Bankrupt America
Karl W B Schwarz

There are many ways to be bankrupt other than just financially. Some of what is addressed today are the various forms and how such accumulatively lead to bad things happening again and again.
The website "The Canadian" picked up on the recent article regarding the US being a state sponsor of terrorism. Many thanks to their editor on helping to get the word out. A nation that pretends to stand for liberty, justice, freedom and democracy, and especially Christianity and family values, practicing state sponsored terrorism is one form of bankrupt.
One of the list members sent me an article that has staggering information regarding the cost of health care in America. 
When you consider how many Americans do not have and cannot afford health care, this massive amount of expenditures is a sure sign of a sick nation. I think it is our food supply, water, pollution and lifestyle in combination form that is undermining the quality of life of many Americans in the area of health. I am healthy and I can tell you that quality of life and health are inseparable to me. When your health is gone it is a form of bankrupt in the Department of Quality of Life. Note that our governments at the state and federal level have no such department. 
I saw a CNN International statistic that every night in America 200,000 of our veterans are homeless. That is a national disgrace and sign of a bankrupt government that ignores their word to the soldiers they use and discard. My grandfather always counseled that if a man's word was not good, the man was not good. Another sign of bankrupt from a direction that most do not see for what it is. 
There is an old saying that desperate people do desperate things. That to me as a Christian is the toughest test of all. When everything around you is falling apart or not working the trick is to keep doing what is right and it will all work out. Our government excels at not doing what is right and that is yet another sign of bankrupt.
If you caught that joint press conference December 11 with Secretary of Defense Gates and Secretary of State Rice, she stated that the US was prepared to reverse 27 years of policy towards Iran if they would abandon their nuclear ambitions. My read on that is the PRC informed the Bush Administration if they attacked and upended their $400 billion in oil and gas deals the PRC would pull the plug on the US financially by dumping the United States dollar and the US Treasury bonds they hold. It could also manifest itself as Russia cutting off the oil and gas supply to Europe. 
US planning is bankrupt as Afghanistan, Iraq and the Caspian Basin misadventure have so succinctly demonstrated. 
If you missed the Rice "grilling" at the Senate Foreign Relations committee, both Democrats and Republicans distanced themselves from Mr. Bush and his latest desperation lunacy. The most interesting part of that hearing was when Virginia Senator Webb dropped this bombshell in Ms. Rice's lap:
"He noted that prior to his congressional service he had served in the Pentagon, and he read one pointed sentence from a document whereby the administration committed itself to only using U.S. troops in any invasion of the territory of neighboring Iran if they were in pursuit of enemy forces...ITS LANGUAGE WAS SUCH THAT IT VIRTUALLY STATED THAT THE ADMINISTRATION COULD NOT INVADE IRAN UNLESS IT DID SO WITH THE U.S. CONGRESS' EXPRESS APPROVAL...THAT IS, IT COULD NOT, I REPEAT, THE ADMINISTRATION COULD NOT ATTACK IRAN BASED ON ITS CURRENT AUTHORITY. IT WOULD FIRST HAVE TO ASK FOR AND RECEIVE THE EXPRESS APPROVAL OF CONGRESS TO MAKE SUCH A MOVE!!!
Chairman Biden, in his concluding remarks, stated to Rice that he wanted it known to her and to be conveyed to Bush that the point that Webb brought up should be noted, and that she should be prepared to show the administration's authority to attackIran in writing or expect a constitutional confrontation by the Congress."
My position is simple ­ the War Powers Act should be repealed right now with the caveat that if Israel attacks all aid to Israel is cut off until further notice. This GWOT charade has gone on long enough. 
Most Americans do not know that the Australians were not keen on joining Bush in his bogus GWOT, just as the Canadians refused to do so after they learned their lessons in Desert Storm and Bosnia and now many of their troops are dying or totally disabled just like ours are and those in the UK too.
