Hollywood & Illuminati
Team Up In DaVinci Code
To Promote Satanic Lies
By Greg Szymanski

Is it a coincidence that a movie saying Jesus never died on the cross opened on the 33rd day in the Illuminati cycle? According to Illuminati code researcher this provides another clue about the sinister cult at work trying to destroy traditional Christian values paving the way for a one world religion and government.
Illuminati code buster Jack Fermanian is burning the mystical midnight oil these days, trying to make sense out of the secret cult's numbering system, adding the DaVinci Code provides another interesting clue.
Fermanian, who spends endless hours trying to make sense out of the Illuminati numbering code, said the DaVinci Code movie strangely opens today on the exact day of the new Illuminati 33 day cycle, acting as a reminding of the devilish intent behind the cult trying to take over the world.
The cycle and the number 33 are important mystical elements of the secret cult, according to Fermanian, as the members of the Illuminati, including the Bush crime family and other high level U.S. government officials, use the numbering code as a source of mystical power as well as an internal means of secret communication.
"Is it just another coincidence the movie opens on the 33 day cycle date or is it another in your face revelation that the real super secret puppet masters have most people's minds under their control," said Fermanian in an email sent to the Arctic Beacon, adding many sinister Illuminati events correspond to their devilish obsession with the secret numbering code.
"Now we have this, a movie about the pre-Illuminati secret societies set up in a mass media blitz to promote the satanic lies. Of them being of the bloodline of Jesus Christ and therefore having the divine right to rule the world. It now all makes sense how much they control Hollywood and the media as they can hype anything they want to brainwash people."
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