'New Food Pyramid' - Part 3
Or 'Abuse, Manipulation and Juice'!

By Alan Graham (with Alfred Lehmberg)
It's like a health mantra: "DRINK JUICE & EAT LOTS of FRUITS & VEGGIES"...right? Well, not so fast little Buddy. This ubiquitous motherly advise, when said correctly, no longer rolls off the tongue so easily ...Moms (who usually know what they're taking about?) should, instead, say something a little more in-depth, like:
"If you don't have Diabetes, eating a little bit of small, dark fruit, with a large 'Skin to Pulp' ratio, is OK... but never... never ever... drink sweet fruit juices... not even the so-called naturally sweet kind... and eat lots of raw, mostly above ground, veggies (except corn)."
In defense of my new, improved, and necessarily convoluted, "buzz-phrase" I will explain how the NFP (New Food Pyramid), the ADA (Amer. Diabetes Assoc.) and the AHA (Amer.Heart Assoc.) have dropped the ball... again... but first some pertinent info...
Refined Sugar is BAD in every way! Discovered today it would probably be identified as a hazardous food substance like MSG. It does not do one positive thing... well, except make things sweet. Now days, that single "sweet" reason won't fly because we have the amazing, healthful, and completely natural sweetener from the South American Rain Forest, "Stevia".
The sugar industry is in a veritable panic trying to figure out how to stop the "Stevia Invasion". Because all of the above Associations are "in the tank" for the Sugar, Juice, Grain & Pharmaceutical industries, it is not remotely surprising that when you go to their websites and put "Stevia" in their search engine... Why... they've never even heard of it?
Did you know the FDA is actively trying to keep you from learning or even hearing about Stevia ?
Wouldn't you think that the ADA (the Diabetes one), in particular, would be all over something as "Heaven Sent" as Stevia -- no calories, no blood-sugar rise, and it's an all natural food with NO side effects. Even the other ADA (Dental) should love it because it will not cause tooth decay... Oh, wait ! ...I forgot! The only reason the Diabetes ADA exists is because you get sick with diabetes & the Dental ADA makes big money on tooth decay ...but I digress.
To understand the lies & misdirection concerning sugar and fruit juice you need to know a little about carbohydrates. The ADA would have you believe all carbs are the same to include table sugar. This is SO wrong.
Here is an ADA quote :
..."Research has shown that sugar has the same effect on blood glucose levels as other carbohydrates"...also they say... "To include sweets in your meal, you can cut back on the other carb foods at the same meal." Great idea !! substitute Real Food with Anti-food...
By telling a "half truth" they can get away with this LIE...Yes, it is true that all digestible carbs eventually turn into the "cell food", Glucose, but what happens on the way to becoming Glucose (also called Dextrose) makes all the difference in the world.
This is primarily centered around how much insulin is secreted to keep your blood sugar down where it should be. If you are slim, exercise just a little, and you have very sensitive, thus efficient insulin... with a stable, normal blood sugar... ...the glucose that insulin takes into the cell will be used as energy or temporarily stored as Glycogen for quick energy BUT ... not stored as fat.
Carbohydrates : there are 2, 3, 4 or even more different kinds of carbs depending on how you break them down...
(1).. Simple Carbs - One of the 2 major classifications (the other is Complex) only have one or two sugar molecules. The Monosaccarides (means one sugar) of interest are Glucose & Fructose. These two go together to form Sucrose (table sugar). Table sugar is called a Disaccarides, which means two sugars - at least one of the sugars has to be Glucose. The other Disaccarides are Lactose (milk sugar) which is made of the two Mono's, Glucose & Galactose... ...and Maltose, made of Glucose & Glucose. Simple carbs taste sweet and are considered "empty calories" - in fact they rob the body of enzymes & acids as they are processed.
Simple carbs (except fructose) can cause a too rapid rise in blood sugar, requiring an insulin secretion to lower it. The insulin turns this excess sugar into fat.
Fructose (fruit & corn sugar) does not cause a rise in blood sugar like Sucrose (table sugar) so manufactures went crazy and started putting Hi-Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) in everything...with the blessing of the medical community. But here's the Coup d' Gras! HFCS is usually a mixture of 50% Corn Fructose & 50% Glucose ...Gee, that looks an awful lot like the Disaccaride Table Sugar mentioned above... Fructose + Glucose = Sucrose.
Granted, fructose alone does not cause the same rise in blood sugar, but it is still a simple sugar, which means it is an empty calorie with no vitamins, minerals or enzymes! But because of the low blood sugar rise, the "Fructose Crowd" tries to pass off a fructose carb as comparable to a complex veggie carb... ...they are, decidedly, not the same just because fructose acts sort of like a complex carb!
