Why Ahmadinejad
And Chavez Are Right
By Vincent A. Cowherd

It is amazing how the United States deals with its history by either hiding its head in the sand or attempting to rewrite the accounts of its shameful behavior. What is even more disturbing is that the much vaunted "free press" in the U.S. is complicit in this intellectual rape of the general populace. The collaboration between the delusional political prostitutes that act as the government and the intellectual eunuchs who make up the communications media has left the American public deaf, dumb and blind to the truth.
Americans need to know that both President Mahmud Ahmadinejad of Iran and President Hugo Chavez of Venezuela spoke the truth in their respective presentations to the United Nations General Assembly recently. By knowing the truth we will be able to see through the politics of fear and the mountains of illusions and outright lies that the Bush administration has used to drive the country into the grip of the neo-fascists who hold the reigns of government.
Anyone who doubts President Ahmadinejad's veracity needs to familiarize him/herself with the 20th century history of the nation of Iran. It was indeed the United States and Great Britain that in 1953 overthrew the legitimate government of Iran, ousted Dr. Mohammed Mossadeq -- the legitimate prime minister -- and installed their puppet, the murderer and international gangster Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi, to do their bidding. And, since 1979, when the Iranian people threw that criminal out and took their country back, the U. S. and Britain have been engaged in plot after plot to destabilize and topple the democratically elected government of Iran. This cannot be denied, and when President Ahmadinejad pointed this out, he spoke the truth and exposed the lie that is the foundation of the Bush administration's foreign policy.
Additionally, there is no doubt whatsoever that the United States government not only gave Saddam Hussein military intelligence but also provided him the means to produce the arms he used in his eight-year war against Iran, which caused the death of over one million people. It is an indisputable fact that these arms included the poison gases that were used against the Iranians, the Kurds and the Shia Muslims who lived in the marshlands of southern Iraq.
The pictures of Donald Rumsfeld shaking hands and grinning in the madman's face are a matter of public record. This cannot be denied by the world any more than the Ottoman slaughter of the Armenians and the German slaughter of the Gypsies, Poles and Russians can be denied. The truth is that, by way of their puppet Saddam, the blood of the dead in Iran's war with Iraq, the blood of the Kurds, the blood of the Marsh Shias and all of those others who were tortured and killed by Saddam is on the hands of the U.S. government.
In the recent history of the relationship between the United States and Venezuela, it is abundantly clear that the Bush administration was complicit in the short-lived April 2002 military coup that temporarily ousted the democratically elected president, Hugo Chavez.
The United States Navy -- under orders from Commander-in-Chief George Bush -- jammed the Venezuelan government's communications and supplied the usurpers with intelligence and logistical support before, during and after the feeble, ill-fated coup. After the coup was rebuffed, United States government operatives -- again under Bush's orders -- spirited the coup leaders and their would-be assassins out of the country and into the United States, where they are living today.
This was not the only time that the U.S. has been implicated in plots to maim or murder President Chavez. In September of 2003, President Chavez had to cancel a flight to the U.S. to speak before the United Nations because his security people uncovered another CIA plot; this one designed to bring down his airplane en route to the United States. That same month, after an intense gun battle, Directorate of Intelligence and Prevention Services (DISIP) agents arrested a man who, in yet another CIA-backed plot, tried to kill President Chavez with a hand grenade. Neither of these incidents was ever reported in the U.S. press.
Political prostitutes and media eunuchs are as old, real and American as apple pie. The combination of the two has been misleading the American people for centuries, and all the current hoopla about the comments of presidents Ahmadinejad and Chavez is the continuation of a behavior that has led the U.S. into war and mayhem time and time again under administration after administration.
Whether the administration is Republican or Democrat does not matter -- Teddy Roosevelt and the press had the battleship Maine lie, Wilson and the press had the sinking of the Lusitania lie (the history of the plot between Winston Churchill, Woodrow Wilson and the Rothschild and J.P. Morgan "money-men" to sink the Lusitania in order to get the U. S. into WWI is too exhaustive to explore here), Franklin Roosevelt and the press may have lied about Pearl Harbor just to get into WWII, Eisenhower took over in Vietnam after the French were run out of the country and the press lied about it, Johnson and the press lied about events in the Gulf of Tonkin in order to keep up the Vietnam fiasco, Reagan lied about "the threat" posed by Grenada and the press willingly collaborated.
Now the press is helping the Bush regime foist the worst lie of them all upon the American people. It has been proven over and over again by commission after commission and inquiry after inquiry that since September 11, 2001 the American people have been consistently lied to regarding all aspects of the illegal invasion of Iraq and the so-called "war on terror". President Bush and the members and representatives of his cabinet have perpetrated this lie, and it has already cost over 2000 American lives, additional thousands of young American women and men have been maimed and wounded, and it is estimated by some that over 200,000 Iraqis have died. Day by day the number of casualties keeps growing and the lie keeps going. There is no denying this fact for anyone who is not deaf, dumb and blind.
President Bush calls himself a born-again Christian -- he claims he talked directly to God before invading Iraq -- and President Chavez is a devout Catholic. As such, both are familiar with the foundational tenet of the Christian faith that says, "The Devil is a liar." While some may say that the words of presidents Ahmadinejad and Chavez are coarse and abrasive, they cannot say that they are untrue. However, when measuring the words of President Bush against historical truth, no similarity between his words and the truth is to be found. To paraphrase that old saying, "If it looks like a devil, walks like a devil and talks like a devil, it must be a devil."



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