GOP Insider Outs Corrupt
Clinton, GOP Administrations

Karl W B Schwarz
Hello to all email update members,
I will be out of the United States on business for most of the next three or four months, but will continue to send these email updates during that time.
It is a good sign that most people caught the metaphor I used with the names LIDDY and LIBBY, but most did not suspect my reason for doing so. Well, today you will learn why I used that simple metaphor and connected the two men. They are indeed connected, if only by circumstance.
Most refreshing was that over ninety per cent of readers not only caught it, but then responded to me and pointed out that G. Gordon Liddy and Lewis "Scooter" Libby are not related by blood. My linking of these two was a metaphor insofar as each man thinks that doing wrong for the office of the President of the United States is good and honorable. That their names are so similar is only a coincidence, but worthy of note. One believed that doing wrong for Richard Nixon was the right thing to do, while the other apparently believing that doing wrong for George W. Bush was the right thing to do. G. Gordon Liddy, the older of the two, is a former intelligence agent and military man who believed that Richard Nixon could do no wrong and that anything was permissible to keep him in power. I. Lewis Libby, a "never put his life on the line" PNAC co-founder, also apparently believes that any means, however devious, justifies the end. He is a student of Wolfowitz and a Straussian Troskyite rather than a true conservative. With Libby the game is about empowerment of the Neocons, the Likudists, and the Troskyites who have a world vision that I believe 99.999% of all Americans reject or would reject if they knew the truth of the matter. Libby's loyalties might lie more with Israel than the United States, just as they appear to lie with Richard Perle, Paul Wolfowitz, Douglas Feith, and a host of other Neocons whom George W. Bush has appointed to key administration positions.
The LIDDY and LIBBY matter was also a pop quiz and the class passed with all A's and B's for paying attention. The metaphor is "like father, like son" and it applies to the Bush Family in spades as you are about to learn. They cornered Liddy and Nixon went down, now they have cornered Libby and I think the Bush Regime will fall in due time.
I also used the LIBBY and LIDDY metaphor to flush out a few infiltrators into the email list. As predicted, some of them did expose themselves and have been deleted from future email updates. There was a huge difference in friendly emails that either questioned the LIDDY and LIBBY spelling or that they are not related, and some who chose to use what they thought was an opening to slap me around via emails like many keyboard cowards do. The obvious bashers and trashers have been eliminated and we move on.
Our nation is supposedly one of laws, and those laws apply to all, or should. However, for the past forty years many have worked diligently to insulate the Office of President of the United States from those very laws, but not for security reasons in the literal sense of physical security. What those people fear is that American citizens will find out the extent to which the Presidency has evolved into something it should not be.
One of the biggest problems in this nation is how the Office of President of the United States has changed. It is now somewhat like the position of the "Don" in the Mafia. The President is now the head of a criminal cabal intent on plundering the U.S. Treasury as if it were some entitlement of the office. That is why certain wealthy élite donate up to $500 million to elect the next president, for their "rate of return" is many times that amount if they are in the inner circle. George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton and George Bush are three clear examples of that phenomenon, and the following information shows to what extent they have led the cabal in theft of funds totaling into the hundreds of billions. That money went to an élite few rather than to the common good.
In Washington, D.C., people like Liddy and Libby are a dime a dozen. They are the buffers around the "Don" POTUS to protect the head thief from being held accountable. Massive amounts of money were spent to get the president elected and there are some that will do anything to see that the Head Thief does not get held accountable for anything. They [Liddy and Libby] are more alike than their similar names. Their sense of right and wrong is compromised when protecting something that the laws were never intended to protect. They call it "executive privilege" but in many instances it is merely a means to avoid criminal prosecution for wrongful acts and covering up RICO activity at the highest levels of our government. It is a deadly waltz between our government and the special interests trying to compete for federal moneys and ways to extract more from the American workforce and public treasury.
