The 'American Dream'
Is Weaponized
By Jim Kirwan
How could it happen that the one thing almost everyone agrees upon as a basic underpinning for this nation, could ever have been turned against the people of the USA? Well - a lot has happened since the American public began taking regular doses of "The Shining City on the Hill" that was practically 'mainlined' into the public's veins. The message however was only masquerading as all that anyone would ever need to live the good life, during the Reagan years; back when "Greed is Good" ruled the day!    
In this article: a reader wrote that I had advocated Anarchy. But Anarchy is a tool of interlocking and overlapping directorates of MONEY&POWER INC. (the enemy of all who work). It's a weapon of theirs and a basic part of what the Puppet-Masters do. Anarchy was pre-figured in the aftermath of both the War on Iraq (murder & chaos internally) ­ and in the Hurricane Katrina, where the government's hands off approach raised the number of casualties and intensified the destruction. To insure against riots after the hurricane, the only thing that was done, besides calling in Blackwater's mercenaries to patrol the scene; was to scatter the population across the nation and then just move-on ­ depending on the short-term memory of all those not affected, to bury this crime along with all their other efforts at destabilizing the Un-United States.
Ordinary people on the other hand that have families, responsibilities and some form of job, can't really be fans of Anarchy either - because that brand of street theater offers nothing by way of real survival or continuance. Anarchy is also unworkable for that segment of America that was the former "backbone" of this society and that still cannot believe they have become the target of this government that wants to crush them.  Moreover: in reality Anarchy has become the hand-puppet of the extreme wings of all the "ists" & Isms" that currently plague the world - it's what our dollars paid for when the people did not balk at having the last two presidential elections stolen from them - right before their very eyes!
Critics say that an "Elevated focus" is what is needed to resolve this serious breakdown of life in America today.  Yet given how many have already been personally 'broken' by the pace and promises of this government an 'elevated focus' is almost beyond reach when one hasn't got a job, or much of any kind of future. This is especially true when those same people tend to listen to the distortions of the mass media that sold them out in the first place. Depression and anger are what is being spoon fed to the disillusioned - so now most of these people just don't want to hear anything anymore!
Almost buried in the confusion is a poisoned tar-baby that is visible as the Weaponization of "The American Dream" - the practice, not the concept. Back in 1972 or 73 there was a major gathering of about 300 of the world's most prominent Robber-Barons, in the Caribbean. The council was held under the rubric of the Trilateral Commission. That august body of thieves and conspirators had observed that the population of the planet was beginning to make strides toward a better and more promising world. The reason for this tiny sprout of promise that concerned them so - was that in their view: TOO MUCH FREE TIME was now in the hands of working people everywhere.
It seems that the G.I. Bill in WWII had begun to change their plans for domination: because it was giving too many people the idea that there actually might be something more in life than just MONEY&POWER. The arts were beginning to show some promise and with the free time created by well-paying jobs, people wanted to make things better, and not just for themselves - (imagine that)! So the Trilateral commission acted and by 1994, this was part of the "new" situation in the USA
The fascinating thing about "The American Dream" as it is practiced today is that its only target seems to be "more for me - and to hell with anyone else." Gone are the dreams of a better world; more education that actually led to knowledge instead of only data accumulation and regurgitation. IN is the acquisition of everything that glitters, glows or communicates. This 'idea' came directly from marketing schemes developed by Edward Bernaise in the 1920's. Later Madison Avenue advanced his work to create the kinds of products that could liberate people, but by the1980's this idea was being used to control people for international business, and for those who supported them.  MONEY& POWER INC. took things from there by successfully linking this basic commercial idea of acquisition, with the suggestion of 'Democracy.' as a way to gain control over people through their inmost fears and desires. Thanks mostly to the seeming innocence of television and consumer surveys this began to work ­ and profits soared!
Gone now are the thoughts of free time, or free thought about anything that does not have to do with MONEY&POWER INC. The crescendo of this success was completed when the PR industry and the media finally began to lead consumers to this Nirvana of their dreams. Of course this "idea" is no longer limited to those in the USA as this disease has grown wings and has now infected people everywhere.
The weaponized form of 'the dream' like the concept of Anarchy itself is just the bait that attracts new followers like flies. Where Anarchy relies on images of romantic-daring, other-people's blood, and the mystic heights of "celluloid rebellions": The American Dream is far more subtle. The bait in the "dream" is based on "Joining-In," signing-up and behaving very professionally about every facet of life. Credit is a major factor along with timely payments to whatever corporation is billing them. This can be difficult as companies are often allowed to change the terms of the signed agreements that have beggared so many, at their whim. It's very serious, but it comes in shiny wrappers of the dreams for a care-free life ­ yet the truth beneath the packaging can be dire and deadly for the continued future of the unwary. This is just the boiler-plate of unfettered Capitalism run amuck. But for anyone who is chasing those eternal dreams of grandeur, it is often hard to see the bear-traps in the road.  That's the basic idea; 'do everything we ask of you and follow what we say exactly and know that those golden years are just ahead ­ for YOU!'
