Hugo Chavez' Charges
Against The Bush Regime

By Peter Fredson

The President of Venezuela addressed the U.N. Assembly this week. His unkind references to the President of the United States, George W. Bush, made many people uncomfortable, electing a huge variety of boorish, loutish, obscene, and uncomplimentary remarks.
I have examined the Chavez speech in detail, and find that much of what was criticized was actually warranted. If we leave out the jingoistic and nationalistic sentimental fervor of "true" Americans to some statements, the rest is all fairly well documented.
Let's examine some quotes from President Chavez and see if they are factual or erroneous.
"The hegemonic pretensions of the American empire are placing at risk the very survival of the human species. We continue to warn you about this danger and we appeal to the people of the United States and the world to halt this threat, which is like I think that the first people who should read this book are our brothers and sisters in the United States, because their threat is right in their own house."
I have said much the same in my blogs. We are at the mercy of a cabal of neocon thugs that have taken over our country and turned it into a semi-fascist theocratic corporation. They have usurped all governmental institutions and instruments, for personal profit and glory. They have involved us in a bloody, unnecessary and costly war through stealth, lies, deceit, secrecy and aggressive actions according to preconceived conspiratorial actions.
"The devil is right at home. The devil, the devil himself, is right in the house. A sword hanging over our heads."
"Yesterday, ladies and gentlemen, from this rostrum, the president of the United States, the gentleman to whom I refer as the devil, came here, talking as if he owned the world. Truly. As the owner of the world"
As I look back at my archive of bloggers I see that many would share this sentiment, although without using the religious rhetoric. Bush started this crap with his "Axis of Evil", with his "God told me to do it," and with his "Bring 'em on" swagger and bluster. George, Dick, Rove, and Rice all are ultra-aggressive chicken-hawks who are willing to give your lives for their bank accounts. Bush is NO messiah, not even close.
"I think we could call a psychiatrist to analyze yesterday's statement made by the president of the United States. As the spokesman of imperialism, he (Bush) came to share his nostrums, to try to preserve the current pattern of domination, exploitation and pillage of the peoples of the world."
Everyone knows that, as elections get closer, the Bush apparatus will use every trick, every dirty device, and every smear tactic, to remain in power. They do not intend to relax their hold on smaller nations, but intend to continue for world domination. That is documented.
"The American empire is doing all it can to consolidate its system of domination. And we cannot allow them to do that. We cannot allow world dictatorship to be consolidated."
Bush wants army bases all over the world to be able to crush any hint of dissent by utmost violence. Bush tries to control all the media, using whatever means are necessary to avoid criticism.
"The world parent's statement -- cynical, hypocritical, full of this imperial hypocrisy from the need they have to control everything." Does any reasonable person dispute this claim? Is it not factual? Bush wants total control of media, of expression, of economy, of environment, of Congress, and of the courts.
"It's the false democracy of elites, and, I would say, a very original democracy that's imposed by weapons and bombs and firing weapons What type of democracy do you impose with marines and bombs?"
Bush has no idea of the meaning of Democracy, Freedom, or Sovereignty. He makes a mockery of our utmost values. Imagine a soldier who just shot someone through the head, winning "hearts and minds" by giving the orphans some chewing gum or a chocolate bar? Does a sovereign nation harbor an occupying army with weapons at the ready? Is death and destruction a synonym for Freedom?
"The president of the United States, yesterday, said to us, right here, in this room, and I'm quoting, "Anywhere you look, you hear extremists telling you can escape from poverty and recover your dignity through violence, terror and martyrdom."
"Wherever he looks, he sees extremists. And you, my brother -- he looks at your color, and he says, oh, there's an extremist. Evo Morales, the worthy president of Bolivia, looks like an extremist to him." Bush sees terrorists under every bed, in every closet, in every critic. For him and Cheney treachery is everywhere that they are criticized. Bush detests minorities and poor people, thinking they are cursed by his God for some 2,000 year-old sin.
"The imperialists see extremists everywhere. It's not that we are extremists. It's that the world is waking up. It's waking up all over. And people are standing up."
