America's Truth
Defector Holds Court!

By Ted Lang
Rush Limbaugh, who bills himself as "America's Doctor of Democracy," and America's "Truth Detector," was full of himself as usual, especially so after having been granted access to the pontification platform and babble gavel conferred upon him by none other than The Wall Street Journal's "Opinion Journal" online. Staying on track and employing his renowned true to form obnoxious, noxious gasbag approach, the Great Babbaloneyan of squawk radio didn't disappoint.
In his Monday October 17th bid to take some of the pressure off his Führer as relates to the Rove-Libby debacle and the poll declaring 62 percent of Americans now identifying with terrorists rather than riding Bush's Fourth Reich to glory, Der Quatschmeister decided to revert back to the simpleton siding of: Republicans good - Democrats and "liberals" bad. Regrettably, there's still a majority of ignorant and stupid news consumers who buy into to this blame game tripe.
Entitled "Holding Court - There's a crackdown on Miers, not a crackup,," [sic] the Great Babbaloneyan begins: "I love being a conservative. We conservatives are proud of our philosophy. Unlike our liberal friends, who are constantly looking for new words to conceal their true beliefs and are in a perpetual state of reinvention, we conservatives are unapologetic about our ideals." In other words, it's "liberals" and "Democrats" who need to invent words, re-invent words, and use creative wordsmithing in order to confuse, confound, and fool all the people all the time.
But what about all the wordsmithing employed by Bush's USA PATRIOT Act, a highly complex set of cleverly engineered words by the lawyers of the Clinton and Reno White House? Certainly the Great Babbaloneyan doesn't expect US to believe that a president who has trouble articulating his handlers, prepared speeches and enunciating his words, a president who chokes on pretzels and falls off his bike and the wagon, a president who is a congenital liar, was able to put together that great piece of legislation on October 26, 2001, a mere 45 days after the September 11, 2001 "terrorist" attacks?
And what about Limbaugh's astonishment and total disbelief when former RNC Chairman Ed Gillespie told the Manchester Union-Leader that Republicans now represent big government, and that all conservatives, and that would include Limbaugh, can either go to hell or join Democrats and Libertarians? The editor, I recall, had trouble convincing Limbaugh of the truth of this new RNC position; but in the fashion of a true partisan and sycophant, it took Limbaugh less than a few hours to shrug it off. Gillespie called it - Limbaugh caved on his so-called conservatism and his "philosophy."
The Babbaloneyan continues: "We believe in individual liberty, limited government, capitalism, the rule of law, faith, a color-blind [sic] society and national security. We support school choice, enterprise zones, tax cuts, welfare reform, faith-based initiatives, political speech, homeowner rights and the war on terrorism." He fails to mention "free speech zones" surrounded by barbed wire and guarded by machine-gun-toting police, the open borders allowing illegal aliens to enter our nation via the Mexican border, the permitted occupation of New Orleans by fully armed Mexican troops and non-law enforcement mercenaries, and the other new and unusual policies implemented and designed by the Bush regime.
Hoping to dumb down his reading audience even further, he goes on: "And at our core we embrace and celebrate the most magnificent governing document ever ratified by any nation--the U.S. Constitution. Along with the Declaration of Independence, which recognizes our God-given natural right to be free, it is the foundation on which our government is built and has enabled us to flourish as a people."
Never mind that the Bush regime's adaptation of the USA PATRIOT Act summarily abolishes virtually all the Amendments that make up the Bill of Rights, and never mind as well the governmental "power creep" that will eventually extend beyond suspected terrorists and will eventually be applied to ALL citizens in America. Never mind that the "liberal" judges of the Supreme Court, more appropriately defined as the "Supreme Soviet," recently abolished one of the three great attributes that identify a free human being, namely, private property. Oh sure, it's easy to shrug off that communist power grab by simply blaming "liberals," but where was the outrage on the part of Limbaugh's beloved conservatives, especially Limbaugh's Führer? What effort is the Bush regime undertaking to re-establish that right for Americans?