That is in part what is wrong with Washington, D.C. Many in power there have lost sight of what is good and honorable. They have sold their souls, so to speak, and repeat the mantra that "greed is good" for America and that the end justifies the means. They conduct themselves in sleazy, dishonorable and illegal ways and then spin it so that Americans will think they are working diligently to do what is best for America. Sadly, far too many Americans trust their government implicitly and believe far too much of what they hear and read from major media. It is a function of chaos theory to keep the masses busy with trivia and misdirection while they plunder at will.
They have people like Liddy and Libby who will do anything, right or wrong, for the President. Even if that means the complete devastation of our health, our economic security and our freedom, that is okay with the leaders in Washington and the wealthy élite who now rule through an essentially "puppet" government. Our national destiny has been taken over by Big Pharma, Big Defense and Big Oil, international banks, Wall Street, and other powerful, interlocked interests. To hell with poor and middle-class Americans! The scheme is all about profits, even if the actions (the means) to get to an objective (the end) are blatantly illegal. They honestly think that if they keep us doped up with enough easy credit and money supply, they can steal whatever they wish. Some of them even think keeping America doped with mind altering drugs and bogus news on TV is okay, too. They view us regular Americans as a cash crop, whether that production comes from real economic activity and growth or is generated with national debt on our account, it profits them and their illegal schemes. You must use your critical faculty and ponder a Bush administration that has used taxpayer dollars to create entirely fictitious news stories to mislead you and the rest of the world. Everything happens for a reason, and in the capitol the goal is to deflect attention away from the massive amounts of graft and corruption going on as business as usual.
Those officials who are abusing government power know that as long as citizens continue to quarrel over family values versus liberal ideals-or over abortion, or gay marriage, or other distractions du jour-they can continue to mislead us all while plundering the U.S. Treasury and other important institutions. They have done it successfully for years and will continue to do so until Americans stand up in the tens of millions and put a stop to it.
If you have a knot in your gut about this entire GWOT [global war on terror], our "defense" and energy policies, our misdirected priorities as a nation, and the endless veil of secrecy in Washington on both sides of the aisle, please allow me to clue you in about something. Homeland Security does not exist to protect this nation or you from foreign terrorists. Homeland Security exists to protect this government from the wrath of American citizens that are slowly waking up to the realities of our government. They have not only declared war on Islam and oil bearing nations, they have declared war on American citizens too.
Ask yourself: when was the last time you saw legislation or policy come out of Washington, D.C. that was not a rip-off, a scam, or another "scandal-gate"? Our nation's capitol has become the author of endless acts of brazen greed, travesties of justice, and an embarrassment to all of us, We the People. Just at this moment in history, we have Tom DeLay indicted under the racketeering statutes, Frist under criminal investigation for stock fraud relating to a blind trust, Libby indicted on five felony counts, Larry Franklin indicted for spying for a foreign power , AIPAC under close scrutiny, and numerous others individuals and institutions in the cross-hairs of Federal and State investigators. That the President's men lied to us about Iraq is now so blatantly clear that even the party faithful are beginning to awaken and voice their complaints.
In the book I wrote, "One-Way Ticket to Crawford, Texas", I laid out the case that the world's foremost financial terrorist is the rogue government of the United States of America, backed by some major corporations. Financial terrorism is the leading cause of all other forms of terrorism, for it takes away hope and the ability to make a better life for our own citizens and those of other nations. Elements of our government and its intelligence apparati excel in that kind of terrorism, and that is exactly why our nation is passionately hated in many parts of the world. We take away hope in foreign lands, and now our government is brazen enough to take away hope here within our own borders. It is not the people of the United States that are hated: it is our rogue government, its policies, and its wealthy élitist insiders that both foreigners and we as citizens see as the perpetrators. Many Latin-American countries are resisting the ratification of the FTAA because their people fear, due to firsthand experience, the way our government and major corporations collude to abuse other nations, purportedly in our name. That profitable, illegal and immoral collusion is protected by an artful front at the expense of anyone who gets in the way of the scam.
