NM Ban Aspartame Bill
Advances In State Senate

From Stephen Fox
The New Mexico Senate Bill SB 654, to ban aspartame/methanol/formaldehyde, the neurotoxic artificial sweetener found in 6000 food products. including a $100,000 appropriation to the Attorney General for enforcement [read it on the new mexico legislature website] passed a major hurdle in clearing the committee's committee as germane, so it can proceed without the governor's message. This means that the Legislative Branch of the New Mexico Legislature is alive and well, and is willing to move New Mexico Forward without the Governor's Executive Message! Nonetheless, we would still like the Governor's Message anyway....
However, the bill faces second major hurdle in Senate Public Affairs Committee Hearing. Things look challenging because of the massive array of corporate lobbyists who have already spoken against this bill, representing Pepsi Cola, Coca Cola, Ajinomoto (world's largest aspartame and monosodium glutamate manufacturer), the "Calorie Control Council," the New Mexico Soft Drink Association, etc.
Please come testify about 3:00-4:00 P.M.,if you can, and bring a letter stating your support of the bill, if you can.
Also call (505) 986-4300 in the A.M., ask to be connected to their office, leave as message asking them to vote a "do-pass" to SB 654, and one reason why, then get the fax # and send fax to each respective fax #, ONE ADDRESSED TO EACH PERSON. THANK YOU FOR DOING THIS....
Every single one of these people has read Dr. H.J. Roberts' article: Aspartame Disease: An FDA Approved Epidemic.
You will be speaking with their secretaries, asking them to take a personal message to the Senator on the Senate floor in the morning, before the afternoon hearing.
For letters, please Fax (505) 986-4280. This is the Senate Chief Clerk's fax #; please send a brief cover note to Margaret Larragoite asking her to be so kind as to take your message to the Senators listed below.
Senator Dede Feldman Chair, Senate Public Affairs Committee Democrat
Senator Mary Jane M. Garcia Vice Chair Democrat
Senator Steve Komadina Republican
Senator Stuart Ingle Secretary Cathy Rivera Rivera Republican
Senator Gay G. Kernan Republican
Senator Steven P. Neville Republican
Senator Ortiz y Pino Democrat, Bill sponsor: no need to fax him!
Senator Mary Kay Papen Democrat
Senator James G. Taylor Democrat
Stephen Fox
505 983-2002



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