Dark Side - Still Burning
A Response To FRONTLINE'S Special Report

By Jim Kirwan

Last night PBS broadcast "The Dark Side" a 90 minute FRONTLINE Special that dissected the conflicting interests within the White House, the Pentagon and the State Department. To the extent that FRONTLINE pointed out the mixed if not hostile loyalties, of the players in each branch of the government, the program was excellent. However to the extent that this 'special' raised any questions about the constitutionality of what was done before, on, or after 911 ­ that part of this program was misleading at best, and criminal at worst.
No mention was made of the fact that the constitutional reason the "president" has the title of Commander-in-Chief, is because the founders wanted to insure that in a time of war this country would have a single person to answer for the defense of the nation: and that person was to have been the President of the United States of America ­  no one else.
According to the program Dick Cheney was the man running the nation's response (which was non-existent); yet the program has Cheney saying that he thought he was responsible for shooting down two of the "six?" hijacked aircraft. In fact no planes were officially shot down, and the required military intercepts were apparently never called for.
Moreover the program failed to mention that the Vice President has NO role to play in anything so long as there is a sitting president, in any attack upon the nation. Bush was in Florida, when he should have been airborne, inside Air Force One, and directing the US military intercepts of the supposedly hijacked aircraft ­ instead he continued to read to second-graders in Florida.  Here was the chance of a lifetime for our would-be dictator, yet instead of taking up the duties of "The Commander-in-Chief." he chose to hide-out and leave the military stuff to Cheney who has no military expertise whatsoever. The duties of the office of the president cannot legally be delegated, especially not "during a time of war" as everyone in the administration maintains was the case on 911.
Bush used the title of Commander-in-Chief to successfully obtain his "License to Kill" shortly after 911 from the Congress of the United States. The congress never questioned why this president should be given such awesome powers, especially since he did not even attempt to perform his constitutional duties on 911. Despite the fact of Bush's Cowardice in the Face of a potential enemy of the United States ­ Congress went along and (illegally) delegated their responsibilities to the administrations Bully-boy who still pretends to be the president ­ despite his continued failures. (See the Open Letter to the Congress, below)
What FRONTLINE did do with excellence was to describe in detail the troika of political in-fighting that has become the New United States of Martial Law & Corporate Order. The program defined Cheney's and Rumsfeld's efforts to turn what was a supposedly a 'representative government' into nothing but a token shell .that successfully hid their roles in stealing the real power from the people and diverting that power into a series of  wars- without-end ­ solely in order to transfer authority from the government to the military and to the Black-Ops wings of the Pentagon, and the State Department, while turning the presidency itself into the defacto seat of a Dictator without any of the Constitutional oversight required from any quarter within the society or the government. That portion of what was reported on, in reference to the assorted players was only tangentially implied, but not specifically mentioned.
These treasonous acts amount to the real and still smoldering embers within "The Dark Side" that remains undisturbed within this government. The program described in detail how Cheney and Rumsfeld began to create their own shadow agencies within their own staff appointments ­ in their private efforts to take control of national and international intelligence away from the CIA, the NSA and other agencies that are under direct supervision by congressional oversight. (the programs various parts are linked below)
By creating their own illegal and self-serving sources for information that meets only the needs of Dick Cheney's megalomania, or Rumsfeld's Napoleonic fantasies ­ these two appointees circumvented the constitutionally designed and lawful government to by-pass representative control over the military and the intelligence communities, while ceding the real power to themselves for their own ends. That was the story NOT covered by the lengthy detail of the alteration of the governmental Org-chart ­ nor was this literally a part of FRONTLINES 'special report.'
Instead the program concentrated on the ingenious tactical rearrangement of the players that each participant employed to fracture the government's ability to respond ­ in timely ways ­ while ignoring the actual theft of power, and the outright perversion of the motivational support by the public for action ­ that was the ultimate license to go to war in the first place. This subject is about lies & leadership, should not have fallen into an academic study. The resulting wars have made the deaths and mutilations of so many people around the world into a crucible of crime that will scar this country for at least a hundred years. So what happened here ­ in order to initiate this belligerent and unwarranted aggression is of major importance to everyone; not the least of whom should be the American people that will ultimately end up paying for all of this in every way possible.
The program made clear that no investigation was undertaken, (the Cheney government proceeded on what they thought "they knew") before the decision to attack Afghanistan was undertaken ­ however it did show the administration's phobic desire to attack Iraq, with or without any real reason.
Missing in all of this were the facts beneath the events of 911 ­ facts that would have shown that this was not an attack by foreign 'enemies,' but rather was perhaps the largest crime ever committed in the United States against ordinary people. Perhaps this was the sub-text for allowing Bush to keep reading to second-graders while the planes and missile were still flying into buildings. If this event was seen as a crime by the public, then the president was not required to be the Commander-in-Chief. If it was seen as a WAR, then he needed to get into Air Force One and use its combat operations center to control the counter-attack. Instead he did neither and left the whole thing in the lap of Cheney and Rummy who had perhaps hatched the entire thing in the first place. (running multiple 'war-games' that had the World Trade Center towers as targets, from the Office of the Vice-President simultaneously with the real time attacks ­ might have tipped someone off that this was no accident). Yet that part of Cheney's story for that day, was not mentioned in FRONTLINE'S special report ­ maybe if it had been the program might never have been aired!
If this were an ordinary piece of propaganda originating from the administration, one would expect it to be glaringly forgetful of key points. But his was FRONTLINE and what they were potentially reporting on could have very serious ramifications (Treason, Subversion, and the type of lies that led this country falsely into two major wars). That kind of weight carries with it an unconscionably high degree of responsibility to tell the public the whole story, to the best of their ability.
There were other minor inconsistencies: The absence of any discussion of the pipeline deal in Afghanistan, the outright lie from one of the interviewee's that the Pentagon had NO contingency plans for Afghanistan on or before 911, when the military had been placing US military planes and assets all around Afghanistan, for two years prior to the attack. They also skipped out on the "Escape-from-Tora-Bora" that was well documented at the time, in regard to letting Osama escape.
However PBS did give the public a clear picture of a fractured government by self-appointed power-mad players who chose to lay siege to representative government rather than to work within the system designed by the constitution for that purpose . . . see the links below.
Open Letter to Congress
The Organizational Chart:
US Intelligence Community
Pathways to Power
Discussion & Overview + profiles
Observations & Analysis



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