Helping Victims Of
Intellectual Stupidity Syndrome

By Ted Tweitmeyer

Intellectual Stupidity Syndrome (ISS)

No, this isn't an essay about a dictator. But there are numerous illnesses that only tend to affect people of certain ages with few exceptions. For example, senility affects the elderly and birth defects usually appear at a very young age. ISS affects those from birth to teenage years, and later in life for those who are nearing senior citizen or retirement age.

What is ISS? For children, it is a mentality formed from exposure to government mandated training curriculum. These training places are better known as public schools. They use Gestalt principles, whether or not teachers are aware of it. Gestalt is a form of psychotherapy built on the experiential ideal of "here and now" and relationships with others and the world. The term "training" is far more prevalent than most realize. For example, when one professor meets another for the first time, they often ask each other "Where did you receive your training?" Is it possible that neither one of them has ever stopped to think about what the word "training" represents? Training doesn't imply thinking or learning - training is forced obedience! We train pets to behave with commands like "sit" and "stay." Human beings require a more sophisticated means of training or they will reject it. Perhaps this is what's wrong with the world of physics with their ever-shifting theories, each arrogant theory claiming to be the ultimate answer to a question - only to be retracted later. What new physics-priest will quietly take the place of Hawkings on his throne, when he dies someday?

Gestalt psychology (also Gestalt theory of the Berlin School) is a theory of mind and brain that proposes that the operational principle of the brain is holistic, parallel, and analog, with self-organizing tendencies. The classic Gestalt example is a soap bubble, whose spherical shape (its Gestalt) is not defined by a rigid template, or a mathematical formula, but rather it emerges spontaneously by the parallel action of surface tension acting at all points in the surface simultaneously. This is in contrast to the "atomistic" principle of operation of the digital computer, where every computation is broken down into a sequence of simple steps, each of which is computed independently of the problem as a whole. The Gestalt effect refers to the form-forming capability of our senses, particularly with respect to the visual recognition of figures and whole forms instead of just a collection of simple lines and curves. [1]

What is the origin of Gestalt? Max Wertheimer (April 15, 1880, Prague ­ October 12, 1943, New York) was one of the founders of Gestalt psychology. He studied law for more than two years, but decided then to change to philosophy. He got his doctoral degree (summa cum laude) from the University of Würzburg in 1904. [2]

We can view the human mind as similar to that of a microprocessor, which is the chip that runs the computer you are reading this on. At birth, we have only a few "pre-programmed" brain functions, such as those having to do with survival, basic autonomic functions such as the organs and heart beat. When any human being is given certain data inputs some predictable behavior (outputs) will result. For example, a child will eventually touch a hot stove even though told not to. But it is the pre-programmed survival (i.e. damage control) reflex most normal children have to intense heat that will cause the involuntary and instant removal of a hand from the stove. The Gestalt effect also shows that when children are presented repeatedly with the same images and concepts, it will become part of their character. Learning the multiplication table is just one of the few examples where some repetitious learning is useful throughout life. Mathematics is another, where learning to solve equations only comes about with repetitive practice. But incorrect political ideology is another matter.

Reciting the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag every morning is yet another example of repetition, designed to instill into children a certain type of patriotism. Or stated more accurately, a form of obedience. Think about the first sentence of the Pledge of Allegiance: "I pledge allegiance, to the flag, of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands...." Is there really a point to the first part of that statement? The flag is simply a piece of cloth with colors on it! And flags with a gold fringe are not the right flags at all, but a military maritime flag. In the Christian context, this is a form of idol worship. What the pledge does is to instill obedience in very young children, even though they may not yet have a real concept of what our Republic is (or is supposed to be.)

Public schools never quite define for students just what true patriotism actually is. Do schools tell children it's their duty to sign up and DIE for their country at 18 years old, even if their death will have nothing to do with protecting America? No, but military recruiters running loose on high school campuses do. Do schools tell children to sign up for the military so they can be poisoned and die later from our very own weapons, and not die from enemy fire? No, but military recruiters running loose on high school campuses do. Recruiters use the proverbial carrot on a stick - a college education to get a good job someday. But that someday rarely ever comes. After duty overseas, they will either be dead or just too sick for the rigors of college. Recruiters will never disclose that. 

Recruiters lied to our son, who believed their promises (against my stern advice) and signed up in the Navy to be an airman on an aircraft carrier flight deck. He graduated at the top of his class in flight school - only to be sent to Newport News where the USS Enterprise carrier was in drydock, being refurbished and repainted using military slave labor. In the heat of August of 1994 he was handed a non-airconditioned environmental suit, respiratory mask and a pneumatic needle gun. He was told he'd be stripping paint off bulkheads for the duration of his duty. Later he was able to secure a discharge from the Navy, which probably saved both his health and his life. Yet another example of the military's true cost of a "free college education."

Television cartoons today are also doing recruiting and obedience training in a more diabolical and subliminal manner, by proclaiming the glories of bio-scanning and chip implants. There are numerous killing-oriented video games provided free by the Pentagon which parents foolishly allow into their homes. The true function of these games is to instill a "kill, kill, kill" mentality in children, making them "military-ready" and receptive to recruitment when they are older.

Is it a coincidence that we here of mass killings in public schools since these came out? Yet nothing in the press is spoken of as to whether or not these genocidal children were previously playing these bloody games. No one has asked this question. These games certainly do nothing to lower violence in society. And how does the military test their troops in the real world? They use war games first, and real war second.

