HBCC UFO Recently
Reported Sightings

Brian Vike - Director
HBCC UFO Research

Near RAF Wethersfield Military Jets Chase UFO
HBCC UFO Research Note: This sighting below is a very important event/sighting and I am in contact with the witness and will be seeing what else I can find out for this event.. Also I would like to request if anyone else in that area remembers this sighting, and all the activity would they please contact me here at HBCC UFO Research or UFOINFO.
Date:  April 1978 (?)
Time:  0135hrs
Approach_Direction: From the North East
Departure_Direction: Straight up
Witness_Direction: North East, then looking straight up
Description: Strange Event   United Kingdom - April 1978
You know, I am sure many of you have had something strange or sometimes something happen that was so exciting or important happen to you that you said to yourself, I will never forget this day or date in my life. Well, I had a few of those but this event took the cake and I knew I would  never  forget that date but as amazing as the event was, I have forgotten the exact date but not the event because it was experienced with another person.
Now I know as soon as I expose this story (my event) people will say I am nutz or what ever else comes to mind about the story, at times I too wondered why or how I (we) was so lucky to have been witness to such an event that I still can't explain. The very day after the event, the very next morning I and SSgt "Mike B****" (Maintenance Operations, Weapons Controller) reported this event to the USAF, OSI at RAF Bentwaters, Suffolk, United Kingdom and that was the last we ever heard about it.
I have to admit, it is not an easy story to tell, over the years I have been told it was lights, stars or a helicopter. I can't tell  you as many of you will have to search your hearts and minds and know that when you see something or participated in something and you have no physical prove, you just have to live with the fact it happened and let it go at that. I sure hope a few of you have had something happen you could not explain but regardless, it happened and you can't prove it but did have a witness with you. It feels so odd to have to defend something so strange, it makes you wonder why nothing was done or ever exposed about it, one of life's crazy stories I guess but I felt the need to share it.
When I was stationed at RAF Bentwaters, Suffolk, England from January 1977 to January 1980 I witnessed what had to be called a UFO Sighting. I know, I know, it sounds crazy but never the less, it happened. One of my assignments after the F4 to A-10 aircraft conversion was a volunteer assignment as a board controller at the RAF Bentwaters, Maintenance Operations Center, better known as the  MOC .
Trying to find local housing (apartment or small house to lease or rent) near or around the RAF Bentwaters community was almost impossible. You had to know someone that was moving and try to negotiate talking their place if the landlord had not already signed an agreement to lease it to somebody else. So of course, I like most young  SSgts back then had signed up for and hoped for base housing to become available, but that did not happen for almost two years. However, there was Base Housing available at another base about sixty (60) miles away, a place called RAF Wethersfield, it was a USAF Communications site that housed one of many NCO Leadership School. It was a very small base whose runway was shut down most of the time, only opened for visiting TDY troops and their flight activities so it was quiet and lots of housing was available.
It was offered to me, I knew other guys that were living there and they all carpooled before it became so popular and well known to the general public. Anyhow, my wife and I drove to that base one day, we liked what we saw and we accepted the offer to take one of those homes, but it was about an hour and fifteen minute drive each way.
Damn good thing there was a duel carriage way  (A-12 highway) nearby or the drive would have been far worse. Anyway, I joined the car pool too, and we all took turns driving our vehicles back and forth to work at RAF Bentwaters while sharing the cost of fuel. I was working the swing shift the night of this event; normally the hours were from 1530hrs to 2400hrs daily. This week (the week of this event) three of us were driving with SSgt "Mike B****" (he lived across the street from me, the very same housing area and we also worked together at the MOC, lucky for us as it turned out).
Two of the guys lived in a town called Ipswich, which was on the way to base, we would pick them up or drop them off from time to time (shared the cost of gas since they did not live in our area but it was on the way), every penny helped, fuel was expensive even then.
Anyway, after dropping these two guys off, Mike and I still had about a forty minute ride home. We had just passed through the little town of Finchingfield just off the main road the A-12, headed towards RAF Wethersfield (our home). We drove about another five or six minutes as we approached the crest of a small hill, you could see in the background many miles away, the American base called RAF Mildenhall (it was about thirty or so miles away but at night it lit up the entire sky).
