Urgent Message From
Holly Of Pennsylvania
And Arun Of India:
Americans Wake-Up Now or You May End Up Dead
Like Thousands Of Others Around the World Caught
In The Vice-Grip Of The Bush War Machine

By Greg Szymanski
While Holly Avila protests the Iraqi War from her small town in Pennsylvania, Arun Shrivastava of India is trying to alert the world of an ever growing "circle of death" caused by the U.S. military's illegal use of depleted uranium in the Middle East.
An unlikely pair, nevertheless they  provide a unique example of how people from all over the world are finally beginning to come together for one purpose, the purpose of   stopping the war and stopping the government killers before they bring about World War III.
In fact, millions of people like Avila, a musician, poet and grocery store clerk, and Shrivastava, a management consultant, are finally starting to "wake up and smell the coffee," giving the big boys with guns and money something to think about.
"They are killing us for sport using DU," said John McCarthy, one American war critic trying to alert the country of the impending worldwide calamity.
Another critic of the Bush war machine, added:
"It's like a turkey shoot and the innocent people of the world are the turkeys!
And depleted uranium expert Leuren Moret recently added her message in a mass distributed email, saying the "Trojan Horse" of the nuclear war is depleted uranium and "the circle of death," mentioned by Shrivastava, now measures 3.14 million square miles, putting 857 million people under a death sentence.
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