When 'Lies Are Truth' -
'War Is Peace'

By Jim Kirwan

In George Orwell's "1984," a science-fiction classic in literature - the world was given a preview of what has become 2006. Unfortunately too many of those who needed to know about this Capitalistic plan for world domination either never read the book, or considered that "it could never happen here." The truth is that it has happened and it is continuing to unfold with every day that passes without a spontaneous public outcry against the enormity of the tyranny that this government is using to crush what remains of the multi-racial, multi-class society that once called themselves Americans.
That may sound ridiculous to many people, yet there is a small but accurate example of this truth that has persisted throughout the reign of George W. Bush & the Bandits that control his administration. Shortly after the 2000 election was stolen, a bumper-sticker appeared that said simply "BUSH KNEW!" People who displayed that phrase sometimes worried that they might be fired for having such a political statement on their vehicle - but that was not really the point. The statement implied that because "Bush Knew" there should be consequences - yet there was no congressional investigation, and no public outcry. Americans just bought more flags, ignored the truth, and waited for someone else to do what they should have individually demanded - because Treason may have been committed by the leaders of their government. This was the beginning of the fulfillment of the world of 1984 that allowed "Freedom" to become "Slavery" in 2006. This was accomplished because a docile public allowed "Ignorance is Strength" to triumph over Freedom & Democracy!
What has been steadily building, around the world, since the end of the Cold War was not the much anticipated "Peace Dividend" but was instead a rollback of everything accomplished by the people of this society that dates back to the spontaneous groundswell of those public rebellions in the 1880's that that led directly to more individual rights for American worker's, for women's rights, and for the rights of children along with a whole host of other issues that altered the status of the then all powerful Robber-Barons of Capitalism. What the New World Order is trying to finish today is their drive to re-write the social and labor history of the planet, and to replace the rights of human beings with the privatization of all public institutions and all government programs, along with the elimination of any security at all among the working class-while at the same time giving the multi-national Capitalists everything they've ever dreamed of-and more, including a steady diet of tax breaks!
New Orleans is a microcosm of what this government is doing in Palestine, in Iraq and in Afghanistan, along with a whole host of nations that have already fallen into the colonial status of slave states where some of those 600 plus US bases are positioned around the world. What government has decreed for the poor and the black population of New Orleans is a scaled down version of how the ever-decreasing "Coalition of the Willing" have treated the occupied states on whom we are currently waging all out war. No water, no electricity, no sanitation, no housing, and now bulldozers are being used in New Orleans to create the remaining conditions necessary, for Capitalistic victories over the public's needs, while every agency of the government is brought to bear in a vicious reversal of the point and purpose for the existence of all those state and federal agencies: Imagine if you can how much worse it is for all those other subjects under US occupation on foreign soil - and given this - "1984" becomes far less a fantastic-fantasy and far more of a deadly omen. (Please see the notes below).
For those who doubt the depth of the truth being 'created' daily in what was once the United States of America: there are deepening rollbacks being made by this Supreme Court that seek to eliminate what little remains of the protections that citizens once had from government. This is that same goverment that was supposed to protect the people from a tyrannical and all powerful, but completely out-of-control federal police state. I worked with both the National & California District Attorney's Associations, as well as the Office of the California Attorney General for roughly three years in the late 1970's. At that time the hard right law & order crowd was pushing to eliminate the basic rights of all Americans, to ensure more easily achievable and much more successful prosecutions. This effort received a major push from Reagan once he became president in 1980. "Terrorism" was even then a foundation stone of his administration. I did this for The Forgotten Victims of Violent Crime, back in 1979. (a Republican Project)
With the recent decision by the highest court in this land, the "rights" of most citizens when faced with law-enforcement fantasies, have all but vanished. It's one thing when a thug kicks in your door - but it's something else entirely when the police state is free to act on whatever their tiny uniformed minds have contrived. The reason for the need of a warrant should be obvious to the Supreme Court - the fact that it isn't means the termination of the Fourth Amendment and the death of any real 'justice' in the US. This change marks the formally sanctioned beginning of total control over all aspects of civil society. In "1984" there was no protection from the 24-7 monitoring of all the citizens in that novel. It should be noted that total continuous war was also used in "1984" to control the public. Today that scenario is becoming all too real.
In 2002 I wrote: "Our society is one of blatant double standards. We have two-tiered systems for employment, for compensation, for criminal justice, for morality and for ethics; indeed for every area of our lives. Americans have come to accept the fact that this country is a nation of double standards.