There were NO organized terrorists in Iraq before Bush decided to sucker our Congress and invade Iraq with his villainous "Shock and Awe." Bush has killed more than ten times as many Iraqis as the Al Qaeda group killed in the Twin Towers, but still he is not satisfied with Muslim blood. He is not satisfied with oil, with bases, with huge embassies, with his tanks and missiles striking anywhere in the world. He has no compunction against invading friendly nations to accomplish ill-gotten and immoral gain. His ego knows no bounds, he wants the world with his fence around it.
"We are rising up against the empire, against the model of domination."
What's wrong with that statement? I have seen a hundred blogs accusing Bush of imperial pretensions and preemptive aggression.
"But the government doesn't want peace. The government of the United States doesn't want peace. It wants to exploit its system of exploitation, of pillage, of hegemony through war."
Bush doesn't really want to leave Iraq. As long as he stays there he remains as a War President, above our laws, with contempt for our Constitution. Once he leaves, his only recourse is to go back to cutting brush and coupons, if not to face some sort of impeachment or court for gross contempt of laws and war crimes.
"It wants peace. But what's happening in Iraq? What happened in Lebanon? In Palestine? What's happening? What's happened over the last 100 years in Latin America and in the world? And now threatening Venezuela -- new threats against Venezuela, against Iran?"
The same questions have been asked countless times in our blogs, without a single satisfactory answer from the Bush cabal. On the other hand he never has answered Cindy Sheehan either. Ah, well.
"He (Bush) spoke to the people of Lebanon. Many of you, he said, have seen how your homes and communities were caught in the crossfire. How cynical can you get? What a capacity to lie shamefacedly. The bombs in Beirut with millimetric precision?"
"This is crossfire? He's thinking of a western, when people would shoot from the hip and somebody would be caught in the crossfire."
Who sent emergency shipments of bunker buster bombs and tons of shells to Israel to help them destroy Lebanon? Which Secretary of State stalled any halt to murder and destruction, in order to let the Israelis kill as many "evil" people as they could before peace broke out? There was no crossfire, there was violent assault with intent to kill and inflict as much damage as possible. Some say this, if successful, was to be a prelude to the invasion of Iran.
"This is imperialist, fascist, assassin, genocidal, the empire and Israel firing on the people of Palestine and Lebanon. That is what happened. And now we hear, 'We're suffering because we see homes destroyed.'"
The cynical replies of the Bush cabinet to this was to stop talking to the people they detested. Their Roadmap to Peace is littered with dead bodies and destroyed homes. Rice called this "The New Middle East."
"And you can wonder, just as the president of the United States addresses those peoples of the world, what would those peoples of the world tell him if they were given the floor? What would they have to say?"
"And I think I have some inkling of what the peoples of the south, the oppressed people think. They would say, 'Yankee imperialist, go home.' I think that is what those people would say if they were given the microphone and if they could speak with one voice to the American imperialists."
Anyone who lived in underdeveloped nations has heard the very same sentiment expressed, often by people willing to blow themselves up because of their outrage over injustices of the Bush administration, but more often by average peasants, workers and displaced persons. They tremendously resent the brutal tactics of Globalist corporations, looking for slave labor, keeping wages as low as possible and doing nothing for living conditions. The bottom line is profit.
"The U.N. system, born after the Second World War, collapsed. It's worthless."
Although this point of Chavez may be debatable, that's all we have to keep the underprivileged people in the world alive, in schools, with some kind of medical attention, and safe from starvation and harm. Bush certainly won't do any of that.
"But we, the assembly, have been turned into a merely deliberative organ. We have no power, no power to make any impact on the terrible situation in the world"
A few powerful nations control the destiny of the entire world, mainly the United States at this point in history. The UN is powerless to control the outrageous demands of the Bush warmongers. The Bush people make sure that the U.N. will remain without actual power.
"Second, effective methods to address and resolve world conflicts, transparent decisions. "
I find this requirement to be true. At present one nation bullies the rest of the world, or uses bribery and force to gain decisions in its favor. Nothing can be done without the approval of the Bushites.
