The New Shame Of Doctors -
Blame The Patient
By Ted Twietmeyer
Pain - Live With It Because Of DEA Raids On Doctors
In a recent AARP magazine article, it was revealed that the overwhelming majority of patients are no longer treated for disease-induced pain! And the reason that was found? Doctors are now living in complete fear of the DEA. Those physicians perceived as prescribing "too many pain relievers" by pharmacists have been reported to the DEA. This has resulted in raids, incarceration of doctors and ruined careers. Doctors are scared out of their wits of such a raid, and is it can mean the end of their career and the gravy train they ride on. 
Legitimate doctors are now accused of providing drugs to addicts. One clever doctor told his patient "stop taking pain killers and just let the pain make yourbody attack your disease."
How would he like to have cancer attacking his major organs? Anyone who has ever had a kidney stone attack will tell you that you it makes you vomit violently over and over. When it happened to me all I could say was "I never knew my body could hurt that bad."  It was a living hell. Several nurse's told me they had both children and kidney stones, and the stone's hurt far worse.
One can't imagine trying to live a pain level like all through the body, day after day... with no relief in sight.
One doctor's office was raided in clear view of his patients, for no other reason other than providing pain relief to cancer patients. All his office hard drive files were copied, his staff interrogated for 8 hours and after all that he was hauled away. The result was a 25 YEAR sentence.
Doctors MUST start fighting back and suing the government for doing nothing more than following the Hippocratic Oath and Standard of Care for pain management. If they do not fight back and stop accepting plea bargains, these Gestapo tactics will continue on and on, and get worse. The real result of these Gestapo tactics? It FORCES PATIENTS TO SUFFER NEEDLESSLY that have a legitimate need for pain relief.
I have watched a close family member suffer from Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and endure the corresponding pain which the disease creates. What is it like? Imagine the agonizing pain of having all your arms and legs sawed off while you're wide awake, over and over. Or having red hot, sharp needles driven deep into your fingers, hands and feet around the clock - often for days at a time. This is the MS one out of four patients endure. It's heart-wrenching and frustrating to see someone you love and care for endure this relentless torture. Cancer patients know that severe pain means the end is in sight one way or the other. NOT SO WITH MS. MS drags on for several decades, and only becomes worse with time. It is like the ultimate torture disease for many that have it.
The public in general has been duped into the idiot mindset "all MS does is make your muscles weak." People are can be incredibly rude and cruel, and often tell someone still trying to walk with MS who is not yet in a wheelchair "Oh, you can't have the disease. You're not in a wheelchair yet." These are some of the biggest lies anyone could ever believe.
First hand, I've witnessed the work of a nationally respected MS Society doctor who specializes in "treating" this disease. In his examination room he DENIED the patient needed pain medication. He bluntly stated "there isn't any pain with MS - it's all in your mind" and suggested the patient see a psychiatrist. The true reality is that about 1 in 4 MS patients have SERIOUS pain resulting from the disease.
The human body has many kinds of specialized nerves for touch, cold, heat, pressure and of course, pain. MS attacks the myelin sheath which provides electrical insulation for millions of tiny micro-volt level signals in the highly conductive, wet saline environment inside the human body. These signals are actually smaller than those present on any radio or television antenna. Without the myelin insulating sheath (which is normally in a constant state of formation by specialized cells) signals from nerves are weakened or lost. When muscles do no receive electrical signals of sufficient amplitude because of missing myelin, they cannot function correctly. When muscles are not used regularly, they waste away. Likewise, when signals sent to the brain from the nervous system are falsely generated because of breaks in the myelin, severe phantom pain signals are created. Most people don't realize are that MS creates hearing problems, balance problems, functional blindness from vision problems, and taste, smell and touch problems. Often muscle weakness can be the least of a patient's problems, although a still a troublesome one.
One patient stated "I can walk but I'm afraid to drive because I can't feel my feet on the pedals." Losing mobility is a frightening to any patient - while losing vision, balance for walking and hearing or other senses may be worse. Often we do not appreciate what any of our 5 senses do for us...until we lose one of them.
Myelin loss is an end product of the toxins from bio-engineered micoplasmas. This creates muscle weakness and also attacks nerves, which can create searing pain throughout the ENTIRE body. MS and cancer pain is often so severe that patients are functionally incapacitated. Some even attempt to take their own life to escape the living hell of it all...and many have succeeded.
WHY is the government interfering with legitimate medical care? Is it possible they want people to suffer? Are there drugs legally on the market touted as "a successful treatment" yet designed to keep people sick, while bleeding them of every penny they have? Copaxone(r) (calcium glatimir acetate) is a popular treatment for MS, and is the perfect pharmaceutical for the disease. Not because it has cured anyone, but because it is only intended to keep the disease at bay. The makers of the drug Copaxone(r) boldly state that Copaxone(r) is not a cure!
The "maintenance drug" does not come cheap. With a price tage of more than $1200 (US$) a month, patients in the police-state UK are told it is "too expensive" and they cannot receive it unless they can pay for it themselves. That comes out to more than $40/day PER DAY for the daily self-injection, which must be kept refrigerated. In the USA, patients rarely can get any medical plan to pay for all of it. Co-pays are typically about 20%, or $250 a month. It's the same as making car payments forever on a car you'll never own, be able to drive or ever see it.
What's also interesting (but perhaps not surprising) is where Copaxone is made. It is made with high volume, automated mass production equipment - and only in Israel.
A doctor once said "a patient cured is a customer lost." Truer words have never been spoken. For those that doubt this, consider when the last time you ever heard on television, the radio or in any other media the words "cure" or "cured" was uttered by any doctor. Medical schools make certain that word is completely washed from all doctor's minds before graduation. This promotes the mind-set of keeping people SICK. Why? because seriously sick people reduce the population, and have no will to procreate. And most important - they keep the medical profession growing by leaps and bounds.
In short - social engineering dictates we are supposed to BECOME sick, STAY sick, and DIE SOONER. Period. I challenge anyone to prove otherwise, and to show me a MAINSTREAM medical who doctor will even utter the word "cured" instead of the word "treatment." Population reduction is the name of the game, and all doctor's are being forced to play. They MUST stand up together, stop insane government intervention in humane care and forcefully practice the Hippocratic Oath.
They have the power to do so.
The question is, do they have the spine it requires?
Ted Twietmeyer
Founder of and holder of a US patent, Mr. Twietmeyer and has written a book on Mars exposing in detail the presence of past life on the planet. He currently works in research.



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