Your Nightly News -
Propaganda - Part 2

By Dr. R. Winfield
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Whenever I'm back in Britain I'm struck by how much further along we are in The Plan, sadly most have accepted it peacefully. Or they are all worked up about ancillary issues that are merely red-herrings to draw them from ever knowing the truth that binds them. The dividing of the American people is also in full swing. A blatant example of this was seen during the last "elections." The supporters of both parties were at some rally and there was a lot of screaming and shouting going on. On these people's faces, you see absolute hatred. The TV showed one man walk up to another who was holding a young child in his arms, and spit in his face. These encounters are a hair's breadth away from bloody violence, and that is exactly what the Puppet Masters want. That's what is really behind all the recent immigration protests in the US, the Muslim protests in France, etc. The mind controlled masses are being whipped into a frenzy, every Western nation is like a simmering cauldron about to boil over. Before we move on, please remember the election protest spitting incident, and remind yourself that both leaders of the opposing parties were confirmed members of the same "secret society" the Skull & Bones. Of course I know any mention of this automatically triggers those two words designed to shut down all thoughtful evaluation; "Conspiracy Theory." But this fact is well documented and was even mentioned in interviews with both Bush and Kerry on CNN. Why are the secret societies now coming out of the closet? I'll tell you.
First, let's clarify a couple of terms. In some current writings on hot button issues, you occasionally hear these "opposing" factions referred to as "Punch & Judy." If you're not from England, you might not have the full picture on how apropos this is. Punch & Judy are a children's puppet show. Now, watch how this fits with current events. Each episode of Punch & Judy involves some issue and the two puppets fight, one is good the other bad. The children become totally engaged, emotionally involved and enraptured in the sights, sounds, actions, suspense, consequences, etc. Yet, all the while, just behind the curtain, it is just one man operating both puppets.
Next; End Game. This term is one that is bandied about regularly in "alternative news" circles. There are some videos, and websites that use the words End Game to describe current geopolitical conditions. The phrase in this context doesn't fit the idea of a football game, where the players are weary from the length of play. End Game applies more to chess, where strength increases and power accrues towards the end where there is no longer any hiding the intent of key pieces in strategic positions. Time has removed the deceptive cloak from the desire of malevolence.
This is why the secret societies are now emerging publicly. This "coming out" is significant, and you can watch the process with your friends that mock the notion of conspiracies. Here is the general formula for the emergence of sinister secrets in current events. First, complete and utter denial, then casual acknowledgment, and finally harmless dismissal. We've seen this played out many times in the media or with personal contacts. If you had phoned a talk show like Larry King Live fifteen years ago and in the middle of your discourse mentioned the CFR (Council On Foreign Relations) or Skull & Bones, you would have been laughed off the air as a conspiracy kook. I remember people mentioning in lectures that the majority of politicians of both parties belonged to this group, and the speakers being mocked for it. Then a few years later Arafat appears in the New York Times photographed at CFR headquarters in New York. Now it's merely common knowledge and no longer interesting. You'll see the same formula followed with Skull & Bones, Bohemian Grove, and then finally The Bilderbergers.
Recall that Bill Clinton's mentor Carol Quiggly in his epic tome Tragedy & Hope confessed that there is indeed a secret agenda to lead the planet into a New World Order global system, but he (almost prophectically) called for it to be brought out of the shadows and proclaimed openly. This is what they are now doing. This Plan is being implemented right before our eyes, its progenitors, increasingly brazen are no longer concealing their intent. It's all out in the open now, it's time to prepare for the NWO which will include a new global government, a new global economic system, and a new global religion.
So, what is this "religion of hatred" I've previously alluded to? Basically, there are literally millions of people who awaken each day filled with absolutely vile and venomous hatred, it drives them in virtually all they think, say and do. They can barely last 30 seconds in a conversation without some of it spewing forth, and then you will hear the rhetoric of their religious views; America is the great Satan bent on taking over the world, George Bush is the root of all evil, and so on.
Am I referring to fundamentalist Islam? Communist Cuba, China? No, I'm talking about many Americans and Europeans. Do a search for "protest pics Republican convention" or " protest pics Bush Europe." You will see thousands of people from every walk of life, exerting all their energy and passion, and one thing unites them all, their hatred of America and Bush. You'll see it etched on their faces and in their slogans, and often with the attachment of various other causes; abortion, homosexuality, gun control, Israel, or a war. I say "a war" instead of "the war," because these are ongoing operations. We'll look at that in a moment. But what if I told you that all this anti-American, Bush bashing was a carefully planned psychological exercise to further The Plan? What if the whole religion of hatred was designed to bring us closer to the goal of the Puppet Masters?
The PM ruling elite have a very clear vision of the future with only 2 great superpowers, and America isn't one of them. Their Orwellian world view has the great phoenix of Europe risen again to surpass her former glory and a new super Asia with communist China ruling all the little tigers in tow. Bad news if you live in Taiwan or Japan, but worse news if you live in the once good, not so ole USA.
