RFK And McCarthy
From J Bruce Campbell

Jeff -
Regarding Michael Carmichael's Global Research piece: 'Re-Open The RFK Assassination' investigation on
Carmichael refers to "the disgraceful McCarthy era," or words to that effect. What was disgraceful about it was McCarthy's dear friend, Jack Kennedy, betraying him when he could have supported him in the Senate vote to censure or condemn him. JFK stayed in the hospital and abstained. Joe McCarthy almost married Eunice Kennedy before he came to his senses. Joe got Jack elected Senator in '52 by not campaigning for Henry Cabot Lodge at the height of McCarthy's power and popularity. 
Bobby was on Joe McCarthy's staff, so how "disgraceful" was it? Bobby just couldn't get along with Roy Cohn. Did McCarthy ever accuse a person who was not, in fact, mobbed up with the Communist Party or the Soviet Union? Where's the "disgrace" on McCarthy's part, other than hiring Roy Cohn? Without Joe McCarthy helping Jack Kennedy, the latter would never have become a senator, let alone the president.
With all the sanctimonious tributes to the Kennedys, let's not forget they murdered Marilyn Monroe. Don't forget that they partnered up with the mob because of old Joe Kennedy's mob ties. Bobby and Jack double-crossed the mob after taking their help in the Chicago vote rigging. Daddy taught them how to use women and throw them away. Crazy sex parties in the White House. Jack in bed, smoking dope with Judith Campbell Exner, Sam Giancana's girlfriend, in the middle of the "missile crisis."
It's funny that the writer/researcher would go to Tom Clines for verification of anything. He is the biggest crook in the CIA - ask Ed Wilson. Clines, Shackley, Von Marbod, Armitage - the heroin cartel. They sent Wilson to prison after getting him to bankroll their EATSCO scam. Clines' girlfriend told the whole story in the old Spotlight newspaper in Washington DC. I went to Marion Penitentiary twice to interview Wilson for the paper. Years later, he was released because he was telling the truth about being framed by those lousy crooks.
The Kennedys played everyone for suckers. JFK did some good things such as go against the Federal Reserve and Israel. Maybe he would have shut down Eisenhower's Vietnam adventure. But their house was built on betrayal of everyone who helped them. They were Big Time liberals who wiretapped ML King and associates; super-rich Democrats who built their power base on the very poor. No different from the GOP-rats today.
The only guy with guts and honor and loyalty in Washington in the 1950s was Joe McCarthy. Fifty years later we find that his only error, besides hiring Roy Cohn, was that there were lots more Red rats in power than he thought. Ever hear of Harry Hopkins? Check out the Venona papers. And look up
Major Jordan's Diaries on the net (and listen to hour three, Rense program Archives, 8-8-6).
I find that people who criticize McCarthy are either gutless or ignorant - or in sympathy with the subversives who had seized control of our foreign policy and took us to war on the side of the Soviet, Chinese and Vietnamese Communists, and then to non-winable but lucrative wars in Asia against our handy new enemies - our erstwhile allies. The most famous of these was George C. Marshall. McCarthy wrote a book about him.
Still, it's good to show that RFK and JFK were gunned down by the CIA, although it would be wise to include the Mossad in both hits. The Palestinian busboy thing is the tipoff. By the way, how could a nobody Palestinian busboy know that Bobby would be coming through the kitchen and just happen to have a loaded revolver on him? And be in the right place to start blazing away, even if he never actually HIT RFK? Did the police just think that a busboy would normally be carrying a loaded revolver while clearing tables? How could Sirhan know where to stand and wait? Where'd he get the gun? Who decided to take Bobby through the kitchen? Who hired the rent-a-cop Thane E. Cesar as a "bodyguard" who followed along just behind Bobby? 
Why don't you guys ask some pertinent questions?
JB Campbell



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