Let's Get In The Way
Back Machine And...

By Sheryl Jackson-Sczbecki

Dear Editor,
Let's get in the "Way Back Machine" and go back to Little Boy George's campaign and inauguration.  At the time of his campaign across America for presidency, he stated repeatedly and loudly that America was facing the "Koming Kapitalist Anti-Kapitalist Wars".  This was his battle cry from the time he started running for election.
Upon taking office, after being "annointed" by Daddy's Filthy Five of the US Supreme Court, he stated talking about "There are no longer borders around America."  And the "Koming Kapitalist/Anti-Kapitalist Wars".  This was further Heralded by Colin Powell, Secretary of State, General of Armed Forces.  They both hollared this in every speech. 
Finally, in an effort to keep his campaign promises to lower government spending, he promptly shut down most departments you complain to about Korporate mismanagement, and cut the Department of Immigrations to about half.  And then there was Spetember 11th, 2001.  No one closed the borders at that time, even though it was widely stated that Mexican and Chinese soldiers dressed in Mexican Uniforms were coming across the border and having gunfights with Immigrations officers.  Instead, the Posse Comitatus of the late 1800's was brought out of the dusty bins of history and White Men with guns started to patrol the borders randomly shooting and chasing illegals back.
However, the Mexican people came up here with their high school educations, some with college degrees and driver's licenses and traded those licenses in for the state's that the immigrants chose for their residence.  The new residents then voted for Bush because they were told that was part of the agreement for their coming here to live.  No one checks for citizenship at the polls, they check for residency. 
The same is true for all of the H-1B visas that are given out to the Indians, Pakistanis, Quamese, Philipinoes, Indonesians and Japanese who move here often with their own money and ability to live well on very little salary.  These people were brought into America "because there are no skilled laborers" in America.  They were trained by the British and the French and they are clean, responsible, helpful and do not ask too many questions.  They are docile and do what they are told in the interests of the company.  They too voted
Repugnantly and that is why they were brought here to support the "Koming Kapitalist/Anti-Kapitalist" warlords.
Now there is civil strife brewing and that will be taken care of also.  Former President Ronald Reagan stated unequivocally that the US should not be the "World Police".  If not the US, then who?  I say it will be the Red Chinese Army.  They have 490 million soldiers, highly trained, obedient and skilled in all areas like our armed forces were at one time.  They have more people in Uniform than we have in population.  We are the most heavily armed people on the planet and the Kapitalists do not want to be shot out of existence.  As would shurely happen if the American Sleeple were to wake up and truly assess the State of the Union. 
Like Hitler who brought in the Turks and Afghans who took the scut jobs that the WhiteMen of Germany would not work, Little Boy George has accomplished what he set out to do.  Break America like Reagan broke Russia. 
Sadly, United we stand , divided we fall, is no longer on the lips of my fellow Greedy, Avaricious, Repugnant White Men who live here.  The adioms of "do unto others and then split", and "He who dies with the most toys wins" have replaced the integrity, honor, morality and ethics of this country.
We are about to collect our debt of National Karma.  It will not be a pretty picture.
Sheryl Jackson-Sczbecki




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