But the task of following the new leaders and their sponsors is tough. The consumer (no-longer-the-citizen) is expected to "do what is expected" while self-censoring their every thought - ALWAYS. No private doubts or personal thoughts are allowed to question these equations for any reason. Ambition is encouraged to be sure, but only when the worker's ambition will lead directly to ever-greater profits for the company. The plight of the dutiful-cog in this machine is as futile as dream of freedom was for the slaves that built this nation.
Still, when one is young the future is bright, unless you happen to be young during the continuing eclipse of the sun that has marked the entire five years of Cheney-Bush. Students go to college, or to war, depending on how deep their pockets are. And after having spent the time and money and a few years in the "after- world" of the post-graduate experience, certain inconsistencies appear. First it's clear that profit does not always flow from choices made, or from the duties carried out. By then it is also clear that laws are only made for underlings - the rich have more important things to do because there is a two tiered system that only watches over "lesser individuals."  It's also clear that whatever course is followed in the system will be closely scrutinized, recorded, and reported; often to those above who will not smile upon whatever or whoever has been revealed to them.
A big part of the "American Dream" is compartmentalization. Whenever a problem occurs in the overly-busy-life of a pod person, the appropriate professional is called and the cog goes immediately back to their 'Oh So Busy' life! So when there is a perceived-political-problem, they call a professional and leave the "problem" in the capable and knowledgeable hands of a political professional - much as one might call a plumber to fix a broken pipe. It takes awhile for it to dawn on those who believe they are on a fast-track to success, to figure out that for decades no one has been protecting them, from any of the horrors that now makes the news almost every night. When global, national, and local events begin to daily overwhelm the majority, as is happening now, the rigid follower (who always believed that he or she was definitely 'aware') begins to PANIC. (but only on the inside).
The problem is that we have allowed the World to be turned Upside-Down. The vagrants, the bandits and the true killers from the fringes have taken over the US, from the offices and boardrooms to the courts and especially to the inner-chambers of government. That leaves the so-called "secure jobs" of the pod-people and the rest of us in either permanent limbo, or in something that employers can hold for ransom, while the worker tries to continue in the game.
It would be one thing if the slithering and sneering leadership would pause occasionally - but events are moving so fast (against the public good) - that there is no time to even let each new crime sink in - before the next catastrophe overwhelms us in its vehemence. One critic thought that any path to a solution should definitely include "Universal principles." With this nightmare tar-baby in place ­ where Dreams-envisioned become Dreams-denied ­ that "Universal principles" have almost entirely disappeared.  Whatever became of those high-minded principles seems to have died with the rise of the Culture of the Self. If they're still 'out there' Universal Principles might only be found in the Smithsonian, under glass of course, and viewable for a fee.
For a peek at what we're dealing with on a higher level just look at how this works: The Free Market ideas contained in the international trade-agreements NAFTA, GATT, and FTAA are all expanded versions of this scenario. First the nation, or the citizen, is set-up. Promises are hinted at while requirements are created, only to find after signing, that the terms of this agreement are not only impossible to pay for, but will in the end bankrupt the applicant. In the case of nations, their resources are taken in lieu of payments ­ in the case of citizens when they cannot pay, they become consumers without rights and their souls are forfeit, while their dreams are canceled outright.
So in this view "The American Dream" is not what those millions of marchers may think it is. True it is more monetarily than they can make back home, but they reach for this bauble at the risk of losing much of whatever depth their lives had had before. Hunger and poverty are brutal task-masters, but in the sweat and pain derived, the mind is often sharpened as thoughts intensify. What is to be gained in money may have to be paid for with self-esteem. The "American Dream" is in reality a form of ultimate control that can be more addictive than any drug, and is at least as delusional!
Politics has overridden much of the best that the humanities had to offer to humankind. But for the world to survive some combination of public ethics, private morality and personal determination must rise again ­ or there will not be a world to live in. How do we get there?
Sometimes people must just go with what the gut has to say - because if you really listen to that voice - it is seldom wrong (it's just usually not convenient). If the people of this country ever do begin to plunge into this nightmare with determination, they might be surprised at just how much each one of us can do - in affecting real and lasting changes to this disgusting place that we have created a our world!
It is said that "it's not a prison if you haven't tried the door" But If people were really interested in knowing the degree of their personal freedoms - they would try the doors of whatever life they might be leading. And SURPRISE! Most will find that they really are LOCKED-IN!
The most damning thing of all is that what each of us decides to do as individuals is the only thing that will ever change this nightmare for the better!



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