Where desperation makes someone do wrong is like George Bush and his desperation to keep his GWOT alive and moving. It is such a lousy, bankrupt plan he has to keep resuscitating it. On CNN International December 10, Bush approval rating on Iraq is now down to 28% and dropping. Only the deaf, dumb, blind and insane think our nation's military forces are in good hands with George W. Bush. 
The troops are on the verge of mutiny and any general that dares to not agree with this latest bogus desperation "surge" are summarily replaced by our Great Decider who is always wrong and proves it every time he opens his mouth.
There is information surfacing that is starting to point at a possible "Operation Gladio-style" terrorist attack in Bali. If you read the entire article it seems that Mossad or CIA, or both, might have been out playing Al Qaeda again and got caught. That was a bankrupt idea the day Jimmy Carter approved it in 1979.
This was embedded in the Voice of the White House article: "To quote from an official memo, George W. Bush referred to the reluctant Aussies as "a bunch of ex-con kangaroo humpers."" It was right after this "terrorist attack" in Bali that Australia agreed to join Bush in his Iraq Coalition. That most of the victims were Australian was not lost on me nor was it lost on many Australians.
According to this article the Bali incident may have been used to get Australia on board for the Really Bogus Global War on Terror. 
Many Americans do not know or have forgotten that New Zealand cut off diplomatic relations with Israel when they caught Mossad obtaining fake passports from that nation to use for some arcane purpose. My sources indicate that some of those fake passports surfaced in Iraq of all places. 
Imagine my shock and surprise, not!
They did it to our good friends in Europe so do not make the mistake of assuming that they would not do it to tourists in Bali. They have to keep the illusion alive as to the "extent of the threat" so people will beg the New World Order for protection from the boogeyman. Problem is, the boogeyman is the same as who people wrongly assume is protecting them. When you are one of the chickens it does little good to ask for help from the fox, or the coyote or the wolf in sheep's clothing. Or the lion, the leopard, the jaguar or the tiger either.
As I have continued to read Daniele Ganser's book NATO's Secret Armies, it is clear that the UK and US have been playing out an agenda of world domination even if that meant being terrorists to get their way. I have long suspected that the US and UKgovernments were bankrupt in many areas and this book shows that I was right many years ago even long before I heard of Operation Gladio. 
The following two paragraphs are excerpted from page 33 of NATO's Secret Armies:
"When in the mid-1970s the parliament [our Congress] of the United States realized that the CIA as well as the Pentagon had increased their power almost beyond control and had also abused it on numerous occasions, US Senator Frank Church wisely observed that "The growth of Intelligence abuses reflects a more general failure of our basic institutions". Senator Church at the time presided over one of three critical investigations of the US parliament [our Congress] into the US secret services which in the second half of the 1970s presented their final reports that until today remain among the most authoritative documents on US secret warfare. The overall impact of the investigation of the US Congress was however marginal and the secret services supported by the White House continued to abuse their power as the Iran Contra scandal in 1986 highlighted. This led historian Kathryn Olmsted at the University of California to 'the central question': "After starting the investigation, why did most members of the press and Congress back away from challenging the secret government?""
"Journalist Arthur Rowse, formerly on the staff of the Washington Post, thereafter in an essay on Gladio in Italy drew 'The Lessons of Gladio': "As long as the US public remains ignorant of this dark chapter in US foreign relations, the agencies responsible for it will face little pressure to correct their ways. The end of the Cold War, Rowse observed, 'changed little inWashington, DC. The US.still awaits a real national debate on the means and ends and costs of our national security policies."
It is this secret government that has been setting up and blackmailing our elected leaders for many years so they could get their way. They operate coming at them from different directions and multiple elements of the United States government and MI6, Mossad, AIPAC and other competing forces excel at compromising and blackmail. They do not stand up for America or Americans for to do so would shed light on wrongdoing and out would come the whistleblowers. They cannot afford to tell on the same people who set them up, compromised them and then blackmail them that there is this secret government that wages secret war on civilian populations and elected leaders.