In fact, Fructose... even though it does not cause a large increase in blood sugar, still manages to reduce the affinity of insulin for its receptor, so if you are "genetically predisposed" then a little later down the road you will start getting an increase in insulin anyway, because the body has to secrete more to do the same job as before -- this is "Fructose-induced Insulin Resistance."
Because it is possible for a fat person to eat lots of fructose & sucrose without becoming Insulin Resistant, I will very reluctantly concede that a person might have to be genetically predisposed to develop Type II Diabetes... but if that's true, then there is a very large percentage of the population that is susceptible because "Adult On-set Diabetes" is increasing exponentially...
Oh [...Snap...] wait a minute! That's right! It has to be called Type II Diabetes because NOW even children develop it...
"Maaa..." Eric Cartman whines, "...more Snacky Cakes"!!
There is growing evidence that "Fructose-induced Insulin Resistance" is also associated with stimulated Liver VLDL (Very Low Density Lipoprotein) secretion. Models show that the induction of VLDL causes a subsequent increase in plasma triglycerides... ...this can eventually contribute to Heart Disease, Folks !
(2).. Complex Carbs - As the name implies, these carbs are more complex because they contain many thousands of sugar molecules strung together. Don't; however, make the mistake in thinking any & all complex carbs are healthful and that they are all "slow burning" thus avoiding a rise in blood-sugar & insulin. In fact, some very starchy complex veggies, like mashed-potatoes (w/o the skin), can cause a much greater insulin release than sucrose (table sugar).
This is because Complex carbs come in two forms - Low & High Fiber...
a).. Low fiber - which are starches (potatoes/rice), or veggies & fruits that are low fiber (tomatoes/grapes).
b).. High fiber or non-starch polysaccharides (NSP) - Like Cellulose, hemicelluloses, pectins, gums & mucilages, (all carbohydrates) and lignins, the only non-carbohydrate component of dietary fiber. Lignins, which gives wood the ability to grow tall, are the precursor to the powerful cancer fighter, Lignans (with an a) found in all plants... but VERY high in Flaxseed.
Another way to classify fiber is by how it dissolves in water or Water Solubility... (Viscosity is the newer, more applicable term for Solubility...)
a).. Insoluble - Cellulose & some Hemicellulose, (Ligins, non-carb)...this is the good stuff slowing the absorption of other sugars... ...thus avoiding the rapid sugar rise & the need for more insulin. If at all possible, a substantial portion of your "Carb containing foods" should be high cellulose veggies like raw broccoli, dark green leafy lettuce (Romaine...not iceburg), greens (mustard/turnip), etc...
b).. Soluble - ( Viscose Fiber) - Pectins (apples & carrots ), gums ( Oats & legumes ), mucilages (Seed protection, like in Flaxseed ), Hemicelluloses-- (Grains) some are soluble, others are insoluble. Soluble fiber will partially dissolve and form a gel that is good for lowering cholesterol, blood Glucose, and ultimately, Insulin. The more viscose or greater Viscosity of this gel the slower your blood glucose fluctuates, which in the long run, actually strengthens the sensitivity of your insulin because it's not over-used & abused continuously by the ingestion of Fruit Loops & Cheezy Poofs. Cartman is called "Fat Ass" for a reason, folks.
High fiber foods (both Viscose & Insoluble) can slow digestion of other carbs, like sugar & starch, reducing insulin need... but not always. For example, too much sugar can still cause an insulin increase with the ingestion of a high fiber food.
Take Prunes... They have about 3 times the fiber of other F&V but they also have lots of sugar with 30% of its weight consisting of glucose, 15% fructose, and 2% sucrose...that's 47% sugar. Of course, with that much fiber, prunes turn out to only cause a moderate rise in Glucose.
The poor Baked Potato doesn't fair as well -- with the skin it is pretty high in Insoluble fiber but the high starch makes it considerably worse than Sucose (table sugar) for a rise in glucose and the panicky insulin reaction to follow.
Does all this mean that a person should consider eating Sucrose rather than a baked potato or they should never eat prunes or potatos? NO & NO... MMMMMmmmm no...
A potato is real food with many healthful nutrients -- Sucrose is an anti-nutrient. Homo Erectus ate roots & tubers but he never saw Table Sugar. Homo Erectus ate foods the equivalent of prunes & potatos...and so can you, if you are like homo Erectus in that you are slim, exercise daily, and don't have Diabetes or any other chronic inflammatory ailment like Heart Disease...
We are homo Erectus, remember, with a keyboard, HDTV, and, thank your God of choice, an internet. ...Or, you wouldn't hear me pontificate, reader.