Anyway, we are in Mike's VW Bus, nice big open front window, great view of the road ahead, I notice this really bright light near Mildenhall (least I thought it was from that area). I watched it for a few seconds; it appeared to get bigger and brighter. I remember saying to Mike,  Mike, look at that light,  it is the brightest landing light (least I thought it was) I had ever seen, it lit up the entire sky near the base. I thought it was a C-5 or maybe a C-141 with new, bright landing lights (I had never seen anything so bright from so far away) before.
We both looked at for a few moments longer, since Mike was still driving and it was dark, he needed to watch the road too but I noticed it appeared to be headed our way. I said Mike look, it is headed this way! He pulled over, he wanted to see what kind of aircraft this was, the lights got brighter and it was headed our direction. We got out of the van, just as we did that, within seconds (I mean this) it was right over our heads and there was no noise, none at all. The entire sky above us was so bright, we could not look up at the object it was so weird, no noise, no shape could be seen of whatever this thing was.
We both looked at each other and said, what the hell is this ? We could not believe this, we kept trying to look up at it but could not because it was so bright, we felt nothing, no humming, no noise, no movement of the grass around, nothing was happening, it was like we were in a void of some kind. It hovered over us for a few more seconds, then I heard a noise from behind me, it was a jet engine sound. I looked up, put my hands over my eyes to see better and I saw two British F4 s headed right towards our location. They got so close, we could see the Union Jack flag panel on their aircraft fuselage. They were deploying photo flash cartridges and we could hear and see what they were doing.
They were taking pictures of this thing (not that they needed more light, this thing was extremely bright) as it was. Mike yelled out to me,  What the hell is happening here ? I did not know either but a moment later, what ever this thing was took
off to the  west  towards London. It was like looking at a light saber or something because it left a single line of light in the
sky as it headed away from us, it was like someone drew a white line in the sky, it was instantaneous, I could not believe it. One second it was above us, the next it was over London (you could see the lights of the city from our location).
The British F4's took off after it, they kicked their aircraft into burner trying to catch or chase this thing. It was amazing
to witness, they never caught it but were headed towards London too when all of a sudden, this thing appeared over our heads again (no kidding, it was like in the wink of an eye) that fast. We tried to look at it again but it was useless to do so, I turned my head and saw the F4's headed back towards us again (I guess they were still taking pictures of this thing). We were right under it when it shot straight up; I mean it, straight up. All we saw was a white line in the sky until we could follow it no longer, still going straight up without a sound.
It was the damnist thing that ever happened to me or Mike for that matter. We waited for it to come back, it did not so we were about five minutes from Wethersfield, we just drove home. As we approached the base main gate, the American and British Security Guards there were going nutz with excitement, they too had seen whatever this thing was. They watched the whole thing as it happened too, he saw the whole thing but did not see (us) the van because of the distance involved. We told him what happened to us, we still could not believe it ourselves. They wanted us to file a report with the MOD Police (Minister of Defense) on base, of course, we did.
I woke my wife when I got home, she thought I had been drinking, of course, I had not. I decided to turn on the BBC radio as it was now two o'clock in the morning. The BBC radio stations were flooded with calls about a UFO sighting over London and fighters that were reported chasing it.  It was an amazing night to say the least, of course I (we) also filed a report with the RAF Bentwaters OSI. They (OSI) took the report and that was that, we never heard another thing about it. During the rest of the tour, Mike and I talked about it often but never really understood what happened that night. I (we) know it must have been a UFO, least that is what we think it was (so did all those folks in London).
All the guys at work gave us major nonsense (crap) over it (I guess that is understandable) but just after I left that base in
Jan 1980, a so called  landing occurred just outside the RAF Bentwaters in the local forest (I missed that event, I had been reassigned to Nellis) just before it. But I will never forget that evening but I have forgotten the exact date, I would have bet money that never would have happened (forgetting the date that is). Strange but that whole experience is still with me like it happened yesterday, strange crazy stuff to say the least. I just felt the need to share it, I know many folks won't believe it (thinking I am whacked) but at least Mike and I know it happened, that was one strange evening.
Anything like this ever happen to any of you??
Color/Shape: Could not tell, it was far too bright
Height & Speed: I have no idea, it was like watching the blink of an eye, it left a trail of light behind it, like drawing a white line in the dark sky.
