High School Teacher 'Muzzled'
And Suspended For Saying
911 Was An Inside Job

By Greg Szymanski

The screws are being tightened down hard on free thought, free will and free speech in today's fascist America even substitute high school teachers are being treated like common thought criminals.
It's bad enough teachers are paid slave wages, but now it appears the "slaves" of America's floundering public education system are even being told by their "masters" what to say, do and think.
And Thomas Mustric, a substitute teacher in the Columbus, Ohio, public school system found out the hard way that saying 911 was a government inside job on school grounds is absolutely prohibited in the Bush crime family's version of modern day America.
Mustric was put on administrative leave last week after the 911 comment made in a high school lunch room landed him in hot water with school "Gestapo" authorities.
The incident blew up into a suspension of Mustric's livelihood after his casual comments made to another teacher in a lunchroom were passed on to the administration by the teacher who decided to rat on Mustric, considering his views a threat to the student body.
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