You should quickly make the connection as to how George H W Bush, Clinton and George W. Bush have continued these abuses and they have become worse with each passing year. That is why our government fears the truth for the truth will hammer many of them to death or into permanent stays in prison. 
The news January 12 featured an alleged attack on the US Embassy in Greece. If you read Daniele Ganser's book there is repeated mention as to how Operation Gladio was used to affect far right US and UK state sponsored terrorism in Greece, and Italy, and Spain, and Portugal, and France, and Germany, etc, etc, etc.
Mr. Rowse is right, it is long overdue that the United States has an open and public discussion on the means, ends and costs of our foreign policies since our government screws them up over and over again. I think we need an entirely new plan from that plan George H W Bush and his buddies have been pursuing most of the past 30 years.
As Americans watch the housing market collapse, the stock market boom but will collapse, the dollar take a nose dive, unemployment still chronic, and Bush about to jump out of the skillet into the fire, it pays to take a deep breath and take stock of where we are. We as a nation are bankrupt. 
If you missed Lou Dobbs piece on W fulfilling Daddy's New World Order dream, watch this video because they are planning more things that would further erode our quality of life in America. 
It is just more bankrupt ideas from people who excel in bankrupt ideas.
Corporate profits up 45% and real wages for Americans up 3% during the same period. Yet, they think they can drive our entire economy on consumerism instead of production and output of real goods.  Yes, that is a Bush Elitist Plan from the outset. When you factor in inflation and real price increases for food, medicine, electricity, gasoline, etc it does not take a Yale MBA to grasp why you are sliding backwards and have less spare money these days. 
The Republicans are grousing that the Democrats are treating them the same way they treated the Democrats for the past six years. Pooh, the hard ball proprieties cut both ways! Imagine that!
The Democrats are wiggling like a worm on a hot sidewalk trying to get out of the mandate that America handed to them November 7, 2006. They will keep wiggling and smiling for the cameras and talking in half sentences and hints, and still do nothing substantive. They cannot do anything substantive or those "whistleblowers" will tell everything they have on the Democrats just like they did Rep. Mark Foley and Dennis Hastert.
So, America is left on its own without leadership but that is nothing new for America. We survived most of the last century without leadership. 
As you brace yourself for the economic hardships coming at us, you might want to put these two quotes someplace prominent, like your bathroom mirror or the refrigerator door. 
If you do the best you can, you will find, nine times out of ten, that you have done as well as or better than anyone else.
- William Feather
When you cannot make up your mind which of two evenly balanced courses of action you should take - choose the bolder.
- W.J. Slim
There are many different ways to be bankrupt. One can be financially bankrupt but just as bad are morally bankrupt, ideologically bankrupt, and ethically bankrupt. America has added to that "Intellectual Property Bankrupt", bankrupt in planning, bankrupt in execution, education, health care, and bankrupt in truth. America is bankrupt in domestic policies, fiscal policies, and it is bankrupt in foreign policies. America is suffering from all of them at the same time and the root cause can be traced to one thing ­ failure of leadership in aiding and abetting a greed machine for the few, not the many.
If you have been keeping up with the Leo Wanta story regarding the $27.5 trillion in funds that were put into play to crash the Russian economy, there are some interesting developments.
Christopher Story is now blasting Greg Szymanski for making things up. Problem is Christopher Story seems to be making things up too and when questioned about it he has threatened to sue, called people names like "Useful Idiots" and otherwise refuse to explain why his stories now look like Szymanski's stories. 
One of the problems I have with Szymanski is he will latch on to anything, including private emails and publish them in his attempts to grasp to be a "me too" type of reporter. In this one he put out an email that was between another person and I without my permission. That is a bad habit he has, that being running with a story without checking the facts of a story from at least two sources. That is professional investigative journalism; the other is a desperate attempt to again attention and notoriety. 