(3).. Refined Carbs (...Cue the funeral dirge!)- Bread, Cereal, Pasta & the aforementioned Cheezy Poofs... This is the Manmade stuff that is killing us insidiously. Refined carbs are very much like Simple Carbs in that they are anti-nutrients and cause a rapid rise in glucose & insulin. However, most are complex carbs that have been stripped of the fiber & nutrients that make them "real food". For example, if you strip the whole wheat of its bran & germ - you wind up with the endosperm - the plants store of starch...this becomes "White Bread," or put in "Anything Brown" and call it "Wheat Bread" or throw in some visible chunks of rye or whatever & some caramel coloring and call it "Multi-Grain" bread or cereal. Death by "The Staff of Life." That's irony.
And did you know ?? They now have "100% Whole Wheat..." ...that's WHITE !! Here, let me hold your hair back while you vomit.
What about Juice vs. Fruit ??
Several times a day Mom uses her Juicer to make some homemade, healthful "Vegetable Juice" - she tells her friends that juicing veggies is such a wonderful thing to do for your family...Well, the only problem is she makes it the way she saw it on TV - so her "veggie juice" is actually about 50% apples, 40% carrots (people love to use carrots for juicing because they are very high guessed it - SUGAR) and 10% broccoli & spinach. So, her "Healthful Veggie Drink" actually contributes to Fructose-induced Insulin Resistance because of too much SUGAR with virtually NO fiber! You can cut the irony with a plastic knife. Healthful in this case is decidedly unhealthy. I don't care HOW bushy your white eyebrows are or now many trucks you can pull with your nipples!
Instead, try juicing broccoli, spinach, celery, cabbage, beets, onions, etc...most adults (and EVERY kid) will go "Yuck ! it needs apples & carrots." Then sweeten with the aforementioned stevia!
Come on Uncle Al!! I can hear the internal dialogue...
Homo Erectus must have eaten apples and carrots what's the diff? The diff is that we did not evolve juicing fruit. When you eat the whole fruit, digestion of the sugar is slowed because of the fiber... ...which means you don't get a big "sugar blast" all at once! Plus, part of the sugar is carried away with the fiber.
Also, have you ever noticed that it takes a lot of fruit to make a fairly small amount of juice -- so when you drink a big glass of juice it's like consuming the amount of sugar in more whole fruit than one would ever eat at once! Consider that a moment.
Fruit should be kept to a minimum (NO fruit if you're diabetic) and you should use only those very dark, black, blue, purple, or red fruits, with a large "Skin to Pulp" ratio. The skin is where most of the magical stuff (antioxidants, etc.) is located, so you want "little dark guys" like blackberries, blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, etc. The one exception to the "small-dark rule" is one banana a day... ...if you don't have Diabetes and are not overweight.
Here are just a few of the reasons why Fructose is nothing like complex veggie carbs and why too much fructose is likely worse than too much Sucrose :
(1).. OK, we've already mentioned the "Fructose-induced Insulin Resistance" problem.
(2).. ... hyperinsulinemia, hypertriglyceridemia and high blood pressure can be induced in fructose-fed rats! We're not rats? Correct. They're mammals... ...that's enough.
(3).. Fructose raises both LDL & VLDL but does not raise HDL. All 3 do the wrong thing biochemically on fructose. The rise in the Very Low Density Lipoprotein (VLDL) is particularly significant compared to other carbs.
(4).. Rats fed a fructose-enriched diet had a 72% higher homocysteine levels after 5 weeks - This is consistent with the increased TG (Triglycerides), VLDL (Very Low Density Lipoprotein) secretion, and atherosclerosis associated with chronic fructose feeding.
(5).. Excess fructose can accelerate mineral loss. In particular Copper...this can be a very serious problem for people that don't supplement with Zinc & Copper yet consume in excess of 20% of their calories from fructose.
(6).. Fructose is metabolized in the liver and is converted to fat more readily than other sugars.
(7).. Feeding rats fructose created a 56% increase in TG secretion rate, and an 86% increase in plasma TG. Feeding glucose, however, did not have this effect on TG production, This is likely because glucose stimulates both TG production, and TG removal, maintaining homeostasis. Fructose stimulates TG production, but impairs removal. The human liver possesses a large capacity to metabolize fructose to fat.
Who's Looking Out for You ??...well, lets just see...
1) Amer. Diabetes Assoc. -- The ADA would tell you pretty much everything I've said reference "Fructose / Sucrose / Refined Carb Induced Insulin Resistance" is because I'm a "Subversive" out to destroy America. In fact the ADA would have you believe that it's not empty carbs that cause Insulin Resistance (IR)...the empty carbs cause you to get fat and being fat causes IR.