So, what do the Puppet Masters have in store for our American cousins? You only have to look at their own writings to know. With less prophecy than certainty, Henry Kissinger stated over 20 years ago that communist Chinese military would be "peace-keepers" on the streets of Los Angeles, and Americans would welcome them. The perfectly orchestrated Mexican immigrant vs all "occupiers," tinderbox is ready to bring Henry's dream to fruit. But if you really want to see what they have planned for the US, you'll be very interested in my Part 3 installment where I mention a current film with an insider's message that outdoes Brokeback's propaganda quota, and this time they're not just after sex, they want the whole planet.
If you and a few of your choice friends controlled all the media, how easy would it be to alter the minds of people? The Mexican immigrants that receive their cues to march and chant, get them from radio stations and controllers that are non-Mexican ruling elite. The legions of loyal Daily Show fans that giggle and titter each night at the silly Bush, and march lockstep the next day at an anti-Bush rally are just as duped to believing a myth. All of these issues are constructs designed to conceal The Plan, until they reveal it incrementally. They want us to believe that the whole world hates America, and that the USA is divided right down the middle. The orders for, and the exposing of all recent US tortures and war crimes, came straight from the top. And no I don't mean Bush.
Nobody in the religion of hatred seems to notice that it doesn't even make sense. On the one hand Bush is a bumbling idiot who can't even string a sentence together, while at the same time he's an evil genius with a secret plan to take over the world? It's as illogical as the OJ defense argument that the police were stumbling buffoons that accidently contaminated all evidence, while being evil masterminds trying to frame him in a brilliant plot.
To that the haters will respond - "it's not the figurehead of Bush but his maniacal handlers, Cheney and Halliburton." Oh please, that tired old saw is so devoid of thought. The Plan continues no matter who is in office, it has nothing to do with Republicans or Democrats, Labour or Tory. Next time you're out marching screaming hatred against Bush, just remember you're furthering The Plan, and you'll probably psyche yourself into cheering wildly when your next President Hillary takes office. Oh, did I mention that I don't believe there is any voting at all? It's all decided who leads, years in advance. Prove me wrong. If you want a little personal speculation, I think they will make the facade complete by "running" Hillary against Condi. But if my calculations are correct, Hillary is a done deal, and they'll probably use the "nurturing mother" to counter the exotic new plagues by bringing in the national health ID cards. Chipped of course. We'll soon see...
We must look at the whole picture, these issues are not merely political or financial in nature, they have a deep occult history and a very dark and sinister plan for you. So when you're out marching in the street, protesting the war thinking you're working against the New World Order, you're actually working for it. The beast thrives on conflict and controversy. So the purpose of the war isn't to seize oil revenues or enflame Muslims, those are just perks. In the Grand Plan, the war has 3 purposes;
1. To contaminate and decimate the US military and their families (the vaccines they used in Desert Storm, weren't as effective at removing patriots as the depleted uranium which contaminates your wife and children when and if you return).
2. To further bring down the USA in the world's eyes and put an end to cowboyism, all nations must bow before the UN and its "peaceful" dictates.
3. To contaminate the earth and kill many souls as a form of praise and worship to the god of the Puppet Masters.
That's it, the war in a nutshell. Now you see how it leads towards having communist troops on US soil, and that's precisely why, as we speak, those troops are in position training for the house to house searches. When the US troops have been whittled down to nothing and are "engaged" elsewhere, a domestic disturbance will result in the American public calling out to their new god, the UN. "Please come save us!"
Since I just mentioned religion and a god again, perhaps we should clarify something. The purpose of the war, is one thing, but what is the purpose of Bush in The Plan? The war is to drag America through the mud for the world, Bush is to drag Christianity through the mud for the world and its god. We'll cover the fact that it's the only religion one can publicly vilify daily in the press, and don't cite Danish cartoons as a rebuttal, that operation went off flawlessly. When I tune into American Christian radio, I'm flabbergasted that so many promote Bush & Co as Christian. "Well he mentions God a lot, and we've seen him coming out of church carrying a big bible." Oh really? The same was said of Bill Clinton, but none of the Christian conservatives held him as their own brother. If you call yourself a believer, let me ask you this; Could anyone that is a lover of Scripture participate in an moonlit occult ceremony where the spirits of the dead are called forth while surrounded by skulls, he is laid out nude masturbating in a coffin?
Which brings me to FOX news, and the same illogical inconsistencies that plague the religion of hatred and the OJ trial. Do you think that FOX news supports your family values of God, country, family, etc.? Well, isn't it just a bit strange that their sister channel the FOX Network, consistently airs the shows that stretch the envelope in defiling those values? In fact, the FOX Network often outdoes the cable channels in shock and awe, and anything that's just too raunchy to pump into your family living-room, they disseminate thought their other sister, FOX Films. Notice any inconsistency yet? How about that the trusted CEO, Mister Rupert Murdoch owns the PATENT on the bible that you read? The NIV, America's most popular bible, which was introduced and marketed with much fan fare and millions and millions of dollars to the unsuspecting and sleeping churches of your once fair land. Each new printing omits, changes and rearranges words to fulfill the wishes of The Plan, already over 20,000 words have been tinkered with. So much for written in stone. Whether you're on the "conservative right," or the "liberal left," The Plan decrees what you think, believe, say and pray.
