Tookie Williams
Executed By Lethal Injection

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) --  Crips co-founder Stanley Tookie Williams was executed Tuesday for four 1979 murders after appeals courts refused to reopen his case and Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger rejected the notion he had found redemption on death row.
Williams, 51, died around 12:35 a.m. by lethal injection at San Quentin State Prison, as supporters and death penalty foes rallied outside the gates of the prison during the state's highest-profile execution in a generation.
Williams' case became one of the nation's biggest death-row cause celebres in decades. It set off a nationwide debate over the possibility of redemption on death row, with Hollywood stars and capital punishment foes arguing that Williams had made amends by writing children's books about the dangers of gangs.
In the days leading up to the execution, state and federal courts refused to reopen Williams' case. At midday Monday, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger denied Williams' request for clemency.
Later in the evening, additional last-ditch requests to halt the execution were rejected by the U.S. Supreme Court, the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals and Schwarzenegger.
Williams became the 12th person executed in California since lawmakers reinstated the death penalty in 1977.



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