Those in power seduce many in the electorate by offering lower taxes and vague talk of "family values", but those things are merely bait to get votes. On the other side of the aisle, those in power shout about social injustices and civil liberties without realizing that their own side of the aisle shares responsibility. If the republicans or democrats are not certain they can get a majority in the Red State/Blue State war, they think nothing of rigging the election to achieve their ends. Hundreds of billions of dollars depend on those elections for the enrichment and further empowerment of the élite masters. Many Americans fear higher taxes, while the thing they should fear is the hundreds of billions and trillions that are plundered while CNN and FOX News assure us that our government is in charge and made up of trustworthy people. Nothing could be further from the truth. We have watched while the prostrate media hold up sleazy, corrupt politicians as if they were great Americans.
In my last email update I made a reference to our national debt. That is a huge political problem and a clear, undeniable example of fiscal irresponsibility on the part of our elected government. It is a problem of staggering proportions that our national leaders have not had the guts to face and deal with at any time over the past twenty-five years. They ignore it because the "right people" profit immensely from entrenched policies and do not want to change the status quo. They spend millions establishing those policies to benefit themselves, but the process is a detriment to you, the tax-paying citizen.
As indicated in the chart below, our national debt (on balance sheet debt only, or reported debt) skyrocketed under Reagan from slightly over $1 trillion dollars to about $2.4 trillion, or an increase of about 240% in just 8 years. We may attribute part of that increase to the extremely high interest rate costs that soared to over 14% on U.S. Treasury bonds and during most of Reagan's first term averaged around 11% to 12% on U.S. bonds and prime lending rates that went to above 21%. The interest expense alone was large enough to put most nations under for good financially. Another strategy, formulated and executed by Big Defense, assured that hundreds of billions would flow to the right parties who had helped Reagan into the presidency. Remember Star Wars, the economic warfare we waged against Russia to precipitate the collapse of their economy? Even in the high interest rate environment, our government launched an economic war of defense spending and spent hundreds of billions to achieve an dubious end. We got stuck with the tab. It was an example of economic "growth" at the expense of the commonwealth, in the form of national debt accruing to us, the taxpayers. That strategy lined certain pockets richly. The $150 billion savings and loan bail out was a mere blip compared to the total $1.4 trillion increase in our national debt.
In fact, if you look closely at chart below (Figure 1: Unites States National Debt), you will see that the Reagan administration did a good job of keeping the growth of the GNP soundly proportional to the growth of national debt and headed in the same direction even during a period when interest rates and inflation were out of control. It was only during the first Bush administration, and the Clinton and second Bush administrations, that the growth of National Debt as a percentage of GNP careened out of control. This is without factoring in the high interest rates of the early 1980's or inflation. Clinton even did a reasonably good job during his first term but during the second term matters got out of control. Then along came George W. Bush.
During the single-term George H.W. Bush administration, the national debt escalated from around $2.4 trillion to $4.2 trillion, or a $1.8 trillion increase in just four years in office. I have often referred to that increase jokingly as proof that GHWB is dyslexic, since the numbers merely reversed. However, the situation is more complicated than that alone. If you are old enough to remember the first Bush administration, recall that the pathetic domestic economic policies stood out above all else. Americans were hurting financially and that administration did not come up with a single idea or plan to alleviate that hurt. Why? Bush was intent on a war with Iraq and many parties conspired literally to fabricate that war because of the huge Big Defense spending it would create. Like father, like son. The domestic economic policies of George W. Bush are just as shoddy as those of his father's administration. I remember all too well G.H.W. Bush urging us to "stay the course", while our economy floundered and the Big Oil and Big Defense firms raked in cash by the truckload while most of America was suffering.
Then Bill Clinton came into office and cut back on Big Defense spending and tried to address the runaway spending of Washington, D.C. He targeted everything but "social" programs. If you completely believe as a partisan Liberal or Progressive that Clinton lowered our National Debt, you might not know that spending through debt under Clinton escalated from about $4.2 trillion to just shy of $6 trillion during his 8 years in office, or an increase in national debt of over 30%. That adds up to another $1.8 trillion loaded onto the back of the taxpayer. The percentage of national debt to GDP dipped only slightly due to one reason; the hyperactivity of the IT boom, much of which is now known to have been based on rampant, criminal fraud in U.S. corporations. The corporate fraud that reared its head in the current Bush Administration started during the 1990s during the Clinton Administration and was considerably aided by three acts taken by Clinton and the then controlled Democratic Congress:
. The 1994 Bankruptcy reform bill that eliminated shareholder rights in the bankruptcy courts. That made tout schemes very profitable for many, very damaging to many Americans; and . The elimination of RICO as a remedy for treble damages and disgorgement of stolen property (stock fraud cases) (i.e. - your hard earned money invested into an endless stream of fraudulent companies and no way to force them to surrender it under court order); and . The SEC accounting rule change where corporate fraud could easily be covered up and any company could make any "tout" to get your money so long as they put in the disclaimer statement at the bottom of the "tout PR news release".