TV/Radio/Press: BBC Radio was buzzing at the 0200hrs report, London was hoping with reports called in from what I remember.
UFOINFO:- Official Archives for UFO Roundup, AUFORN Australian UFO Reports and Experiences, UFO + PSI Magazine plus archives of Humanoid Sighting Reports (Albert Rosales), Filer's Files, UFO News UK.
Gatineau, Quebec (Near Ottawa) A Formation Of Lights
Date:  September 1994
Time:  Approx: 9:30 p.m.
Number of witnesses: 1
Number of objects: Many
Shape of objects: Lit formations.
Full Description of event/sighting: One night I was just sitting on the balcony, I was alone with my toddler sleeping inside. I saw a formation of lights not moving. Then another light arrived so fast, it almost appeared and stayed there for a few seconds, then they all went away, almost like an explosion without fire.
The following week my Mom was visiting, I went outside on the balcony to point to the sky (trying to explain to a non believer is not easy, they ignore you) and it was there again. I got excited and called my mom who was getting ready for bed. It made her nervous, so she came outside without her glasses! She says she saw lights but she thinks it's a plane. But planes do not move like that, and do not stay still either. I don't know what I saw. But it was nothing I ever saw before. Not a plane or a helicopter (or multiples of either). So until I am told otherwise, to me I saw UFO's.
(Looked at the sky every night for a year after that around the same time, never saw anything again).
Thank you to the witness for their report.
Intense UFO Activity Over The Delta Of Argentina
17/9/06 05h30m, am: This whole day and from early hours, it is observed on the delta of Argentinean, a lot of activity OVNI that has their maximum pick toward the evening of this Sunday, when two impressive parallel formations were observed of lenticular of astonishing magnitudes. To the dawn between the 05h30 and the 05h45min, they are observed several "fire Balls" of strange colorations and great magnitude.This extraordinary activity abnormal UFO, it is also observed, for more people from La lucila, Buenos Aires and other distant places up to 500 kmts. My small observatory, received in the internet lists, more report and details of that that here count was very strange and impressive, to observe, the parallel formations  moving slowly, in the sky, on the side east, when there is no longer absolutely anything of solar light, on that cardinal sector. The two fire balls to few grades one of other, they moved with extreme precision, to orbital speed and they didn't produce any sound. The second double formation that moved from WEST to EAST, was more impressive, because the shine of the intense and strange light UFO, was some 7 or 8 magnitudes more big that Venus.     
18/9/06 19h37m pm: UFO Flash or Pulse of light ,it is manifested during several minutes, generating intense discharges, and moves on the sky of the Delta toward the east, seconds after the step of an airship. 19h46m, another step of a star UFO is observed "with trajectory and anomalous speed, also toward the EAST. 20hs05m Another UFO "fire ball" of great magnitude it is recorded in video, while moves toward the North. 20h30m UFO (type orbs) non identified, but of characteristic extraordinary, it is manifested with big gleams of colors to few grades of Jupiter and moves in anomalous form toward the Nor/Oeste, for on the forest of Tiger.
Photos can be viewed at:
Info Ricardo E D'angelo
Off Tache Ave Winnipeg, Manitoba Object Was Shimmering & Made A Sharp Turn
Date:  September 20, 2006
Time:  4:35 p.m.
Number of witnesses: 1
Number of objects: 2
Shape of objects: Oval to roundish.
Full Description of event/sighting: It was 4:35pm ,September 20, 2006 near the end of my work. I went out for a quick smoke, watching up to the skies to relax my eyes.
A group of seagulls were swirling around on a thermal, quite relaxing, so I gazed at that. Then I noticed what I thought to a as seagull breaking away from the rest, I focused on that one, but I noticed it was like shimmering almost like a star, I paid no attention to it, just watched as I was sure it was a bird. The object kept moving in a straight line, shimmering then it did a very sharp turn climbing to the blue sky. Where it just vanished.
My reaction was 'Mmm a fast seagull'. But then from the same direction and the same line as the other here come another, this time I can see more detail, this one was about 1000 feet or so, I could see greys colored edges and the center shimmering light, as if the sun was reflecting on the body, but it did this even when it seem to pass through a small cloud that was close by. This was fantastic, I could see the object was football shaped.
