Getting In The Spirit
By Alton Raines

I was not much in the Christmas Spirit this year, perhaps just feeling my age and with the mind-numbingly stupid political nonsense surrounding the season dragging my soul into the muck -- that is, until a woman passed me in the local supermarket during the five o'clock bustle. My internal dialog was one, long, self-centered grumble and I didn't even realize it until she passed. Her toddler in the bask-cart seat was blurting out in song with complete glee, "we ish you a merry kismus, we ish you a merry kismus, an a happy new rear..!"
His little cherubic face just burned straight through all the commercial crapola and political tripe and seasonal blues and it just flat hit me. Suddenly, like every year about this time, I was filled with the 'kismus' Spirit and couldn't contain my joy. I think I smiled so broadly at the child that he couldn't help but stop singing to take a little bow. I commented to the mother, "Well, SOMEBODY is sure in the Christmas Spirit, eh?" She seemed slightly embarrassed by her crooning little cowboy's lyrics, but I could tell down deep she was effected the same way I was. Such things just kick away the sawdust and renew you to a whole new perspective, at least if you have any soul left at all. My aching back wasn't there anymore, my tension headache gone, the internal grumble suffocated back to hell by an internal chorale of angels singing In Excelsis Deo and I quietly begged forgiveness for being such an ungrateful son to my Heavenly Father and felt the warmth of His peace, and the surety of His merciful loving kindness, overwhelm me -- yet again. It's something He has always generously lavished upon those who love Him, despite our pathetic selfish and sinful habits.
How easy it is to be overcome by darkness! The everyday darkness that comes upon layer by layer like mortar, bricking us inside a dark and nameless grave of our own making. And yet one little light, one touch of the pure and innocent, brings it all crumbling down.
Later that evening, I found myself contending with a friend who was steeped in darkness; his entire heart and mind overcome with sadness, anger and frustration. All he could see was evil and destruction, death and despair, hopelessness and pain everywhere he looked. "You know what I did," he said, "I asked God some time back, 'If you're really there and you really love us, show me something to demonstrate that love, 'cause I don't see it.' And you know what happened? I woke up the next morning and that damned Typhoon had swept something like ten thousand people out to sea. Are you gonna sit there and tell me he loves us?"
The anger in his voice was familiar. I remember feeling much the same way, many years ago. I understood his frustration. And I also understood that he would not understand my answer as well... "Yes," I said, "Even there, even in that horrible catastrophe, God's love is there. It's not something the human mind can comprehend. It requires the Spirit of God to set us free from the entanglements of this world and this life, our nature is clinging to this material moment, and His Spirit allows us to embrace the divine which is not catering to our extremely limited comprehension of fair play and justice. Our understanding of love, of justice, is utterly warped; we plod along as best we can, but you're talking about an omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent God -- you can't judge Him by human standards. God knows everything. You and I know absolutely nothing in comparison. That's why the scriptures say we walk by faith, not by sight. If we go by what we see and hear, we're in big trouble. We have to recognize that God is in control, He has a plan, He does love us. He has demonstrated that love time and time again, and by Christ you have the ultimate expression of that love; We have to have faith that such a being knows what He is doing."
"So why does He let crap like that happen? He could stop it!" he said back.
"Yes, He could. Just as much as Christ could have caused the nails to eject from his hands and feet and step right down off the cross like the wicked thief tempted him to do... but something bigger was going on, something that was not immediately apparent. What looked in the moment like nothing but pointless injustice and merciless suffering was the very redemption and salvation of the entire world. Did anyone there recognize that? Perhaps three people, tops... everyone else was sneering, cursing him, laughing, considering it a just act, even a Godly thing to do, putting a wicked insurrectionist magician to death for the sake of Israel... all the disciples fled but John. And even John was not fully cognizant of what was happening at that moment, any more than Christ's own parents were the night he was born, despite angelic visitations and visions, and later the Magi from other countries coming to worship him before he was even of age -- it still didn't register. We don't see the big picture, we are broken in that way. You are wanting God to be the instant happiness magician who rights every wrong right now and always in your time, by your totally limited understanding and perception. That's not how it works. It can't work that way. Can you imagine a universe run by pathetic human intellect and desire?!"
