A Reptilian Tale
Of Two Cities

By Jim Kirwan

Two cities have announced that they are no longer American cities, in the sense that their citizens no longer have the right to decide what to do with their own money. Las Vegas was the first, and now Orlando, Florida has become the second. This might sound fantastic, except that this is only the logical outgrowth of an ever-increasing multi-national corporate mindset that seeks to change the lives of Americans into something unthinkable.
First came the new corporate policies, concerning the habits of employees. These practices by employers sought virtual control over the lives of their employees 24-7, while only paying for the meager hours that they actually work for them. People that accept these medieval terms of employment are 'allowed' to keep their jobs, in exchange for rearranging their personal habits to meet the personal preferences of those who employ them. The question in these cases that ought to arise is: How can a company demand control over the lives of its employees (24-7); while they are only willing to pay those employees for a small segment of that total time, on the days when the employees actually work for the companies involved? There are one-hundred and sixty-eight (168) hours in a week, most people work at most 80 of those hours - that leaves a lot of hours that are not being paid for!
The Companies involved should face class-action lawsuits that seek retro-active payments for all the time not compensated-for, from the date of the company's illegal orders that were issued to alter their employees preferences. This comes back to the phrase:
"The people should not fear their government
Rather it is the governments that should fear their people."
From this concept it can easily be deduced that no employer should have the right of total control over the lives of their employees, beyond the workplace, unless those companies pay the employees for each of the 24 hours in every day, that the company has demanded the right to control
The company's usually cite 'insurance reasons,' but then slash employee benefits, even after the employees have complied with their demands. The insurance benefit to the company is negligent and a red-herring in this case - as the goal is total and complete control over everything that their employee "might" do, to finally censor even the thoughts of the workers. This is nothing but pre-emptive employment discrimination!
If the multi-nationals and the other companies that are now doing this, want to continue with this, then they should have to pay their employees for every hour of the day and night, including weekends, at the full hourly rate - or they should immediately desist from all such practices!
Given this on-going invasion of the rights of American employees - it then might seem only natural that a couple of second class "American" cities might choose to declare themselves able to control what those within their city-limits can do with their own money!
Given this beginning new "idea" - maybe the cities involved should post signs at their airports and terminals, as well as on every highway leading into these supposedly American Cities - clearly stating -
You are now entering a RIGHTS-FREE commercial zone
There is NO Constitution of the United States here,
Adhere completely to the laws of this incorporated business zone
Las Vegas, (or Orlando),
Or YOU will be ARRESTED!
This might sound ridiculous, but when a city can control how any citizen chooses to use their money, when it comes to providing food for the hungry - then it is indeed this serious! Because if this goes unchallenged, then what comes next?
Orlando, Florida
Las Vegas,



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