The full force of these changes partly affected Clinton's second term. In a nutshell, those changes in the law have sold us out to the corporate and special interests and exposed us to their predatory moves. Such changes have functionally legitimized the theft of billions of dollars and left us, the taxpayers, dangerously vulnerable to criminal conduct in the common markets. Now savvy thieves can steal all they want and in most instances end up only with fines. They have removed the ability through the courts to take back what was literally stolen from you. Witness the no-bid contracts of Halliburton and other corporations, and the actions of those who support them. That is the new "Rule of Law" and makes us a nation with no regard for the law when it comes to concentration of capital into the hands of an élite few malefactors.
The purported $1.6 trillion surplus from the Clinton administration was estimated using fabricated market numbers of fraudulent companies; i.e. Enron, Global Crossing, Williams Communications Group, WorldCom, Adelphia, Tyco, et cetera. These were the kind of companies that drove the GNP numbers upon which the Clinton administration based its rosy predictions. The fraud was eventually discovered to be a staggering one: the huge Clinton surplus was illusory at best. Some would call such accounting and projections to be smoke and mirrors. I call it knowledge of a crime in progress. Doing nothing about it as the highest elected official in this land is not far short of treason. Based on my firsthand experience in these affairs over the past 15 years, I also maintain that what Clinton and his circle did aided and abetted RICO, for that is exactly what it was. Many millions of Americans are much poorer because of it. The alleged $1.6 trillion surplus was more than snuffed out by the $1.8 trillion increase in National Debt.
Next we get Bush Junior, a man with an MBA that must stand for "My Belligerent Administration" for it surely cannot stand for anything related to higher education or understanding of fiscal matters. Under this Bush administration the national debt has escalated from approximately $5.8 trillion to $8 trillion and is projected to be at $10 trillion by the time he leaves office. The rate of economic growth fueled by our National Debt has escalated, as has the lining of the right pockets. That the money is being concentrated into the hands of the few is the problem. The growth depends solely if one is a Bush insider or one of us regular Americans that are finding it harder every day to make ends meet. Those figures represent an almost 30% increase in National Debt in 4 years and by the time he leaves office a 40% increase. Combine Bush I and Bush II we are talking about a 50% increase in National Debt due to two failed presidencies. The $2.2 trillion that Bush has already racked up is the largest single increase ever, and nothing is happening as a result of it except just certain firms lining their pockets are our expense. By the time Bush leaves office, this fiscally irresponsible person will have increased our national debt by $4.2 trillion and far more than his father and Clinton combined, and just like his father nothing to show for it but National Debt.
That this nation might choose another Bush in the form of Jeb Bush with the prior track records of his father and brother is inconceivable. When one clearly understands the real agenda of Bush & Company, one sees that oil and defense spending will continue to rack up staggering amounts of debt. In these administrations there is no hesitation to wage wars based on false pretenses in order to escalate the growth of national debt even faster.
Figure 1: United States National Debt
Figure 2: United States Debt vs. Percentage of GDP


The rise of national debt during the Bush Administration represents the largest single increase during any presidential term in the history of the United States and in the shortest period of time. Our jobs are headed overseas, our economy is not producing jobs as fast as the illegal aliens are coming in (much less those Americans that do not have a job or will not over the remainder of the Bush Administration), and we have a government that repeatedly tells us that their B.S. smells like a bouquet of roses. They do not bother to disclose that the high profits being reported by major corporations are in many cases fueled by the national debt and our government directing that money to certain corporations. That is not real growth. The only things that grow in the capitol are greed, lies to cover it up, and fiscal irresponsibility. By 2008, it is projected that 40% of our total National Debt will be as a result of Bush II policies, and when combined with his equally inept father, over 50% of our National Debt will be attributable to two men named Bush who demonstrate every day they are both detached from Americans and do not care about average citizens. Do we really want a third Bush Family member to see if we can make it 60% or 70% of the total debt due to people named Bush?
