The Greater Whitewash -
Warren Or Kean
Commission Report? Exclusive 
By Douglas Herman
I have been rereading some old history recently. Yesterday, I reread the little known but fascinating When They Kill A President by decorated Dallas deputy sheriff, Roger Craig.
Craig compiled his own eyewitness narrative of events to offer JFK assassination researchers a counterpoint to the 26 volume, official government version known as the Warren Report.
The disgruntled deputy claimed WC junior counsel, David Belin distorted his recorded testimony 14 times in the typed transcript. Here is an excerpt.
"The parking lot behind the picket fence was of little importance to most of the investigators at the scene except that the shots were thought to have come from there," wrote Craig. "Let us examine this parking lot. It was leased by Deputy Sheriff B. D. Gossett. He in turn rented parking space by the month to the deputies who worked in the court house, except for official vehicles. I rented one of these spaces from Gossett when I was a dispatcher working days or evenings. I paid Gossett $3.00 per month and was given a key to the lot. An interesting point is that the lot had an iron bar across the only entrance and exit (which were the same). The bar had a chain and lock on it. The only people having access to it were deputies with keysThis was to be the beginning of the never-ending cover up."
Most people who have seen the Oliver Stone film, JFK, will recall the dusty, out-of-state cars that circled the lot minutes before Kennedy was killed. Who were these people and where did they get keys?  
Nowadays the Warren Report is considered less an objective historical document than a biased archive full of omissions, distortions and outright falsehoods. Only a few, obviously well-paid apologists like Gerald Posner (Case Closed) and the ubiquitous "John McAdams," together with the usual History Channel/Discovery Channel WC regurgitators continue to churn out the lone gunman version of events.
CIA insider, Fletcher Prouty remarked:  "The Warren Commission Report is trash. Because it is trash, the Warren Commission either was part of the conspiracy, and as part of the conspiracy they used their report to cover and obfuscate the crime, or they, too, had been put under the control of that powerful cabal.
"I prefer to believe the latterThere was not an ignorant or stupid man on that Commission. So they may have been persuaded that the better part of discretion was to put out the report 'to soothe the public.' But is that the way to solve a crime or to prevent others? Did that Commission agree, nobly, to let a whole team of criminals walk the streets? This is a big question."
If Prouty is correct-and I believe he was-every Warren commissioner commited a felony. Or to put it in simpler terms, they aided and abetted a government coup, and thus were all traitors.
Prouty penned these observations in an essay entitled The Guns of Dallas. Out of respect and admiration for that patriot, I gave my novel the same title.
 Much like the Warren Report, the Kean Commission Report drew criticism and praise (Whitewash as Public Service ( even before it emerged from the presses with a title as ponderous as the book: "The 9/11 Commission Report: Final Report of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States (Authorized Edition)"
With few exceptions, however, the US mainstream media and public lauded the findings.
"Stores reported overnight sellouts of their orders," wrote Benjamin DeMott of Harper's Magazine. "Officialdom, Republicans and Democrats, spoke of the work as magisterial. David Brooks hailed its moral aura."
Meanwhile, on the Internet, that last refuge of a free press, where keen journalistic insight and healthy skepticism still thrive today, the Kean report received nothing but derision.
But was the criticism fair? The US mainstream media-led by those bastions of rigid Right-Think, The New York Post and the Wall Street Journal---attacked the commission for trying to collect paperwork and testimony. If two conservative New York City newspapers whined about an investigation that dared to pry into the murder of 3,000 New Yorkers, what hope did any US citizen in the hinterland have of learning the truth?
Curiously, none of the New York newspapers howled when the Kean Commission overlooked the destruction of a 47-story New York skyscraper. The WTC-7 housed Security and Exchange Commission records, offices of the Secret Service and CIA, and the NYC emergency command post of mayor Giuliani. Curiously, the WSJ remained silent, suspiciously silent and almost complicit, about the destruction of WTC-7.
When a trio of obscure California investigative journalists-Eric Hufschmid, Michael Ruppert and David Ray Griffin-began to raise holy hell about the 911 discrepancies and the WTC attack, the New York media, top city officials and leading politicians, like Hillary Clinton, ignored them. The Kean Commission simply followed suit.
Oddly, the director of the Kean Commission was a former member of the Bush senior National Security Council and the Council on Foreign Affairs.  Phillip Zelikow penned this observation about a possible terrorist attack three years before 911.
"Like Pearl Harbor, the event would divide our past and future into a before and after. The United States might (might?) respond with draconian measures scaling back civil liberties, allowing wider surveillance of citizens, detention of suspects and use of deadly force. More violence could follow, either future terrorist attacks or U.S. counterattacks. Belatedly, Americans would judge their leaders negligent for not addressing terrorism more urgently."
Curiously, the Kean Commission, many commissioners connected to banking and investment, never determined who made those Put Options.  Even when Internet editors offered suggestions (9/11 - All the Proof You Need), the Kean Commission focused on finger-pointing and minutia.
Senator Max Cleland, who initially served on the Kean Commission, was the only outspoken member. He compared the Kean Commission to the Warren Commission: "The Warren Commission blew it. I'm not going to be part of that (Kean Commission). I'm not going to be part of looking at information only partially. I'm not going to be part of just coming to quick conclusions. I'm not going to be part of political pressure to do this or that."
Perhaps, most heartening, American citizens were finally waking up to the disinformation of the Kean Commission. Here is a sampling of recent reviews from about the book.
"A waste of paper and ink- LIES, LIES & more lies," said a reviewer named Sewell. "Never seen so much non-evidence in all my lifewritten like a story, not an investigation. Virtually everything has been PROVED to be false, misleading & just plain wrong."
"In 2004, the Report received mostly 5-star reviews," observed Adam Syed. "In 2005, however, most of the reviews are 1-star. In addition, most of the 1-star reviews began to appear in long strings shortly after David Ray Griffin's second book hit the shelves in late 2004."
"Disinformation, Big Lies, and Glaring Omissions," added Chad Weber from Chicago.
"Pure, Unadulterated Horse Shit," wrote Richard Smith from Texas
"An Absolute Lie; You Sheep Need To Wake up!" added CR Leach from Indiana.
Amazingly, readers tended to agree wholeheartedly with what these reviewers wrote. More than one reviewer penned: "I recommend David Ray Griffin's Books, as well as Eric Hufschmid's 'Painful Questions' if you are truly interested in knowing what really happened on 9-11-01." Seems the 911 truth movement has taken over the Amazon site devoted to a government propaganda book!
Only time will tell which was the greater government whitewash, Warren or Kean.  But conspirators in the 21st century will need more than a few treasonous "commissioners" aligned with a globalist agenda before they can delude all of the people all of the time.
USAF veteran and regular Rense contributer, Douglas Herman lives in Florida. Contact him at



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