At the same point the first one turned and banked this one did so too, but it just disappeared half way through the turn. Just blinked out.
I heard no rumble of high flying jets, no jet trails, no sounds nothing. Ther was a number of jets trails in the air, but these objects did not produce any trails. Also the strange thing was that there was a news chopper flying circles around the city, I noticed they broke the pattern and was flying right to the point where the objects turned and banked off to the blue sky.
Did they see the objects? I don't know.
I have no idea what it was, maybe it was birds or military jets, but that is what I saw. thanks for your time.
Thank you to the witness for the report.
Ste. Adolphe, Manitoba Triangular Craft Fly's Right Over Top Of Witnesses
HBCC UFO Research Note: Now this sighting below is a very interesting one and I would like to ask that if anyone in this area had seen anything unusual on September 23, 2006 at around 8:30 p.m. to please contact me here at HBCC UFO Research.
Date:  September 23, 2006
Time:  Approx: 8:30 p.m.
Message: My brother and I were driving south from Ste. Adolphe down Ste. Mary's Road in the country when I pointed out to him that there was a light in the sky to our right, and that it was no tower or light of any kind had ever seen there before. We didn't think anything of it, but kept our eyes on it. All of the sudden the light appeared in the field about a hundred feet in front of us and about 150 feet to our left. I started getting a little bit worried, and my brother and I both started to wonder and panic a little. All of the sudden the light started moving very slowly and straight west from the field toward the road (we were travelling south). It proceeded to travel at about 30 kilometers an hour (I was going regular high way speeds, but I was so fixated on the light that my brother had to scream at me to stay in the right lane).
The aircraft traveled right above us! My brother opened the window and looked directly at the object, and I stared at it as it went by. We both said at the same time, "What is that thing ?" We both concluded that it was triangular, with one main light on the bottom of it in the middle and possibly one small light on each of the 3 sides of the aircraft.  It is absolutely crucial to note that there was absolutely no  noise being emitted from the aircraft ! No whooshing noise, no noise of an engine, absolutely nothing, and the craft was so close, a maximum of a couple hundred feet up. It then kept on going towards the river. We watched it for a bit, it turned right, then went back, then repeated that a couple of more times, and then disappeared. We have absolutely no idea what it was, but whatever it was, neither of us have ever seen anything like it on earth.
Additional Information:
The date was Saturday, September 23rd (this last weekend), and the time was about 8:30 in the evening. I also considered the possibility that others may have seen it, but at the time that it was directly over top of my car there was no other vehicles in sight.  I am absolutely perplexed as to what this may be. Thank you for taking this seriously, and I can guarantee you that me and my brother both absolutely swear and would testify to what we saw.  Thanks again.
Thank you to the witness for the report.
Thessalon, Ontario An Grey Colored Oval Object
Date:  September 24, 2006
Time:  10:45 a.m.
Number of witnesses: 2
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Appeared oval, grey colour.
Full Description of event/sighting: We were driving highway 17 going back to Sault Ste Marie, I noticed an object quite far away in the sky travelling North over the highway, it wasn't going as fast as an airplane, but definitely wasn't a bird. It appeared smooth shaped (similar to a plate or disc) the height was a lot smaller than the length of it. I said to my father, "what the heck is that ?" He looked up and agreed it wasn't a plane, I kept watching it until I could no longer see it. We have a lot of mountains near there so I'm not sure if it landed. I told my husband when we got home, he just looked at me like I was crazy. Anyway I'm still quite fascinated when I think about it, and wonder who you contact to see if anyone else saw it.
Thank you to the witness for the interesting report.
Over North Surrey, British Columbia Object Looked Like A Hockey Stick With Flames
Date:  September 24, 2006
Time:  4:00 a.m.
Number of witnesses: 1
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Long and slender.
Full Description of event/sighting: Hi Brian, my wife and I have a friend living 3 floors up, directly above us. He has not been feeling to well after coming back from a trip to Europe. He is in his early 70's and a retired Pharmacist and private Pilot.
At approx: 04:00 he was having trouble sleeping so was just lying in bed looking out the window. He told my wife something long, slender and white and looking like a hockey stick with flames shooting out the back flew past heading west. He is quite agile for his age but it was gone before he could even get out of bed. He said, "he had never seen anything like it in his life".