I have yet to see that the Wanta money is recoverable and probably was diverted by Clinton and Bush many years ago to keep the lid on. Most of you recall that I am in Europe, where much of these Wanta funds are supposedly hidden away. I have excellent contacts with multiple governments and bankers and none of them can find accounts in the names I was provided by Wanta. If the account name and number does not exist it either never existed or it no longer exists, or someone is hiding from the reality of it. 
I am not saying Leo Wanta is lying, I am just stating a simple fact that the funds (if ever) are not where they are supposed to be. That could be explained simply by the fact that GHWB, Clinton and the current Bush fiasco have had plenty of time to figure out how to get those funds directed elsewhere and not repatriated to the United States. 
The US District Court order that addresses the Wanta v. United States matter reads clear but it does not assertively state that the funds were exactly where they were supposed to be. They directed Wanta to recover them and pay the taxes, none of which has happened to date since the April 15, 2003 date on that court order.
Both of their articles are full of holes, misstatement of fact and overall not very professional reporting on the issue. For example, the $4.5 trillion was wired (purportedly) to Bank of America, not Goldman Sachs. I got that directly from Leo Wanta, not Story or Szymanski. I have spoken to Leo Wanta many times and he is working with Morgan Stanley, not Goldman Sachs. They keep trying to make a leap to connect Secretary of Treasury Paulson (former Goldman Sachs CEO), Goldman Sachs and Israel. The facts in the chain of evidence I am aware of do not involve Goldman Sachs at all.
They have reported that Secretary Paulson was subpoenaed, arrested and convicted in like a single day, but when questions came up about why Paulson was at the Ford funeral and not in jail as they claimed out came the obfuscation by Christopher Story. I have seen no evidence that Paulson went to Israel, yet they keep spreading that like it is fact. 
If anything, the funds are probably being used to artificially prop up our stock market, keep the petrodollar in play even while weakened due to our own excessive policies in Washington, DC and continuing to fund black ops and financial assaults on nations that are not playing along. The funds might also be what are covering some butts on the derivative positions of our banks and Wall Street firms to keep our economy from turning into a black hole 
When I was affiliated with one of the largest Wall Street firms in the early 1980s they used a term on the street "Green Wall". That was in reference to a huge sum of money (trillions in US dollars and other currencies) that was "flight money" and literally went around the globe every 24 hours, like from Tokyo to London to New York. It always stopped overnight and went on to avoid taxation or confiscation for legal or judicial reasons. It was only there when the Tax Man was asleep and much of it was stolen money, drug money, dark ops money, etc.
There may be one Hell of a bank workout in progress right now and undisclosed to the American public. I did a lot of commercial real estate workouts when the S&Ls and banks collapsed between 1985 through to 1992 from coast to coast. I know what a secretive workout looks like and smells like. I know to what extent the US government will go to cover things up so they look good and honorable and diligent when the truth is they are corrupt and sleazy.
Small example: I was shown a huge warehouse one time by a former high level FSLIC person who was the director of OLD, Office of Liquidation and Disposal. It was the size of an arena football field and tall file cabinets crammed into the space. The example the FSLIC director was making to me was how dismal the FSLIC and Resolution Trust Corporation work out would be. What he was showing me were the titles, deeds, bank records of the 1929-1933 Building and Thrift collapse and literally hundreds of billions of dollars worth of inner city property that the federal government took over and has sat on since the Great Depression. 
He explained the problem our government has thusly: "They create a committee to study the problem and develop solutions. The goal is to engineer a camel into a horse so they make themselves look good. The problem is they always wind up engineering that camel into a rat and then still claiming they are good at what they do. They are in a word pathetic. They actually look at all of these files right here as assets of the federal government and will not let us sell any of it. Large parts of many inners cities have sat idle now for 60 years because some bureaucrat looks as these as his or her assets, the justification for his or her job."
Some are even suggesting that the Wanta funds are starting to smell like NESARA, or an easy fix to decades of fiscal irresponsibility in our national capital. There are no easy fixes to the problems our government has created nor are there any easy fixes to the massive amount of derivatives or you getting off scot-free on your home mortgage and credit card debts. 