"Kindergarten" is a German-English word that describes children ("Kinder") playing in a garden ("garten.") However, Kindergarten is not a part of German public schools. In Germany, US Kindergarten school is considered preschool or "vorschule" in German. [3] Yet in America, it is the place where the first principles of conformity are officially programmed into children. It is there that they learn the "Pledge of Allegiance" and start reciting it everyday. The younger the mind, the easier it is to shape and force conformity for a lifetime. These first principles instilled in a child becomes THE way of life and forms a mental paradigm, which can be quite difficult to "unlearn" until an individual reaches middle teenage years. In fact, each successive year of schooling is built upon precepts learned in previous years. Think about how many hours a day each child spends in that controlled government environment EACH weekday. Now consider how many hours that same child spends at home AWAKE each weekday. Get the idea? Hence, Kindergarten is quite effective at creating and sustaining ISS. And we must not forget the detailed essays children are commanded to write about themselves and their families, under the guise of an "assignment." Copies of these are often sent to government agencies for permanent records. Just like the Stasi of the former East Germany did.

The earliest record of public school in North America showed a different sense of "public school" developing here. In 1636 the Court of the Massachusetts Bay Colony "voted for the erecting a public School or College in Cambridge." That was none other than the school we now know as Harvard University.

It matters not from where obedience training comes from that promotes ISS - all that really matters for success is repetition. Today there are giant bright LED digital signs over highways all over the United States today, flashing messages like "Report Suspicious Activity" to an 800 phone number. These signs instill paranoia and fear. Drivers and passengers can't help but read these signs every day while going to and from work. Yet many people will tell you that these signs are simply there for missing children alerts. Lets look at that idea a bit closer. If this was the case, instead of displaying ONE child's name or license plate number it would need to display tens of thousands of names! Who would ever read that? So who is the hidden authority that decides what name or license plate will be displayed, how, where and for how long? And when the "Report Suspicious Activity" and 800 phone number message is to be put back up or simply left blank?

With thousands of missing children - why are these signs not showing missing child data all the time? Yet many of these are often blank. By displaying messages of missing children periodically, it causes curious motorists to read the signs and continue their mental programming. In the Washington DC area, there is at least one digital sign that has had the "Report Suspicious Activity" message on for so long, that some of the display elements have burned out making the message partially unreadable. Again, a certain level of paranoia must be maintained at any cost. Hence the endless "Yellow Alert" level even when there is no threat. And the gullible people out there suffering from ISS? Both they and their media trainers will help sustain that paranoia.

Hitler used this same constant, repetitious Gestalt-like programming of his people to force them to mentally submit to his dictatorship. The proof? A sea of more than 200,000 people in old Nazi films all chanting and saluting simultaneously, just like robots. It is the same repetition causes hundreds of people to parade down a street in New Orleans at Mardi Gras all dancing and chanting in unison. Hitler later resorted to force to weed out the minority of people, who were NOT suffering from his form of Intellectual Stupidity Syndrome (ISS.) Thousands of people in the underground knew the truth about Hitler's regime, but millions of less fortunate people did not and paid for it with their lives.

Those who can be cured of ISS are children in their early to mid-teens in public schools (or those who are younger who are home-schooled) to perhaps those in the 50's age bracket. The reason for these teen years? This is when children often start rebelling against parental and other authorities. It is when an approximately 40 year window of opportunity for change opens. When they reach these teen years, it causes them to start questioning all the bilge-water philosophy (being polite here) they were fed as children, and to start taking a closer look at their own future.

These children begin to ponder about what will happen to them after high school, especially if for some reason college isn't an option. Patriot radio networks like Genesis, RBN and true patriot websites give them the tools to learn the real truth about what's coming, and create awareness of what their future will be without a corrective change which they must be part of. These children and adults are those who will have the best chance to fight the NWO and it's evil effects, if cured of ISS soon enough. However, if any child or adult in this age group keeps their head buried in that sewer-pipe of mainstream network news and television shows, the window of opportunity can pass them by and eventually close. Humans are creatures of habit like all mammals are. An awareness of this fact is important to remember, while helping someone achieve a paradigm shift.

When adults start to reach about 60 years of age, the window for change usually begins to close. This author has had numerous experiences attempting to educate those of 60 years of age and more - and the results are almost always the same. Most of these efforts are unsuccessful. So what is the common reaction from people in that age bracket on up? Fear. Fear of losing their Social Security, fear of government lists, fear of losing VA benefits, fear of being "picked up" by some unnamed agency. And the answer received from many to the question, "Why is it you don't want to know about the loss of your freedoms and how this will impact you?" They respond with almost identical statements like, "I'm too old to worry about or do anything about it. It scares me, and I just want to live out the rest of my life in peace." Indeed, isn't it important to keep your head firmly buried in the sand while a fascist iron boot repeatedly kicks your butt over and over? But deep inside, these same people know the end result of their intentional ignorance - even they won't admit it.

A frog in a pot of cold water on a hot burner will stay there until cooked. Most people are standing in that pot today. That is, unless someone comes along to encourage them to jump out of the pot and get involved before they are mentally cooked. And it isn't just their lives - it's also those of their spouses, friends, children and grandchildren too.

Perhaps we too, can save as many around us as possible from the ravages of ISS. Once our freedoms are gone, the price to buy them back will be measured in millions of lives and requires the blood of countless patriots.

That is, if we CAN get our freedom back after completely losing it. With technology on the side of the fascists, buying back freedom may become almost impossible. Few patriots think about this fact. Government employees feel helpless and tend to incorrectly view themselves as powerless, as just another cog in the bigger wheel. These employees forget that even the largest gear will stop turning with just one bad tooth! There are great things that military and civilian employees can accomplish when they work together for true freedom. They must not forget that part of their oath is to "protect America against all enemies, foreign and domestic." 

We cannot let freedom become extinct. Fight ISS right now by educating everyone you know.

Ted Twietmeyer

[1] Gestalt defined:

[2] Wikipedia on origins of Gestalt:

[3] Kindergarten defined:



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