Usually I am awake at that time but for the past few nights have been sleeping until around 6. So I missed the hockey stick and the big green fireball that apparently went over the city around 02.25? about 3 or 4 days ago. I heard about the fireball on Global TV.
Thank you to the witness for the report.
Invermere, B.C. Several Dark Circular Shapes Making Unusual Aerial Acrobatics
Date:  September 24, 2006
Time:  12:00 - 1:00 a.m.
Dear Mr. Vike: I was interested to read your story about UFO sightings at Castlegar BC. My son telephoned me last weekend about a similar experience that same night, outside of Invermere BC. He and some friends went up in the mountains outside of Invermere, to get a better view of the Aurora Borealis that was happening that night. They reported seeing several dark circular shapes, flying in formations, and performing unusual aerial acrobatics. If you are interested in more details, I will have him contact you.
Additional Information:
My dad sent you an email the other day regarding objects I saw.
On September 24, 2006 at 12:00-1:00 am, my friends and I went into a highpoint of a field just outside of Invermere, B.C. to watch the aurora borealis over the Rockies. One of us noticed silhouettes of multiple uniformly shaped ovals
which at first appeared far away but moved closer towards the town and seemed to make formations. At some points a few would disappear, but then we saw where others seemed to re-appear at a different point in the horizon.
This continued for a good 10 minutes when one of my friends brought out a didgeridoo, one of those native Australian musical instruments and played loudly and pointing right in the direction of the dark shapes (at this point they seemed to be much closer as they were much greater in size). Almost instantly one appeared much closer than the others and was much more circular as you would imagine looking underneath instead of to the side. My friend continued to play, and put on electronic music, when 3 more came above us. There were no lights and we could not make out any details of what it was, just that they were big and round, but more flat when looking from the side, like what I would imagine a silhouette of a flying saucer to look like. 
Another thing is we would have never seen them if the northern lights weren't going on as it was for this that we could see the silhouettes in the night sky. When they disappeared they could have very well have been in another point in the sky and we wouldn't have been able to see them. The whole experience lasted about 25 minutes.
Thank you to the witness for the fascinating report.
Cottonwood, Arizona Four Or Five Bluish Lights
Date:  September 25, 2006
Time:  Approx: 10:00 p.m.
Hello Brian, My name is (removed) I have emailed you in the past, and I have an incident which happened last night at around 10pm 9/25/06. I live in Cottonwood, Arizona. Now and was out on my porch looking in the direction of Sedona. I could just make out the outline of the Mogollon rim to the north when I noticed lights that seemed very strange.
I went to get my binoculars and focused on the area and saw what looked like four or five bluish lights in a horizontal pattern stationary, not flashing and it looked as though they were on the ground and close to the edge of the rim. As I watched an orange colored haloed flash with a tail dove in from maybe two thousand feet above and it almost looked as if it hit the ground, the bluish lights clicked off at that point and a flashing red light appeared to the right of where the blue lights were. Just to the left of the flashing red light there appeared a slowly pulsating reddish orange light.
At this point I called a friend of mine who lives in Sedona and asked if he heard or saw anything unusual, he said that as he was talking to me he heard several aircraft flying overhead and went outside. He was able to see several aircraft at high altitude coming in from the south, he noted that they were not flying the normal path that airliners follow and that there seemed to be pairs or several at a time. He walked out to the main road (89A) and tried to see what I was describing and did not find what I was seeing. News flash as I am typing this I received confirmation from people in Sedona that witnessed a fighter jet chasing a craft of unknown origin over Sedona.
As I was getting ready to head to Sedona to try to get closer, the lights on the rim changed again, between the two red lights there appeared four bright white lights horizontal to where they were sitting a space then two green lights then white the flashing red light was slightly above the green lights. At that point I got in the car and drove to Sedona and lost my reference point as to location of the objects, but I did see more cars than usual stopped on the side of the road (89A) as I came into town. Being that this happened over Sedona you might want to check this story out. I am thinking about calling the Sedona airport to get their reaction or a statement, with your contacts you might be able to get further than I could.
Thank you to the witness for the report.
Keosauqua, Iowa Light Moving Erratically
Date:  September 25, 2006
Time:  From 10:00 to 10:30 p.m.