In matters of politics, we have not kept faith with even the most basic precepts of our democratic form of government. How can such an outrageous thing be true? It's true because a democracy requires the involvement of all its citizens, at every level of government, and in all walks of life. That's just a fact, and it really doesn't depend on the very busy schedules of the self-involved that simply haven't the time to bother keeping up with what might be taking place in the nation or the world. Moreover, politics is not just something that 'happens' every couple of years- it's the base pattern for that fabric from which our very existence is woven.
The criminals who now run this nation know this. The lobbyists who direct our national and international policies know this. All those who benefit from the status quo of our current system know this for the fact that it is. Apparently, the only people who do not know this are the downtrodden wage-slaves and the imbeciles who blame the government instead of themselves for the situation that we're now in.
Politics is a contact sport. If one fails to participate, then one cannot expect to have any voice in what can happen because they failed to vote. Politics is complex and money-driven, and again those who will not get involved cannot complain when they lose their freedoms, their livelihood or their comfortable way of life.
The nation needs to have a smaller, leaner, more responsive and responsible government. Had this been the case, the last presidential election couldn't have been so easily stolen. Make no mistake- it was stolen openly and in full view of the entire nation. The Supreme Court violated one of the most sacred tenets of the Constitution, the Separation of Powers. The nation watched while 'journalists' sold us out by not covering that theft as a high-jacking, preferring instead to cover the story as a simple dispute between candidates.
There were sub-plots within and beneath this theft; one example being the disenfranchisement of 175,000 voters in an election that was separated by only 537 votes. "Not a story" said those who are charged with passing along 'the news' to the rest of us. The fact that Congress has the legal responsibility for settling disputes of this nature within their own chambers was never touched upon. The losing candidate, who actually received the majority of votes, deserved to lose because he would not challenge this public farce - and, thereby, he and his party made meaningless the voting process itself.
The Congress of the United States of America is a grand title for a reputedly august body, responsible for making the laws of the land. However, the facts of this Congress's record show otherwise. This has been the worst congress on record in the last fifty years; and, this in a time of 'war' with everybody who does not support George W. Bush as our national pretender to a non-existent throne."
Today in 2006 - The people of the USA have now lost their privacy to a presidential imposter, a Privateer that sits in the oval office who directed the National Security Agency to begin secretly monitoring all our 'private' communications three years ago. No findings have yet been made as to the legality of this outrageous political over-reach of the Constitutional protections for ordinary people, from the illegal stealth tactics of our rogue police-state. Our so-called government has secretly altered its purposes to conform to the priorities of "Capitalism" as their sole motivation - not national security, not the public's welfare, just the Corporatocracy's unending wish-lists for finally achieving total control.
The United States of America is a failed and dying state, because its government has been given license by the inattention of its people to run roughshod over all that matters, in what was a real and productive nation that others once looked to for leadership not-to-mention freedom and democracy. Now, we are giving voice to the most unholy of the double-speak phrases that were brought to light by George Orwell - namely "Love is Hate." By releasing the pent-up hatreds in race and religions around the planet, this international contagion of Capitalism has fostered the ultimate in self-destruction between peoples, hypocrisy between nations, and the continued descent into the hell of never-ending wars, as their way to eliminate two-thirds of the world's population (as Henry Kissinger called for so very long ago). To assist in this, Richard Armitage a criminal of the Reagan era has just been appointed as Assistant Secretary of State.(See notes) This will add to the others of that time that were politically disinterred to serve in this outlaw government that is determined to end the future for us all.
However the choice is still ours - the public allowed the Supreme Court to create these evil multi-national Capitalistic Corporations. Reagan, Bush I, Clinton and now Bush II have unleashed them as The New World Order. But Corporations operate under charters that can be changed, and if enough members of the public demand change then that power base could be dissolved. What if the shareholders were legally responsible for whatever the major corporations do? These people directly profit from the illicit actions of the multi-nationals: Yet the corporations are apparently immune to the laws of any nation. What about the shareholders - they're not legal constructs - they are people who can and should be sued; held liable for whenever their money-making stocks are responsible for in the hideous crimes committed by their giant corporate holdings. Why not force those who enable the corruption to continue, to be personally liable for that which they have chosen to support? If illicit profits are generated, as they have been, then why are not the shareholders treated as complicit in the entire affair?
The nation is running out of money while the corporations are subsuming the wealth of many nations; and the people who must work for a living here - are being starved. The battle in the 1880's was over the rich and vicious extremes of business that made the elite almost all powerful. The current battles now ought to be over the indecent return of that Robber-Baron-Chasm between the super-wealthy and the rest of us. It's come down to "us or them" now. The Question is - are you still willing to let them continue to have their way with you?
HUD to New Orleans' Poor:
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