Just Say NO!
By Jim Kirwan

The Constitution created the legally 'representative' bodies known to the public as The Congress; these were established to provide the American public with representation in whatever this government chose to do ­ on any issue in which the federal government of The United States of America is involved. This 'representation' is currently being used by the Congress ­ against the public, in every aspect of the lives of ordinary American citizens. This concerns how money is spent, what that money pays for, and who gets the contracts, as well as who shall be exempt from either judicial or congressional oversight of those laws that have no constituency aside from the rich and powerful. The fact that there is now an Outlaw regime that reigns over the Administrative branch not-withstanding ­ Congress controls the purse-strings; and is therefore the enabling power behind all the illegal and unilateral actions taken by this administration, as well as the many other previous administrations, that 'paved the way' for this criminal conspiracy.
Why do we need a congress that is not only non-responsive but that is also part of the enemy that seeks to destroy us as well? Congress is charged with oversight (they forfeited that responsibility). Congress is also charged with investigating crimes, abuse of power, government fraud, waste and lies: All in the name of "being responsible" to the people for the laws, and when applicable, the illegal behavior of any government employee who breaks his or her oath of office. Again ­ since Congress has demonstrated (hundreds of times within the last five years) that they are unwilling and unable to control third party influences upon the government of the USA ­ why then should Congress not be dissolved?
"Congress will hold hearings!" was once upon a time an indication of potentially serious consequences for whatever was to be investigated. Today, a dog-and-pony show is held, during which members of congress are either muzzled, or simply use the occasion to enter statements into the record meant to show "how much they care." At the end of the day; whatever it was they had called the hearings to investigate is rubber-stamped into passage with no evidence uncovered, to either alter the course of the White House, or to expose those criminal actions that both the White House and the Congress sought to protect. All of this is done while ignoring the overwhelming objections of their constituents. No wonder the poll numbers for the Congress are even lower than those for the failed presidency of George W. Bush!
Congress is not just a waste of money ­ it is a criminal body that pretends to exist as a shield for the people ­ when the truth is the majority of members are using their offices to enrich themselves while protecting those who are the real enemies of both the United States and the world. This Republic has a right to expect its officers to be relatively crime free, certainly no person is without flaws, but what Congress has become is a continuing crime against the Constitution, against the Republic, and against those people who support these criminal elements with our taxes and our money: Both of which are being routinely stolen from the public ­ and used to prop up a unilateral dictatorship of the self-appointed and the world knows this! When the public momentarily emerges from their self-concerned bubbles of "me, my & mine" ­ this obscenity is usually grasped by the majority of Americans, as well as by the overwhelming majority of the world at large, yet nothing seems to change. Is it because too few have been willing to challenge the coup, or to question anything substantial that is routinely passed, on-or-over, by congress ­ or is it something else entirely?
The Constitution tasked the Courts and the Department of Justice to deal with oversight and compliance with the laws. However, the Supreme Court broke with its Constitutional limitations on 12-12-2000, and thereby destroyed their own authority. By definition, the "Supreme" court is the highest court in the land. When the Supreme Court became a law unto itself; their actions on 12-12-2000 tainted the decisions of all other courts in the US.  Those other courts make decisions that ultimately rest on the authority represented by the US Supreme Court. Similarly, the US Department of Justice is headed by a presidential appointee ­ that officer is the Attorney General of the United States. He or she is supposed to be the pre-imminent final authority on the laws. This office is subject to the courts.  Its chief officer, the AG, is a political appointee of the sitting president. However the actions that come from the top of the Justice department are not 'just' or 'legal' ­ because the current appointees have severed their personal connections to the US Constitution.
Many thousands of dedicated people work for the courts system, and for the Department of Justice. However, there are also many thousands of dedicated individuals, together with perhaps hundreds of people at the top of both these departments ­ who are dedicated to overthrowing this system of Constitutional government. At the moment it appears that those who oppose what the USA was once founded on ­ are winning! Exact numbers are difficult to come by as the bandits are in charge of both the records and the numbers.