Last night 9/25/06 from 10 to 10:30 PM my wife and I saw a bright star in the northeast sky at about 45 degrees up from horizon that appeared to be moving erratically (diagonal, up, down, J-pattern).  Through binoculars we saw the object consisted of red, green, and yellow-white light.  It did not seem to be moving closer or further away.  After watching for about 30 minutes we went inside and tried to find out about what we'd seen in an astronomy book.  It was not much help.  I went outside again and the object was still visible but less clear then it disappeared from view (perhaps faint cloud cover?). 
Out of curiosity I did an internet search today and found on your site a posting from August 25 that sounds identical to what we saw.  Just wondering if you or anyone has an explanation?
Thank you to the witness for the report.
Wildomar, California Round Dull Red Object
Date:  September 28, 2006
Time:  9:45 p.m.
Number of witnesses: 2
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Round
Full Description of event/sighting: My friend and I like to look for satellites that pass overhead.  We watch every Thursday night.  Tonight, we spotted a round object moving from North to South.  It moved through the sky faster than satellites appear to move, seemed much larger than a satellite, and was a dull red in color.  It's path intersected a commercial flight that happened to be going over at the time, yet it passed the commercial jet at a much higher altitude.  It did not deviate from its course, but moved steadily like a satellite does. It seemed to pulse or flicker every so often.  No other colors and no course deviations were visible.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
Yakima, Washington An Extremely Bright Object
Date:  September 29, 2006
Time:  5:08 a.m.
Location of Sighting: A little West of due North & about 40 Degrees up from horizon.
Number of witnesses: 1
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Light
Full Description of event/sighting: A light, much brighter than Venus, came on for a second and then went out...without moving. I have seen this happen before, at night, in a different part of the Northern sky. Not sure if it was an exploding star or not.
Thank you to the witness for the report.
Vancouver, British Columbia Nursing Home Mystery Continues
Date:  September 26, 2006 (This is when I received the below report)
HBCC UFO Research Note: I received a report from the same folks sometime ago over a really unusual experience that took place in a Vancouver, British Columbia nursing home. Where one of the patients told a staff member that two men were in the patients room examining her. The story was an unusual one. Below is an update to what is going on at this facility.
This afternoon she was telling me something that you might find interesting. Do you recall a while back when one of the patients told my wife that two men had been in her room examining her. Well ever since that happened all the staff who work afternoons and nights in that wing have been reporting that they have the feeling that someone is watching them. Some of them are apparently really getting freaked out by other things which have also been happening in that area. Such as the TV sets in the patients rooms just shutting off by themselves when patients are trying to watch. Other times the staff will turn the TV's off and as soon as they turn to walk away the sets will come back on with the volume turned all the way up. The other day all the patients where eating when all of a sudden one of the Chinese ladies started thrashing around and clutching at her throat.
She doesn't speak English so they got one of the Chinese men to ask her what happened, she stated "someone had grab
bed her around the throat from behind and was choking her". That wing is downstairs and normally very quiet as all the patients are normally in their rooms and there is normally only one staff member working. Apparently the management has told the staff members to stop talking about what is going on as some people are really getting scared. Apparently nothing has happened on the day shift as there are quite  few people moving around and much more going on.
My wife told me she searched the entire wing when she was working there but could find nothing to account for the feeling of being watched. I suggested that maybe the TV's were being operated by someone in another room with a similar brand of remote control but she stated normally all the patients rooms have the doors closed at nights and they are separated by a fairly long hall.
Thank you to the people for this update.
Eyewitness UFO Audio Accounts On Double CD (Free Upcoming Audio Reports For Buyers)
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HBCC UFO Research Note:
I created  a CD with all the audio clips on it and so far this has been a big hit with many. I decided that if anyone purchases the CD, all upcoming eyewitness audio reports will be given to the buyer free. What I will do, is upload any and all new audio interviews to the website, and then email out a link to everyone who has bought the CD, and from that link they will be able to download the new eyewitness accounts at no cost to them. This way no one will miss anything and there are some amazing reports coming up. Purchase details can be found here:  There are "hours" of interviews to listen to !
The below link will take you to how to order your own CD, entitled The Vike Report (Audio Clips Collection).
Thank you and take care.
Audio © 2006 HBCC UFO Research.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research
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