There is a word that accurately describes what Bush I and Bush II have done in regard to our national debt and how it is being used to prop-up our markets and economic numbers artificially by directing that money only to their insider buddies. The word is insanity. It is also despicable, but th at is another subject for a future email update.
As you can see from chart in Figure 2, the U.S. national debt grew under Reagan not only in size but also in terms of relative percentage of GNP. The national debt continued to grow under Clinton and the slightly downward trend of percent of debt to GDP was covered up by a hyper-inflated growth of the IT boom. In the IT industry, that kind of business is called "selling vaporware" and there was plenty of it during the 1990's and the Clinton administration. Many of the "greatest ever" IT companies born during the Clinton Administration were frauds from the outset and operated mainly to get people like you and me to invest our money. They planned to take it away and many of them did so without any legal repercussions.
Under George W. Bush, we got something quite different. Corporate fraud had become blatantly apparent and could not be covered up any longer by Washington or Wall Street. Now we have government fraud as brazen as most corporate fraud. By 2001 the realities of the Clinton administration and its laxity in corporate governance had come home to roost. American investors had several hundred billion dollars of their hard earned money stolen by firms that knew they could steal all they wanted without any fear of reprisals other than puny fines. Look around you and remember how many of your friends, family-maybe even you-got ripped off by corporate fraud. Washington did little or nothing about that fraud. Remember how the thieves walked free while many American families were plowed under and put into the poor house by such actions. Remember that no justice, no restitution was forthcoming when the same people that contribute heavily to national campaigns fleeced millions of Americans to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars. Remember that quality of life for most of us took a severe downturn due to such policies and the glaring lack of enforcement against certain law-breaking insiders. If you get a mental picture of hogs at a trough, then you see clearly what is going on in this Bush administration and the administrations of the two presidents before him.
Here is an article that points out, in clear language, the mess we've created.
Add up those figures: current debt and deficit, promises for those big programs, pensions, veterans' health care. The total comes to $43 trillion, says Walker, the nation's comptroller general, who runs the Government Accountability Office. That's where the $145,000 bill for every American comes from. And that is only part of the story. U.S. News & World Report did a story in early 2005 on this very subject and started the focus on the $43 trillion in total U.S. debt. However, that only depends on how you count the numbers, or better yet, account for the numbers. Even when their policies, and refusal to enforce the laws of this land, were making us poorer as a nation, as a people, down to the family, the private business and the individual, they accelerated how fast they could put debt on our backs for generations to come and concentrate even more wealth into the hands of their elite few insiders. However, it is not new money from growth. It is new money created from debt and placed on our backs for at least the next 30 years.
Figure 3: National Debt from 1940 to the Present
Figure 4: National Debt Corrected for Inflation (in 2000 Dollars)

 Depending on the source and the veracity in stating the true exposure, this nation is either $43 trillion or $53 trillion or $73 trillion in debt. To get to the real figure one has to add in all of the other programs such as Ginny Mae, Fanny Mae, Freddie Mac mortgage guarantee programs, the Sallie Mae student loan programs, the OPIC [Overseas Private Investment Corporation] that is underwriting one deal after another for the large corporations to build oil and gas infrastructure, pipelines, hotels so the wealthy elite deal-doers and players can stay in a posh hotel in places like Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan or Kabul, Afghanistan or other underdeveloped areas. Not even factored into that staggering debt are the hundreds of billions of unfunded mandates that the federal government has foisted off on the states while weakening every one of them. Remember, you are a citizen of this nation but you are a resident of a particular state. Part of how they hide the true amount of damage is by putting it off on the balance sheets of others, like your state and you.

