.
From Kevin Smith
Hi Jeff,
Well, here we are again with Alton Raines coming down on poor John. It was very synchronistic that I have just finished reading a few great articles or papers on the internet about this very topic ... Religions and of course the corrupt elitists that control the world. ( run it ... into the ground ) One paper spoke of belief and how dangerous it is. When it comes to religion, we are to take it on faith/believe that what is put forth by religious doctrines is true ... without any evidence in hand.
There is an absolute diametrically opposed difference between Spiritually and Religion. True spiritually is KNOWING and Religion is BELIEF. If a bald faced lie is put forth and a really convincing one at that and one believes it ... is it not logical to say that this is NOT knowing. ( of the truth ) It is belief and is taken on faith that the teller of the lie is being truthful. Whereas someone who does not believe ( take it on faith ) who investigates the statement and finds out that the facts don't fit the statement/lie is someone who is knowing or has become knowing due to his own disbelief.
See the huge difference bewtween the two ??? The dark forces that seek to enslave humankind saw that belief was a powerful weapon to use on an unsuspecting, gullible human race. These extra-dimensional entities have the power of illusion, to be able to create a virtual reality if you will and can convince an unsuspecting individual that thier faked reality is in fact reality when of course it is NOT.
This is the case with religion ... it is so engrained in humans and we BELIEVE to the point that we accept it as reality. The Pagan Gnostics knew about these inorganic beings and tried to teach people to be wary of them and what they are capable of and what their agenda was/is. ( note: I did not say Christain Gnostics ) Religion is a control mechanism as John has inferred or alluded to. This does NOT mean or say that there isn't a higher divine source that most of us would identify as GOD. This higher divine source was referred to by the Pagan Gnostics as the Creation and David Wilcock has referred to this divine source as an " Intelligent Energy that is consciousness itself " and it pervades all of existence. ( at least in this Universe )
One only has to look at the devastation and utterly horrific suffering that religions have wrought upon humanity and how the ones who profess these religious ideals are the worst offenders when it comes to following the rules & laws of said religions. A few examples would be say the Crusades, Catholic clergyman engaging in child sex abuses, Christain Fundamentalist (born agains) calling for Armageddon ... need I go on ???
It would not be very smart of us to take this staement on faith, I agree. So we must be prudent in find out for ourselves if in fact this be true. Some of the fatcs are already right in front of us and most of that I have to admit is circumstantial. Just look at who is in control of the planet and look at what they have peretrated on civilization & the planet and these circumstantial facts seem to fit the situation nicely.
However, one does not need to bring the ET intervention scenario into this arguement to say that religion is a manufactured control device to keep the flock in line. As a good investsiagtor, one would be negligent NOT to consider ET's into the eqaution which is why I threw it in here. I am not ruling out any possibilities here. One other quick note regarding those inorganic ET's I mentioned earlier. They apparently do not have what humans have ( a human soul ) and they can never have what we have. However, this has not prevented them from trying to take what we have. They cannot innovate like humans, create like humans, feel like humans.
They can immitate quite well but that is as far as they can go. This is where some alleged alien abduction scenarios comes in. They can by their power of illusion/virtual reality literally steal the human soul and keep it subserviant until such a time as the human becomes KNOWING of the truth and sets itself free. These inorganic beings were formed when the solar system was created according to the Gnostics (pagan) and they inhabit this system to this day. They referred to as Archons and there are two types, a reptilian form that are the controllers and the embyonic who are the worker bees as it were. ( the Greys )
My main point, though, was the distinction between BELIEF and KNOWING. As far as I'm concerned Alton is a believer and not a spiritualist and a knower. He is quite content to TAKE IT ON FAITH and in great peril of being deceived. Remember, the greatest deceiver is Lucifer according to religous doctrine. But I rather think that darkness is the great deceiver and light will reveal the truth hidden in that darkness. Lucifer means light bearer ... hmmm, now there's a conundrum. Deep down I think that every human KNOWS that there is a higher divine source ( and call it whatever you want, no religion thumping here ) but the problem is that we have all had the wool pulled over our eyes and distracted at every turn. Why is it that as soon as we are born we are all indoctrinated into the religious belief systems as John has pointed out ... the child as it grows up has not been given freewill to choose for itself what he/she will ultimately believe and then through his/her own investigations come to know as the undeniable truth. There can only be one truth, immutable and that stems from the Divine source for IT is UNCORRUPTABLE.
In conclusion, Yes, Alton, I would rather sit beside an Atheist and be spared a vigorous bible thumping. I will do my own thinking and my own search for the truth. That's the problem with most sheeple these days, they either don't want to do the hard work it takes to know/find the truth OR they are simply happy to be sheep and be led around by the controller. (it seems to be much less work involved) The reason the truth about 911 is still in a dense fog is because most of the public took the official cover story on FAITH and believed that the government would never do something like setup a false flag attack to advance the greed agenda of the rich few.
Some of us now KNOW that the government had a great deal to do with bringing about their precious new Pearl Harbor and those people are now seeing through the London fiasco much much faster than previously. I have recently made a new friend who says he is a born again Christian and he has absolutely given himself to Jesus Christ and GOD, soley on mostly faith and a few rather curious life experiences that he equated to some form of divine intervention. (and I am not saying that a divine intervention didn't occur because I KNOW that they do happen because I KNOW there is a Divine source) He is constantly bible thumping me and I keep showing him more and more evidence that religions have been at best highjacked for more nefarious purposes and at worst designed right from the start to be false doctrines to be taken on faith as the absolute truth with little or no evidence to support them. He is slowly starting to really think about some of this.
Funny thing is, too, is that he is very aware of the NWO types and agendae but completely attributes all this evil/corruption to Satan or the Devil. Well at least he is not totally in the dark there. A lot of what he spouts about relgion is in contradiction with what he appears to KNOW about the NWO and I find myself trying to point this out to him but he is sooo ingrained in his relgious BELIEFS. Another great example of belief versus knowing is mainstream astronomy.
For almost 100 years astronomers assumed an electrically neutral solar system & Universe for that matter. And since the space age, they have baffled, astounded, confused at the volumes of evidence that shows them utterly wrong in their BELIEFS. And they still to this day believe that nonsense in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary.
To Alton and anyone else who would accept on faith, I say don't open your yaps until you KNOW the facts and can demonstrate them.
Kevin Smith




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