What has the Bush regime done to emphasize the conservative objective of non-intervention in the affairs of other nations? What proof can he offer that Saddam, Osama, Al Qaeda, or in fact, any Muslim nation, was responsible for 9-11? All we have is the hearsay/heresy of the FBI, the very organization that secretly and rapidly removed the rocket fuselage under a blue plastic tarpaulin from the Pentagon site. Why did the FBI remove the video camera and closed circuit TV in the gas station across form the highway from the Pentagon? Why did the FBI ensure that all the structural steel from WTC was quickly shipped to China and elsewhere before any forensic analysis was possible? Why were the "Weehawken Five," with traces of explosives in their van, allowed to return secretly to Israel to rejoin their Mossad unit? Why did the FBI secretly and immediately after 9-11 allow a hundred or so of bin Laden's relatives to leave the United States when this same privilege wasn't accorded to any other American citizens or others in the country at that time?
Sure, all these weird and unquestioned events have been raised by the alternative media, the Internet, but these questions and points are anything but weird and kooky as Limbaugh wants everyone to believe. They are real questions, serious questions, and more than well deserving of answers to the American people. Limbaugh's senseless prattle about so-called conservative values might have been somewhat well received at the time when the Internet was in its early infancy and America's primary political enemy was a "liberal" and a Democrat. But America's most dangerous enemy exists here and now in the form of a "conservative" and a Republican, and no amount of pie-in-the-sky rants about the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution can blind any thinking American to the fact the Bush administration has become America's greatest threat in all of its history.
Limbaugh is desperate to re-establish the legitimacy of a failed, "conservative," Republican president who is neither a conservative nor a Republican! He is desperate to carry tainted water for his supreme leader. He needs to help his Führer get Harriet Miers on the Supreme Court! The Babbaloneyan appeals to America: "We conservatives are never stronger than when we are advancing our principles. And that's the nature of our current debate over the nomination of Harriet Miers. Will she respect the Constitution? Will she be an originalist who will accept the limited role of the judiciary to interpret and uphold it, and leave the elected branches--we, the people--to set public policy? Given the extraordinary power the Supreme Court has seized from the representative parts of our government, this is no small matter." Huh?!
"Will she respect the Constitution?" asks the Great Babbaloneyan. Why should she? Has Bush respected it with the PATRIOT Act? Has Bush respected the Geneva Conventions, the latter a feeble attempt to civilize the inhumanity of war? How will American POWs now be treated after this egregious bird flipping by G. Bush to the rest of the world? And what about all the questionable and alleged criminal activities ascribable to Miers, law firm?
Bush continues to appoint, employ and advocate candidates that have a questionable and potentially explosive criminal background. One writer that escapes my memory offered that a high-level criminal goes out of his way to surround him or herself with other criminals to ensure their own stature as head of the gang. What criminal would expose their criminality to bring down yet another of their own kind?
True and loyal to a congenital liar who sacrificed 2,000 of our young warriors for no justifiable reason, and who orchestrated the wounding, crippling and maiming of at least 15,000 others, Limbaugh offers Miers as being desperately needed by Bush as being vital to preserve and protect a Constitution made virtually non-existent by this very same president. It is this president, Limbaugh argues, that now needs a fellow political appointee of extremely questionable background, and also totally unqualified for the position, that is so desperately needed under the guise of being a constitutionalist, that which he has so vividly demonstrated he himself is not. How does this make any modicum of sense?
It is none other than Limbaugh who put me on the path of questioning authority and leadership under Clinton; regrettably for Limbaugh and the rest of the phony Republican Bush sycophants, I never learned how to stop inquiring. How sad it is to see the success story that was Rush Limbaugh degenerate to a babbling, propaganda-spreading stooge that puts political gang cronyism before the well-being of this once-great bastion of individual freedom.
© 2005 All rights reserved Ted Lang is a political analyst and freelance writer.



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