America is a nation that lives on debt and credit and has forgotten the simple rule of cash is king.
There is nothing more delusional than thinking you can wake up one morning and be debt free without paying off your debts. I have been waiting to see if Christopher Story makes the connection and reports on it that $27.5 trillion in cash dollars put back into the money supply would be deflationary and lower the value of the dollar even more under the current fiscal policies of our government. 
According to the GAO Comptroller General the United States is bankrupt by any means you want to calculate the numbers.
America's Red Ink
Sunday, December 24, 2006; Page B06
The largest employer in the world announced on Dec. 15 that it lost about $450 billion in fiscal 2006. Its auditor found that its financial statements were unreliable and that its controls were inadequate for the 10th straight year. On top of that, the entity's total liabilities and unfunded commitments rose to about $50 trillion, up from $20 trillion in just six years.
To put the figures in perspective, $50 trillion is $440,000 per American household and is more than nine times as much as the median household income.
Comptroller General of the United States
Government Accountability Office
I know many Americans that do not have a spare $500, much less $440,000 to cover their share of the National Debt. Many Americans do not pay that much in taxes in their entire working life and when they give corporations and the Wealthy Elite a free ride the end result is a lot of red ink.
Every minute of every day Bush is in office the hole gets deeper as they plunder our nation and put the future generations in hock. I have often wondered if I should rent Bush a track hoe so he can dig his hole faster and get gone quicker, just be done with it and go away and leave his usual mess behind for others to clean up.
If I were president there would be investigations from the FBI and DOJ about how our liabilities rose that much under Bush and the money going to just a select few. I would not hand the matter over to Congress because many of them would be subjects of those investigations. There would also be investigations about where the Wanta funds are and recovered, regardless of whose ass gets stuck in a vise on that one.
Just think, Bush has not done anything to help Americans out of work but he is going to propose 20,000 to 40,000 more US troops (at more expense) and up to $1 billion to create jobs for Iraqis. Watch out folks, this is yet another scheme to line just the right pockets of the Bush Buddies. With unemployment in Iraq at above 70% the $1 billion is not enough to even begin to dent the problems Bush has created here and abroad. 
Every military expert that is not a Bush Yes-man is saying that this Bush Surge Plan is yet another idiotic plan from an idiotic president that refuses to face the repercussions of his conduct and idiotic actions. Bush proves to me every day he is a cowardly man who will not face himself or the people on his lies and misdeeds.
My read on it is Bush is morally, ideologically and ethically bankrupt, which has led up to the United States of America being bankrupt in every way possible. We should not be surprised at all. He has screwed up everything he has touched in his entire life and this is just his biggest screw up ever.
We have religious leaders that some are now questioning how they came to be Christian leaders and who they were financed by to mislead so many Americans. 
This came to me from a Christian member of the list that has been digging into the Pat Robertson matter after Pat's latest God-prediction of nukes and mushroom clouds over US cities in September 2007.
"I suppose it's only serendipity, or maybe God has spoken.
Just minutes after I sent you my note about suitcase nukes, I checked our hits to see what websites might be linking to us; the first one I looked at was Cathy Garger's site who reported 2 days ago that Pat Robertson said on his TV show that God told him major cities were going to be targeted sometime after September 2007.
Pat said that God didn't say whether they'd be nukes but Pat hinted that God hinted they'd be nukes and that millions of people would die.
Pat, son of a U.S. senator, has got a long history with the CIA, dating to his days as a lieutenant pimp for the Army in Koreawhere his job was to send GIs back to the killing after they had medical treatment in Japan. My suspicion is that Pat got his seed money for his televangelist operation from the CIA. So he's got a regular pipeline to God, probably his code name for the agency.
So God says we've got until September. bollocks."
The last thing Americans need are irresponsible religious leaders talking such trash to their listeners.
