France - 'Everything
Will Change'

By Michael O'Meara
According to the European edition of the Wall Street Journal (11-19-05), Jean-Marie Le Pen (pictured at youth rally, right) of the Front National has become a major factor in French politics. Unlike the corrupt, compromised politicians at the helm of France's Judeo-liberal state, Le Pen stands alone in arguing that the quasi-insurrection of immigrant "youth" was the logical offshoot of thirty years of misguided immigration policy -- which has allowed millions of Third World peoples to colonize the European heartland. And though he has repeatedly made these claims in the past, today all France is listening, as he puts the entire social-political system on notice. In a series of recent declarations, he has condemned the country's political class not just for its pathetic response to the racial anarchy that threatened the nation's life for more than three weeks, but for creating a situation in which a hostile, alien force was allowed a free hand to attack and vilify the French in their own land. If elected president in 2007, he promises "everything will change."
Against an Establishment which understands the recent street violence in terms of alienation, poverty, and exclusion (all of which are implicitly assumed to be the fault of French Whites), Le Pen minces no words in denouncing the danger posed by immigration. This danger, he says, threatens the very existence of Europe insofar as the anti-White forces represented by these immigrants seek nothing less than the abolition of all that distinguishes Europe from the impoverished, mismanaged lands from which they originate. Le Pen thus predicts even greater and more threatening disturbances, for the integration schemes the political class now plans for France promise to generate even greater discontent and violence.
But more than stressing the political, cultural, religious, and civilizational danger these immigrants pose, Le Pen makes the untimely observation that they don't even serve an economic purpose. The state's own statistics show that legal immigration grew by nearly 3% in 2004 and that only 5% of these new immigrants hold jobs -- which means the remaining 95% are supported by French taxpayers, who have to foot the bill for their housing, unemployment benefits, and medical care. According to the economist Yves-Marie Laulan, every immigrant entering France ends up costing the country 100,000 euros per year. It is of course politically incorrect to note the correlation between these statistics and what happened in the burning suburbs. But these figures (which don't include illegal immigration) cannot but announce even greater troubles.
The soothing discourse coming from the established powers, as might be expected, are little more than a criminal scam. For what these powers refuse to acknowledge is that the North- and West African Muslim hordes settled on the outskirts of France's major metropolitan centers are not just the Third World's pitiful refuse, they are a force that blights the face of Marianne, pollutes her environment, assaults her cultural patrimony, and endangers the most mundane realms of her daily life. Their ugly, ill mannered, and repugnant behaviors stand, in fact, as a living refutation of all multiculturalist claims to their enriching effects. Any effort to assimilate them into the national body can only come at the cost of destroying everything the nation represents. But however negative their effect, in themselves the immigrants are not the principal danger to French survival: For numerous and rebellious as they may be, the threat they pose can be easily enough taken care of once the will arises. For the moment Europeans re-learn to be themselves again, the aliens will simply be repatriated back to the god-forsaken places from which they came.
The chief danger to the survival of the White North, as Le Pen makes crystal clear, is the reigning political class, which has been instrumental in imposing an American-style regime of money on Europe and using it to ruin the human quality of Europe's incomparable patrimony. This New Class of bought-off politicians and deculturated managers beholden to international financial interests is, indeed, the real architect of Europe's Third Worldization. Naively believing in the positive value of multiracialism, multiculturalism, and world citizenship, this class has sought to make patriotism old-fashioned, relativize the law's legitimacy, obscure the horrific realities of multiculturalism, and distort all statistics and evidence contradicting its harebrained schemes.
The destructive effects of the situation it has created cannot, in fact, even be discussed (which, as I argued in an earlier article, is a contributing factor to the system's growing dysfunctionality). As Hélène Carrière d'Encausse, a distinguished historian of Soviet Russia and member of the prestigious Académie française, recently told a Russian TV station: "French television [and she implies the French public sphere as a whole] is so politically correct that it is a nightmare. We have laws that even Stalin couldn't have imagined. You can go to jail for simply pointing out that there are five Jews or ten Blacks on TV. It's prohibited to express an opinion on ethnic groups, on the Second World War, and on numerous other issues."
That the recent implosion of French society was the work of the very politicians responsible for the present immigration policies, and not the immigrants themselves, is further evidenced by Chirac's national TV address of 11-14, when, after affirming the "enriching" effects of diversity, called on the French to further empty their pocketbooks for the sake of the "disadvantaged youth," proposing new schemes to support the government's egalitarian utopia. In this spirit, Chirac promises more strenuous anti-discrimination laws and better representation of ethnic minorities in French media and politics. He remains thus totally clueless as to the nature of the recent riots. But this is not simply a French problem. The European Parliament recently refused to discuss the quasi-insurrectional riots -- for the EU's immigration policies are no less responsible for the racial-civilizational wars that are bound to scar Europe's future.
In any case, Le Pen has begun the counter-attack. For the first time in six decades, since the extra-European conquest of the European Continent, the White man is openly and publicly mobilizing against the aliens' rule. "Only the defense of our identity, our territory, our prosperity, waged in opposition to the globalist ideology of all who favor the unrestricted circulation of goods, capital, and people" will, he insists, preserve France's national existence.
If the France of Le Pen succeeds in reconquering her lands, this will undoubtedly prepare the way for the rest of Europe . Already, the majority of the French working class (the first to suffer the disastrous consequences of globalization) and an ever-growing section of the middle class support him. As outnumbered and outgunned by the totalitarian forces of the Judeo-liberal regime, the heritage Le Pen represents refuses to be silenced. If this heritage should ever be restored by a Le Pen presidency (and his standing in the polls has shot up everywhere across France), there is little doubt that "everything will change."
Michael O'Meara, Ph.D., studied social theory at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes in Sciences Sociales and modern European history at the University of California. He is the author of New Culture, New Right: Anti-Liberalism in Postmodern Europe (2004)



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