Rep Waxman - There
Won't Be Any Subpoenas

By Jeff Rense

Republicans have speculated that a Democratic congressional majority will mean a flurry of subpoenas and investigations into everything under the sun as retaliation against the GOP and President Bush. Not so,
Waxman said. "A lot of people have said to me, `Are you going to now go out and issue a lot of subpoenas and go on a wild payback time?' Well, payback is unworthy," he said. "Doing oversight doesn't mean issuing subpoenas. It means trying to get information." Subpoenas would be used only as a last resort said Waxman.
Full story:
The Wax Man Cometh
We have warned people that unless powerhouse, assertive, heroic pieces of legislation rolling back the Patriot Act, cutting off War Funding, cutting off 'loans' to Israel, restoring Habeus Corpus, and a dozen other mandatory bills are introduced almost immediately after the swearing-in ceremonies of this 'new' Congress are completed, that the fraud of the 'Democrats' leading America to rehabilitation and salvation, and restoring sanity and the US Constitution will seen for the gigantic hoax and sham it is worldwide.
We give the 'new' Congress 4 weeks to get these measures introduced. It won't happen. Oh, there might be a couple of brave souls who put some bills on the floor but those measures will end up trapped and buried in committees, stripped, emasculated, spayed, neutered and diluted down to meaningless tripe. Americans are so sadly, monumentally stupid, it almost defies adequate description.
The quote above by the California WAX MAN says as clear as day there will be NO SUBPOENAS. He further stated there will be no 'payback'....that 'payback is unworthy.'
What the hell does 'PAYBACK' have to do with prosecuting some of the pathological, psychopathic, treasonous, traitorous CRIMINAL RAPISTS of the United States? Since when is it 'payback' to prosecute crimes and to uphold the laws of the Constitution of the United States?
That single statement put an end to even the remotest hope for legitimate, indictment-producing investigations of 911 or ANYTHING of substance with this new 'Congress of the People.' And the Wax Man will be installed as the Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee...
This pro-war Israel gatekeeper has stated quite clearly that there will be nothing but business as usual - with the exception of a little eyewash and window dressing to suggest that something is being done about the outrages and violations of the soul of America by the Bush/Cheney/Zionist Neocon cabal that has been deconstructing the United States of America for the past six years.
AIPAC and JINSA and the Globalist elites and the pro-Israel zionist-dominated power base will remain in control. The Israeli ink blotter, Nancy Pelosi, is poised to become the most powerful tool the enemies of America have had in the House for many years. Get used to it. The 'two party' system remains the GREAT GAME ...make that Great Shame...and a prime instrument of ruination of this once bright and shining light on the planet called America.
Here, again, is the quote from the WAX MAN:
Republicans have speculated that a Democratic congressional majority will mean a flurry of subpoenas and investigations into everything under the sun as retaliation against the GOP and President Bush. Not so, Waxman said. "A lot of people have said to me, `Are you going to now go out and issue a lot of subpoenas and go on a wild payback time?' Well, payback is unworthy," he said. "Doing oversight doesn't mean issuing subpoenas. It means trying to get information." Subpoenas would be used only 'as a last resort' said Waxman.
So, correcting the litany of un-Constitutional laws enacted by the Congress, investigating the 911 false flag attack on America, and holding the people involved accountable is 'payback', Mr. Wax Man? PAYBACK? quickly we forget. Remember the euphoria when the Village Idiot was first 'elected' Americans were duped into believing that 8 years of the Clintons and the treasons they propagated - not to mention Slick's outrageous Pardongate final scene (Marc Rich, anyone?) - were going to be DEALT WITH?? Does anyone remember?
Well, the new Commander-in-Chief's first order of business back then was his quick announcement that he wasn't remotely interested in investigating Clinton or bringing him to accountability ...that the nation was 'moving ahead' and that we had 'work to do' - that living in the past or investigating Slick were not in his plans. End of story. Sound familiar? The book was closed and Slick is still smiling. And now we face the real possibility of 8 more years with the Clintons beginning in 2008...
The Democrats voted in the Constitution-destroying Patriot Act, unanimously, without even having READ it ...and then they faithfully approved the Son of Patriot Act. And they've passed every heinous funding bill for the rape of Iraq and Afghanistan that has been demanded of them. How many even realize we 'sold' (read GAVE) Israel all the jet fuel and most of the munitions it used to ravage and irradiate Southern Lebanon?
The 'Elections' meant virutally nothing...and NOTHING is exactly what we're going to get, save the usual conning, chicaney, lies, corruption, perversion, blackmail, influence-peddling, and AIPAC-dominated, cowardly, treasonous Congress of the United States of America. And the WAX MAN, CONYERS and PELOSI puppets just told you so as clear as day.



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