"Well, I don't buy that. That's a crock of crap. He's God, He's in control, it's His doing, His fault." He grumbled.
"Look, I hate to get ridiculously elementary on you, but did you ever see that silly little movie with George Burns, 'Oh God'?"
"Yeah...vaguely remember it..."
"There was a sequel, Oh, God Book 2 or whatever. Remember the little kid asked God, 'why do you let bad things happen?' Do you remember his answer?"
"The writer had God give a rather profound and utterly true reply to a huge question. He said, 'That's one thing I could never figure out. How to make something with only one side. Ever see a front without a back? A top without a bottom? High without low? Same thing. It's built into the system. You want good, you gotta have bad. If I take away sad, happy goes with it. It's a package deal."
The answer is always something simple. Ultimate truth is always something even a little child can grasp.
"Yeah...I remember that ... vaguely... and, yeah, I see the point..." he conceded, "But why the hell did he start all this crap in the first place if he knew it would be this way?"
My mind flashed on the little boy in the baskart merrily singing without the slightest self-consciousness, full of joy and expectation. Would God create a universe and all which that entails for that one lovely little moment to exist? A universe where good and wonderful things could happen, that required the balance effect of bad and terrible things, too? Could anyone fully realize the multitude of moments exactly like that the world over and from the dawn of time to the present, all cascading down in an amazing torrent of beautiful, wonderful, exuberant life? Is it worth it? Is the "package deal" necessary for this to be? For us to learn what we're here to learn and experience what God wants us to experience? Those little moments of joy and love and peace and happiness and truth and the spark of the divine... like candles in the dark, illuminating the black universe one by one by one... Is that why God started it all?
The answer to that was also simple. "He started it because God is love. And maybe because God is love he can see that all of this in the end will result in something gloriously good and wonderful -- God created a universe, established its laws and created beings in his own image and likeness to share it with. We screwed things up and right now we're in a period of probation, a period of reform. It's not comfortable right now. It's far from paradise... but for everything that stinks, everything that is horrible, there are millions of wonderful, good things. It's a package deal... and it's being controlled by a God who is perfect love and perfect justice. All of that is in balance. Naturally, from our perspective, it's not going to look very balanced. We don't see the end from the beginning and the beginning from the end like God does.
We see high and low, up and down, pleasure and pain, and for some reason the low, the bad, the pain sticks with us easier than the good, the wonderful and lovely. It's up to us to make every difference, not God. He has placed this domain in our hands, and He has shown great faith in us, even in a fallen spiritual state, to manage it to that end. Somehow, out of the muck and mire, civility and decency and morality and honesty and empathy, even love, hope, faith and charity have all come into being and are thriving in the broken human race. You must admit, that alone is a shocking miracle! There are some things outside of our control, yes... but then again, He tells us to pray, to seek His face. How much do we actually cause and how much do we control things seemingly outside of our control just by faith -- and yet, we never realize it? We have to live in faith, otherwise, we will be overtaken by hopelessness, by doubt, by darkness."
My friend was resolute to remain angry and bitter, as many are want to do. I could only pray that by God's Spirit he will be given a tender heart again, open to the light, open to the Spirit of truth, to that precious blessing of a heart imbued with a burning confidence in God and His great plan, especially at this time when the season reminds us of that incredible purpose, through the incarnation and the light which "enlightens every man;" to the tender heart Christ Jesus spoke of when he told us, "Unless you become as little children, you shall not see the Kingdom of God."
We have to become like that little tyke in the shopping cart -- absolutely simple in spirit, humble in our dependence upon The Father, and preferably overjoyed with expectation and with what blessings He bestows upon us in His wisdom, with our hearts singing from the bask-cart of our life as we are pushed down the isle during the maddening bustle of complex, confusing, confounding everyday-life with all its distractions, disappointments and drudgery, wishing everyone a 'merry kismus and a happy new rear.'



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