The next time you fuel up your vehicle and the "sticker shock" of gasoline prices sets in, consider this as the pump clicks away: for every gallon of gas you buy, you are actually paying three to five times that much when you factor in the cost of a war to take that petroleum product away from some alleged "terrorist" nation, the costs to station our troops there to protect the stolen resources, and the costs of direct and indirect government debt paid out so the oil companies do not have to develop oil fields, build pipelines, et cetera, and the cost for other overhead expenses of our bloated national government. They are doing it with leverage, at our expense.
Under the current Bush Administration alone, the U.S. national debt for every man, woman and child in this nation, regardless of economic status (poverty level, poor, Middle Class or affluent), has risen over 20% to $145,000 per citizen, or more, based on the lowest statement of our total national debt at $43 trillion. Not per family, per every member of your family. If you are part of a family of 4 and have net worth of say $250,000, and the US National Debt for your family is almost $500,000, I trust you can see the problem. Two words describe that condition - illiquid and bankrupt. It is one thing to be a wage slave to your home mortgage and credit cards. It is quite another thing to be a wage slave to the policies of Uncle Sam and not even to realize it.
Here is the bad news folks, as if the preceding is not bad enough: It is projected that by 2014, it will take over 60% of the GNP of the United States to service the foreign debt [the primary owners of our National Debt] these irresponsible people in DC have racked up, will continue to rack up in the coming years, and passed a very large portion of that money through to their wealthy elite backers. They get the rosy profits to satisfy Wall Street expectations and we get stuck with the debt for generations to come. They get the American Dream and you get the shaft courtesy of American greed and the policies of our government.
By any definition, that is very bad news and it is headed right at us, right now. This is the result of fiscal policy run amok, and it must stop or our country will sink to the status of a third-world nation in the coming years. Our elected leaders are bankrupting our nation, and sticking us with the tab. They are lining the pockets of the insiders and about to abandon us, leaving us in financial shambles. We can point the finger at the Bush Family for half of our entire national debt. That figure is climbing by every minute George W. Bush is in office.
If that does not anger you enough to take action, you might think about it and the impact on our country and all of us not part of the élite. That circle has been doing this damage at an accelerated pace for the past 25 years, and yes, Clinton was doing it just as was Bush I and is Bush II. Reagan at least had the excuse that inflation and high interest rates were a large portion of the problem. Bush I, Clinton and Bush II have no excuse - they've sold us out.
Underlying this cabal that is driving profits by heaping debt on our backs is the Federal Reserve Bank. That corporation is neither a federal agency, nor does it have reserves, nor is it a really a bank. When the Treasury issues new debt, the Federal Reserve prints the money and we again get the debt while a disproportionate amount of that money gets directed to just the right parties. They walk off with the banquet and we get the crumbs, usually with credit strings attached so we do not get too rich and too independent of them to collectively act and change things for the better. Most Americans do not realize that the Federal Reserve is owned by its members and that does not include you, me or the Federal Government. It does include domestic and foreign money center banks that control our financial freedoms.
It is a system out of control, and over time it is burying this nation, and each and every one of us, under enormous debt. We see an appetite of greed that cannot be sated because the players have learned like Pavlovian dogs that enough is never enough. In a way it is learned behavior and business as usual in our national capitol, until the majority of Americans are driven to ruin.
The next two elections in 2006 and 2008 concern your standard of life, the quality of your retirement years, the future of your children, and your grandchildren for what may be the rest of the 21 Century.
National debt money is not primarily going into US infrastructure, or programs for the poor, or worthwhile efforts to move to higher technology levels and get away from the oil and gas hydrocarbon racket of this government and its vested interests. It is going into Big Pharma for government programs that are not needed. It is going into biotech R&D and creating even more sicknesses for Big Pharma to treat, at high prices of course. I call this type of technique "planting weeds in the garden so the garden has to be weeded". The money is going into Homeland Security where the only thing that any foreigner wants to attack in America is an incredibly, globally abusive government and its thuggish corporate masters. The money is going into Big Defense for one bogus threat or war after another so the insiders can have their Big Defense and Big Oil profits and control of the world's energy resources and the profits from that control . It is going to firms like Halliburton that are mopping up huge wads of taxpayer money in Iraq, Afghanistan, and other places, and even here in the US for post-Hurricane Katrina response efforts. It is going to pay American mercenaries $100,000 to $200,000 a year to be instruments of us- We the People- and doing things in our name that We the People would not tolerate for even a second if the truth were on the table for all to see.