What if we looked at the military aspects of the US Office of the Attorney General as something that approximates the kind of structure that exists within the uniformed military ­ for the sake of discussion. In the military there is something called the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ). In that manual there are provisions that clearly state that any soldier; sailor, airman or marine -  has a duty NOT to obey any unlawful order given by a superior. Why is the same not true in civilian life, especially when the civilian leadership has become a unilaterally assumed dictatorship, outside the normal confines of the Constitution and all of its Amendments? Military personnel must follow the dictates of their chain of command, just as the Justice department demands that 'the people' must follow the laws. But when a superior gives an illegal order in civilian life, there is no such protection for the citizen who rebels against an illegal action by the congress or the courts. If enough of these obscenities happen then elections were supposed to correct that imbalance. That option is now a fiction that should reside in the Smithsonian under glass ­ because it is no longer something that can be seen as fair or unbiased ­ thanks to technology, political manipulation and corruption ­ voting in America can no longer be trusted or honored.
This society functions not on granting privileges to citizens ­ because the Constitution reserves that to the individual citizen and relegates the government to managing only those things that the people formally ask the government to undertake ­ through their elected officials. Having referenced that ­ what responsibility is there in law or practice now that says people need to obey an illegal government. The Declaration of Independence made clear that citizens have a duty to overthrow illegal governments, but unfortunately the Declaration of Independence is not part of the laws of this land ­ it's just one of the founding papers that enabled the First American Revolution to succeed.
What is happening domestically with us, in our former mini-garden of political Eden? Well the fruits of the Tree of Knowledge have been denied to all (even calls for pizza are classified now) ­ thanks to the paranoia of the crooks at the top. The "garden" itself has been Genetically Modified by Agribusiness and Corporate Pirates have patented over 11,000 living things. They are still hard at work on millions more as their goal is outright control over the worldwide food supply. What of the people that still believe there is a garden, even if it's now only concrete and shopping malls? Not much is known about the habits of these strange beings (American citizens) ­ they say they have free-will, free-speech, and freedom of thought, along with a democratic system of governance. Again however, it is difficult to know how many this includes ­ because the media blocks dissent and actual news as surely as it lives and breathes.
What Americans actually seem to have is a desire not to make decisions for themselves; not wanting to actually object to anything that "everyone else" obviously approves of.  As for "thoughts" they generally prefer those to be pre-digested by others, thus sparing them the time to get on with their lives; while the "process of democracy" doesn't even merit consideration except maybe twice every four years. Most of this is maintained and shaped by an intensely attentive media that treats the public like a herd of Aphids, useful creatures that must be chaperoned and guided to wherever the public's attentions are needed to support the criminals latest move to privatize, to control or steal, whatever might be vulnerable.
What's happening internationally? That's an entirely different legacy and one that is already leaving its bloody footprints all over history-everywhere our monomaniacal passion for Colonial Empire has tried to plant its poisonous roots. Now after four years of war and greed, the largest parts of what was sought for, have escaped the reach of those who run this nightmare now. The administration has failed miserably on a grand scale ­ globally. The congress is enacting Israeli policies, instead of American self-interested legislation. Generally the nation completely lacks a moral compass or any sort of ethical rudder ­ yet the privateers are blasting ahead in the misguided belief that the public will never be able to keep up with all their various crimes and corruptions. (See the links below).
One thing is very clear to any interested observer: So long as the administration and the media continue to cite their version of 911 as the core reason for all they are doing TO the public ­ there can never be a real change that will get to the bottom of the questions surrounding 911. There is no validity whatsoever in anything said by those who continue to parrot the administration's lies about that which underpins everything that took place under the privatized rule and dictatorial pronouncements coming from those who are culpable for the crimes of 911. So whenever any speaker cites "911" (as an attack by foreign terrorists) just terminate the speech, toss the article or whatever it is ­ because what is being said will be based on that major-mega-lie that enables the continuing violations of those laws that would protect the people of this country from imprisonment or death.
The government of the United States was designed to be ruled solely "by the consent of the governed" So - what would happen if the Aphids, or the sheep or the misguided robots in this society all woke up ­ and just said ­ NO!
NO to government; NO to the courts; NO to the politicians ­ and NO ­ to the corporate privateers that have replaced government, at all levels, with privatization over all those things that any person needs to exist and prosper? Think about that a minute. . .  Could a two letter word actually begin to do what no amount of articles by millions of writers, uncounted songs by thousands of musicians or images by hundreds of artists tried to do ­ as well as the millions upon millions of others that continue to do whatever they can. . . ?
This could happen, but only if you see what's going on and come to hate the whole corrupt enterprise!
Who is Congress Listening to?
The Disintegration of the Bush Presidency
Only one Party in Congress -The Confirmation of NSA Spy chief to head CIA  
Trading with the Enemy




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