"Point three, the immediate suppression -- and that is something everyone's calling for -- of the anti-democratic mechanism known as the veto, the veto on decisions of the Security Council.
"Let me give you a recent example. The immoral veto of the United States allowed the Israelis, with impunity, to destroy Lebanon. Right in front of all of us as we stood there watching, a resolution in the council was prevented."
The Bush cabal, through Bolton, will spin this fact all day, but, in truth, Chavez was right. The Jewish Lobby in the U.S. depends on Bush, who in turn profits from their influence and money, while the dirt-poor Palestinians stand no chance for justice. They have no tanks, cannon, planes or warships, no cruise missiles.
"Fourthly, we have to strengthen, as we've always said, the role and the powers of the secretary general of the United Nations."
"Yesterday, the secretary general practically gave us his speech of farewell. And he recognized that over the last 10 years, things have just gotten more complicated; hunger, poverty, violence, human rights violations have just worsened. That is the tremendous consequence of the collapse of the United Nations system and American hegemonistic pretensions"
Who except Bush extremists would quarrel with this statement?
"Our voice is an independent voice to represent the dignity and the search for peace and the reformulation of the international system; to denounce persecution and aggression of hegemonistic forces on the planet." "The imperium is afraid of truth, is afraid of independent voices. It calls us extremists, but they are the extremists."
Even more to the point, many people have stated that the Bushites started terror, developed it, and augmented it ever since, spreading it around the world with their arrogance, deceit, lies, and naked aggression. The Bushites are terrorists.
"There are alternative ways of thinking. There are young people who think differently. And this has already been seen within the space of a mere decade. It was shown that the end of history was a totally false assumption, and the same was shown about Pax Americana and the establishment of the capitalist neo-liberal world. It has been shown, this system, to generate mere poverty. Who believes in it now?"
Bush does not know there are homeless people in the USA. His mother thinks homeless people are lucky to be so carefree. The entire Bush cabinet of millionaires never knew poverty, never went hungry, never had to actually work for food, rent or safety.
"The U.S. has already planned, financed and set in motion a coup in Venezuela, and it continues to support coup attempts in Venezuela and elsewhere."
"Venezuela joins that struggle, and that's why we are threatened. The U.S. has already planned, financed and set in motion a coup in Venezuela, and it continues to support coup attempts in Venezuela and elsewhere."
Does anyone think it unusual of the Bush clique to deny everything, to pose as innocents? Haven't we had hundreds of denials, but not one satisfactory moral explanation?
"And we must recall in this room that in just a few days there will be another anniversary. Thirty years will have passed from this other horrendous terrorist attack on the Cuban plane, where 73 innocents died, a Cubana de Aviacion airliner."
"And where is the biggest terrorist of this continent who took the responsibility for blowing up the plane? He spent a few years in jail in Venezuela. Thanks to CIA and then government officials, he was allowed to escape, and he lives here in this country, protected by the government. "
"And he was convicted. He has confessed to his crime. But the U.S. government has double standards. It protects terrorism when it wants to."
"Luis Posada Carriles is the name of that terrorist who is protected here. And other tremendously corrupt people who escaped from Venezuela are also living here under protection: a group that bombed various embassies, which assassinated people during the coup. They kidnapped me and they were going to kill me, but I think God reached down and our people came out into the streets and the army was too, and so I'm here today. "
"But these people who led that coup are here today in this country protected by the American government. And I accuse the American government of protecting terrorists and of having a completely cynical discourse."
Has there been a complete independent investigation of this charge? Did this incident and person occur as stated? Is Bush sheltering a terrorist?
To sum up: The majority of charges that Chavez brought against the Bush administration are well founded and documented, have often been discussed outside of Bush circles, and some form the basis by which Bush has spread terrorism throughout the world because of his arrogance, egotism, and aggressive short-sighted policies. If anyone can tell me that torture or lying, secrecy, disdain for law, deception, and slander, form our moral American values I'd like to hear it.
Thanks are due to the many commentators for the first part of this paper. Judging from their responses we are NOT all sheep being led to slaughter, and they resent being made cannon-fodder for Neocon profit



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