Blood Money -
The Devil Is In The Details
Part 2
But Crooked Politicians Are Devious At Hiding
Their Dirty Work In Illegal Arms Sales To Iran And Iraq

By Greg Szymanski
The body count in the Middle East since the UK and U.S. supplied the area with illegal arms in the 1980's is staggering. The exact number is unknown, as official counts have been manipulated. But it's safe to say hundreds of thousands, mostly innocent men, women, children and elderly, have been needlessly slaughtered in barbaric fashion.
The battle in the Arab sand is, in fact, the ultimate testament of man's inhumanity to man.
It is also the ultimate testament of how UK and U.S. foreign policy has not facilitated peace, but instead provoked war by providing the very weapons that have kept the bloody conflict going on for decades.
But hard evidence to nail the "masters of evil" in the arms trade has always been hidden.
In fact, solid proof that high level U.S. and UK officials illegally profited from massive sales of biological, chemical and WMD weaponry to Iran and Iraq has always been conveniently swept under the rug by corrupt courts and a compliant media.
And these public servants acting without a conscience or not serving evil not good have given crooked Western politicians like Thatcher, Reagan, Bush, Blair, Rumsfeld and their many loyal minions a free ride to collect handsome commissions through "front companies" as well as a free ride to continue to do the devil's dirty work ­ to this very day - by selling illegal arms throughout the world.  
Although flimsy evidence has surfaced in the past to nail the scoundrels, most of the incriminating evidence has been successfully buried by the White House and 10 Downing St., buried in the form of people "who knew too much and were about to talk" or through using MI6 and CIA muscle to hide or destroy incriminating documentation.
As the war against Iraq rages on today and politicians try to justify the Western attack, one significant factor is being kept secret - the Scott Report - a factor which known could put all the "masters of evil' behind bars.
In fact, several whistle blowers ­ two who may have been murdered - say "the smoking gun" that could blow the lid off the entire arms scandal relates directly to the Scott Report on the "Arms to Iraq" affair of the mid-90's and to those aspects that Sir Richard Scott omitted from his report submitted in the UK.
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