OK...then, why is it that many traditional Eskimos (eating only Fat & protein) don't mind putting on some extra Fat to stay warm while "rubbing noses" on those long Arctic nights? Lets see...if they had a smiling, sociopathic Medical Doctor telling them to "...reduce Saturated Fat (Blubber) in their diet & lose weight to avoid Heart Disease" - the overweight Inuit would laugh, thinking this must be a joke, because the Inuit have the lowest incidence of Coronary Disease on the planet... Oh yeah, if you can find one case of Type II diabetes among all the fat Eskimos that eat only Fat & Protein...I will shut-up & put my head in a micro-wave for two minutes on high.
Of course, if you ask the ADA why more & more NON-traditional Eskimos who now consume the White Man's poison (sugar) are starting to develop the White Man's disease, Type II Diabetes...they will say "How 'bout those Yankee's?" or, "Why do you hate America, Mr. Graham...?"
2).. The Amer. Heart Assoc. -- Recently there was an "earth shattering" story that just barely made it to "mainstream news" and within a couple of days was lining bird cages everywhere. The insane & unexpected results of a large study proved what I (And many other holistic types) have been saying for years -- that undamaged Saturated Fat (SatFat), like real butter, was not the enemy and that this whole "Low Fat" craze, not only didn't help but appeared to hurt.
Also if you go to and read my paper "The Cholesterol Myth", I think it will convince you that High Cholesterol is not the disease... high cholesterol can be the response to the disease. The Disease is Arterial Inflammation that is caused by smoking, SUGAR / Refined Carbs, Trans Fat in pHVO (partially Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil) & oxidized Omega 6, PolyUnsat. food Oils like Corn & Soy...but it is not CAUSED by high cholesterol!
Someone should point out to the AHA that there are many Eskimos walking around with total cholesterol in excess of 250 that will never have a heart attack.
YET...if you go to the AHA website, everywhere you turn, it's warning you about SatFat & Cholesterol, but you have to search to find any ref. to Sugar or the poly food oil, except to say use "sugar in moderation" and it evilly portrays Poly Food Oil as healthful. Cue your outrage, reader.
These are institutional tramps and thieves who lie to you, cheat you, and steal from you, forgetting they are trying to kill you in a managed way so the most amount of profit can be derived from the commission of that, astonishing, mass murder...was that too harsh? Sorry.
If you go to the recipes & nutrition section, it gives you instructions to avoid SatFat (use Poly Oil), avoid Cholesterol (use Margarine), avoid Sodium (who cares), avoid Calories (avoid Fat) & how to add Fiber (eat brown cereal & bread) - but no where does it show low sugar / low refined carb recipes. It also warns you about Trans Fat but does not emphasize that the Trans Fat Molecule & the pHVO molecule are the same thing. Read LTR# 12 to understand why that's important -
3).. The New Food Pyramid (NFP) -- If you haven't read the first two installments Ref. the New Pyramid please do - the first NFP paper will explain how the recommended Poly Food Oil mentioned above is, not so slowly, killing us. -- LTR# 12 -
and LTR# 13 -
Fruit - the recommended 2 to 4 cups of fruit daily would be fine except :
(a). You can substitute juice for the whole fruit...which is exactly what many will do all the time instead of only sometimes.
(b). Also, Mom gives little Janey a Big glass of grape juice - the NFP says 1/2 cup but Regis Philbin says you should drink a big glass because Welch's Grape juice is indorsed by the American Heart more must be better...
Regis wouldn't lie? Maybe not... ...but he could be ignorant as the dickens!
See? Actually, grape juice is one of the worst juices because it is naturally very sweet. Yes, the stuff that makes grapes a purple/red color, is the stuff that is rich in powerful antioxidants. But that free radical protection, with its long-term positive effects, does not justify the long & short term damage caused by sugar-insulin... especially when you can get the same antioxidants without the sugar! So, drink dry, dark red wine (for b'fast you might want the Alcohol-Free wine) or take Grape Seed extract capsules (they are very cheap).
(c). Canned fruit is always acceptable? It shouldn't be... Canning destroys 2 of the really good things about fruit - digestive enzymes & many Vitamins.
Other Carbs - the official "Pyramid" recommends twice as many servings of grains (bread, cereal, pasta) as veggies. I think this is just wrong - especially when you consider that half can be refined carbs which will surely increase & desensitize your insulin.
Well Folks, this concludes the final installment on "The New Food Pyramid." Or... ...exactly how you are being manipulated to indorse and practice the dodgiest system of human nutrition conceived... you allow yourself to be manipulated by sociopaths only interested in maintaining the status quo regarding how far they can get their hand in your pocket... ...while they further rob you of your quality of life. The hyperbole meter bumps zero, reader.
Until next time? Well BE.
Alan D. Graham
Ozark, AL 36360
334 774-0395
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