Pokeback Mount'in:
Hymn to Dysfunction
By Henry Makow PhD

I enjoyed "Pokeback Mount'in."
Director Ang Lee's tale of "forbidden love on the range" evokes the honest feelings and tensions of rural life in the 1960's and 70's. The panoramas of the Canadian Rockies and abstract images of the sheep herd were soothing. The film reminds us that cinematic art could nourish the human spirit instead of poison it.
Unfortunately, under its artistic veneer, "Pokeback Mount'in" advances the Illuminati plan to destroy the nuclear family (also a plank in their Communist Manifesto.)
The movie preaches that homosexuality is normal and natural. In fact, in most cases, homosexuality is a developmental disorder that the Illuminati wish to foster in order to destabilize and depopulate society. Throughout history, the enemies of society have used "art," "tolerance," "progress," "cool" and "chic" to trick people into behaving self-destructively. (The "Illuminati"
Effective propaganda mixes Truth with Deception. "Pokeback Mount'in" acknowledges that male homosexual love often has tragic consequences. At the end, Ennis Del Mar is a pathetic figure living alone in a dilapidated trailer. He treasures items of clothing that once belonged to his lover Jack Twist, who died in a suspicious accident.
The Deception lies in the movie's implication that it is normal and natural for men to indulge in homosexual behavior. To begin, these men do not look gay and they engage in masculine activities. "I ain't queer," one says. "Me neither," the other replies.
Then they jump into the sack together.
In reality, men and women find homosexual sex repugnant, a fact the movie tacitly recognizes by mercifully portraying little. (The movie's image of homosexuality is sanitized and made to seem comparable to heterosexuality. In fact, a monogamous long-term relationship like this one is exceptional.)
These two cowboys aren't typical homosexuals and they certainly are not normal heterosexuals.
If you listen closely, you'll hear them both mention they were alienated from their biological fathers at a young age. Ennis' parents died in a car accident while Jack's father shunned him. Homosexual males typically are trying to compensate for this loss. (Another cause is sexual abuse in youth. A small minority may have been "born that way" because of a testosterone imbalance during gestation.)
(Relationship to fathers
Although Ennis had an attractive and loving fiancee, Alma, we are expected to believe his first emotional embrace was from Jack. The plot's main weakness is its failure to communicate what they have found in each other. Is it just sexual?
There is an amazing scene when Alma accidentally witnesses her husband Ennis passionately kissing Jack. She has two daughters and this is her first realization her husband is gay. You can see from her expression that her life is crashing down around her. After tolerating this long-distance romance for a few years, she finally gets a divorce.
Jack's marriage to Lureen is also a sham, also headed for divorce. If the Illuminati (and their feminist lackeys) have their way, fathers will be removed from families' altogether and homosexuality will explode. The ultimate aim is to replace the nuclear family with state-sponsored childbirth as in Aldous Huxley's "Brave New World."
I apologize for repeating myself but some things need to be reiterated. We are soaked in a toxic media bath that trashes the family and considers homosexuality cool. Heterosexuality is much more than opposite-sex attraction. It is about monogamy (marriage) reproduction and child rearing. This is how most of us develop and fulfill ourselves. Obviously, this natural process is essential for the health of society.
Our culture militates against healthy marriage and families. Men no longer learn that the true standard of manhood is supporting and raising a family. Women waste their most fertile years at university learning to fear and compete with men. The media encourages them to be sluts, and experiment with lesbianism.
Homosexuality is a developmental disorder resulting in failure to permanently bond with a member of the opposite sex. This has become a common social affliction as divorce rates soar and marriage and birth rates plummet.
Generally speaking (but not always) homosexuality is characterized by a belief in sex for its own sake and a fixation on sex appeal as the main criterion of personal worth. Haven't we all succumbed in this respect?
Our attitude to children is also homosexual. Children are viewed as a nuisance rather than as an extension of ourselves, organic growth, and a source of infinite love and joy.
Cheating is cheating. In the movie, the two men betray their wives and children in the most egregious fashion. Yet the movie ends on a nostalgia note recalling the glory days having sex on Brokeback Mountain. In our Illuminist-controlled culture, self-indulgence will always trump personal and social responsibility.
The human race is a dysfunctional family too. Our leaders are betraying us in the most egregious fashion. They have literally sold out to the Illuminati, a Luciferian cult that promotes pedophilia, human sacrifice, and every form of depravity, corruption and organized crime. They stage wars and atrocities, incl. the Sept. 11 massacre, for profit and power. They secretly plot a world police state called "the New World Order."
Is it "intolerant" to refer to this movie as "Pokeback Mount'in" ?
In the Illuminati-controlled USSR, movies were all considered "agitprop" or indoctrination. This applies to us as well. "Pokeback Mount'in" is being made into a social phenomenon with the potential to influence millions. It had the top box office, won the Golden Globe for Best Picture and is likely to win many Oscars. (Agitprop
One of the Illuminati's techniques is to misname things. Thus "masculinism" is called "feminism," "tyranny" is called "peace." A War of Terror is called a War on Terror. Similarly, we must rename their propaganda to remove its effectiveness.
We have no argument with homosexuals who live responsible lives. Our argument is with the elite social engineers who use homosexuality as a weapon to shred the social fabric and enslave us. We are not going to be fooled by their smears and hypocritical appeals to "tolerance". We will defend ourselves.
See also my "Playboy and the (Homo) Sexual Revolution"
"Feminism and the Elite Depopulation Agenda"
"Is this Gay Behavior Sick?"
"Why I'm Proud to be Homophobic"
"Heterosexual Society is Under Siege"
"Gradual Genocide: Fertility, Feminism and Fascism
Henry Makow Ph.D. is the inventor of the game Scruples and author of "A Long Way to go for a Date." His articles exposing fe-manism and the New World Order can be found at his web site He enjoys receiving comments, some of which he posts on his site using first names only.



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