The tax debate is just that-a debate. We cannot tax the economy and workers so heavily or we will take the wind out of our economic sails and put it into the hands of Washington and its proven fiscal irresponsibility. If you look at the economic charts for Reagan, Bush I and Bush II, it is not hard to see why "Trickle Down Economics" does not work. It caters to and panders to greed driven by debt rather than tax revenues, not real financial growth. What they cannot collect on the surface as taxes they now create as debt, pile it on the rest of us, and keep lining the pockets of the right people. On the other hand, rampant spending on social programs is not the answer either. We need a whole new set of priorities but first we need a government that is in touch with America and not just special interests.
We cannot cut taxes for the wealthy and leave the poor and Middle Class carrying such an awful burden. We cannot have U.S. corporations crushing our infrastructure and not paying their fair share for distributing their goods and at the same time moving jobs offshore and leaving working Americans high and dry.
The American Dream means nothing at all, if it be a dream only for the chosen few and merely a false hope for the rest of us.
We cannot have any free rides when our nation is fundamentally bankrupt due to the failed fiscal policies of our government. Our government even finances the trade deficits with even more debt on us, and profits for insiders.
In short, the money generated by this debt means creating "fake economic results" is going to just about everywhere and everyone except to average Americans here in America. We get the tab and otherwise We the People are getting shafted.
Our nation and we. the citizens, must make some very fundamental financial decisions. We must do so within the next 12 months before the 2006 mid-term elections:
.Do we want an ever increasing national debt when a large percentage of that money is going directly into the coffers of our largest corporations that drive the policies that create the debt and dictate where the money goes?
.Do we want an economic growth model that is primarily driven by debt accruing to us and obscene profits for the already wealthy?
.Do we want to be a debtor nation or a creditor nation? Does the average American know the difference?
. Do we want to have a strong economy that produces benefits for all citizens or the type of economy we have now that produces benefits only for the élite that pulls the strings in Washington?
. Do we want fiscal policies that eat up an ever increasing part of our GNP just so certain parties can get filthy rich and the rest of us bear the burdens for generations?
This is not the America I want and I trust that you feel the same way. It is time for change, or said another way - it is time for REGIME CHANGE in Washington, D.C. For many years our leaders have already made it clear by their actions, or lack thereof, that they intend to do nothing to change it. It remains for us-We the People-to force them to make the changes.
I hope this information helps bring the matter of fiscal crisis matter focus for you. That crisis is huge and it is going to be painful. The longer we delay-and our leaders have proven they will do nothing but delay-the worse it will hurt, and for a longer period of time. There is nothing riding on this matter but the future of America and whether we are a first class nation, or second, or third or worse.
As you think about this over the weekend, keep this simple thought in mind. What you are witnessing in America, and what you have just read, can be summed up with four words - Government Sponsored Corporate Profiteering. The government and the corporations win, you lose. Everything they do is to keep feeding the beast they have created.
Weep for America, then get angry, and do something intelligent and productive about it. If you want Government Sponsored Corporate Profiteering to end, stand up and get everyone you know to stand up and put an end to it. That is the only way to stop it.
This is a battle for the future of America and all that we love.
My job as a Third Party Candidate is to energize this nation and give you the means to fight back and take back America. You have been lied to, had your treasury plundered, and seen your government produce an endless stream of actions against you and in favor of illegal, immoral corporate profiteering. I cannot do it alone, no single person can.
Contributions can be made via check through the mail or via credit card at
If you have not read the platform, you may download a copy of it at . Please get a copy of the platform and pass it along to all you know.
If you want to see the factual details of why George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, and George W. Bush should be tried for war crimes and genocide, I recommend you get copies of two books: Neoconned and Neoconned Again. You may purchase these books from the same page where you find the Schwarz Platform.
Best regards



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