It's not just FOX, it's all of them, even the "religious" broadcasting networks, PBS, or any form of media you can think of, it's all under the thumb of the PM. But what about the internet, and all these "alternative" news sites? Most of them are just unwittingly promoting The Plan, every time I see an anti-Bush rant or artwork, I feel sad, not for Bush but for the people that think they're fighting the system with their so-called "freedom of speech." So, how about me, wouldn't they be upset that someone really is exposing their plan? No, not really. As I said earlier, they're coming out of the closet now, they like to announce what they're going to do, they like the fear it instills. It's like the low acoustic modulation in a tiger's roar that paralyzes the victim before impact. Also, fear in the hearts of the masses, rises like a sweet hymn to their master.
Are we getting close to revealing the "they," are we ready to know the names of the Puppet Masters?
People often ask me; "We're seeing all these things that concern us; loss of rights, a globalist agenda, increased surveillance, microchip tracking, media control, economic pressures, oppressive laws, increasing crime & violence, immorality, international tensions, terrorism, toxic contaminants, exotic new diseases, breakdown of trust in government, etc., please tell us who you think is behind all this. Is it the Masons, Illuminati, Jesuits, Lucious Trust, International Bankers, UN, Opus Dei, Thule Society, CFR, Skull & Bones, Multi-nationals, NGO's, Priory of Sion, OTO, Bohemian Grovers, Rosicrucians, WHO, Knights Templar, NASA, Club Of Rome, Bilderbergers, Tax Exempt Foundations, FEMA, Rhodes Scholars, WTO, Trilateral Commission, or Luciferians?
My answer.... "Yes."
You see, it's coming from every side. A scholar could study just one aspect of this beast and have their hands full, round the clock. It really is moving that fast. The end game is a time for the tightening of the net. Ever wonder why they call it the "web" and the "net?"
Of course, we're considering a notion that you've heard before, that there are powerful men behind the scenes steering current events to fulfill their plan of an occultic destiny for the earth and her people. The trouble with already being familiar with a concept is that we often categorize information into mental compartments labeled "already dealt with," "nothing new," or "not so pressing." This is the reason for films like Skulls, National Treasure, and Conspiracy Theory. These taboo topics have already been aired and their complete immersion into the popular culture renders them impotent. Human nature yearns for secret knowledge, so when it is no longer secret, we move on with itching ears for the next titillating tidbit. Propaganda masters know this, so they release half truths or lies wrapped in the skin of a truth. Spin doctors and disinformation meisters have free reign in today's media, with roots running deep through many years of study into psychologically manipulating the minds of the masses, thanks to the Rockefeller Foundations, Tavistock Institute and Nazi Germany. It is no secret that the leaders of all the world's leading media outlets belong to the same globalist groups. They have a united agenda.
Often human tendency is to either take conspiracy with a grain of salt or rationally diminish its significance, because if all this is true, then we are forced to make serious decisions about our world view, and how often do people really change their religion?
Which brings me to a very important point; documentation. Many have written me moaning about my lack of footnotes and references, they impugn my character or education. A typo becomes a titan, a malapropism a mountain, and a formatting faux pas some sort of snafu beginning with "F." However, documentation would do little good in persuading nay-sayers. You've seen it yourself, if you produce evidences that contradict your friend's position, they dismiss the source as biased, or the funding behind the study, etc. So my current position is not to win arguments, my debating days are done. Instead, I just put some ideas out there, and if you are challenged or encouraged, fine. If you're upset, well, that's life. But if you feel your curiosity stimulated to the point where you want to inquire into any of these different ways of looking at current events, wonderful. The web will provide plenty of avenues for your investigations. Use caution though, we'll have to address propaganda on the web another time.
Others have written me worried about the reality of what they are seeing played out before their eyes. "What is the solution?" they ask. Indeed, that is the most salient point. If I only bring you bad news and never provide a solution, I would be the most negative tedious bore. However, at this point, if you heard the solution, you'd reject it, despite what is clearly coming upon the earth.
Do you really think that electing some new party or president will end earth's woes? Will science invent a magic pill that will make everything alright? Should we, as many so-called "intellectuals" are suggesting, surrender everything to the unelected "officials" of the United Nations? Or will the religion of hatred under the guise of a grass roots movement, assemble all the environmentalists and new age spiritualists and somehow overthrow the oligarchy? Good idea, just see how that went at the World Trade Summits, and visit the graves of the dead hippies at the storm trooper's hands. No, I'm not a pacifist, or defeatist, I'm a realist. Do you honestly believe any of those solutions hold one ounce of promise?
Until we meet next time, here's your homework, rationally meditate on this one question;
Where is my hope?
Don't Miss Part 3
Dr. R. Winfield may be reached at
Some of his selected work will be posted coming soon (thank you for your patience) at



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