All over the world various groups are trying to get the New World Order firmly into place and some areas just are not playing along. One of the ways they are not playing along is implementing Flat-Tax Rates that do not overly tax the poor while letting the wealthy walk off scot-free of taxes.
FOXNews must have had a mental lapse to have let this story ever get published across their media system.,2933,242099,00.html
Friday, January 05, 2007
By Daniel J. Mitchell
The International Monetary Fund is supposed to help nations grow faster, but the international bureaucracy is frequently criticized because its officials often tell poor countries to raise taxes and devalue their currencies.
This characterization may be a bit unfair, since the IMF has more sensible views on issues such as trade, regulation and privatization, but it's also true that the organization generally is seen as an obstacle to market-based fiscal policy.
A good example is a recent IMF study attacking the flat tax. With many nations in Central and Eastern Europe having adopted low-rate flat taxes, tax reform has become a global issue. Countries as diverse as Slovakia, Romania, Russia,Estonia and Georgia are experiencing faster growth, better tax compliance, lower unemployment and increased foreign investment thanks to tax systems that impose low penalties on productive activity and wealth creation.
But when the IMF looked at European flat taxes, it concluded that "that empirical evidence on their effects is very limited" and that "there is no sign of Laffer-type behavioral responses."
The study also asserted that, "their impact on [tax] compliance is theoretically ambiguous." A close examination of the IMF study reveals two serious shortcomings, either one of which would have yielded a failing grade in an introductory economics class.
First, the study ignores the impact of tax reform on economic performance. At no point do the authors compare economic growth in flat-tax countries to growth in nations with high-rate tax regimes. Another obvious comparison would be to see whether countries with flat taxes enjoyed more growth after tax reform. Yet this simple calculation isn't part of the IMF study.
The failure to examine economic growth is just the tip of the iceberg. The authors ignore job creation, unemployment rates, investment or any other measure of prosperity and competitiveness. It isn't clear why these important variables were neglected, but one possible reason is that they all contradict the premise of the paper. Indeed, they indicate that the flat tax has been very successful.
Second, the study asserts that a Laffer-Curve effect exists only if new revenues from faster growth and better compliance completely offset the revenues lost because of the low-tax rate. This is a grossly misleading characterization of the Laffer Curve, a classic "straw man" argument.
The Laffer Curve is nothing more than a graphic representation of the centuries-old principle that tax rates impact incentives and that this can affect taxable income (either because people change the amount of income they earn or they change the amount of income they report to the tax authority). The change in taxable income, needless to say, directly affects the amount of tax money the government collects. So if a tax-rate reduction causes even modest increases in growth and tax compliance, revenues will be higher than projected by simplistic calculations -- and the effect will grow with each passing year.
The flat out proof is that economies that have implemented the flat tax are growing at rates of 3 to 5 times the GDP rate of growth for the United States, so enough said for our fair tax system and trickle down economics that makes the wealthy wealthier and is putting the Middle Class into the poor house and keeping those in poverty stuck in that problem. Economically weak nations like Hungary,Slovakia, and the Czech Republic are growing faster than the US economy. China curtailed certain actions to cool down their 10.5% annual growth rate because of sustainability issues.
If you have been paying attention, Nicaragua, Bolivia and Venezuela are not playing along either. They have decidedly moved towards democratic socialism and nationalization of key assets to prevent plunder by the US and UK interests. What prompted Operation Gladio and US state sponsored terrorism in Italy was when that nation moved towards democratic socialism and the powers-that-be did not like that. The warning here is watch for such terrorism in Nicaragua, Bolivia and Venezuela. 
The only way Bush seems to be able to grow jobs is grow the size of government and our military, and both are counterproductive and do not contribute to real growth. Like a big leech, it sucks the life out of most of our economy. Bush has created plenty of jobs and sleaze where tied exclusively to the Insider's Club of Homeland Security, Big Defense, and his bogus Global War on Terror. 
Many reported that they were sickened by the video link in the last email update that showed so many Americans being killed and maimed by the IEDs. 
They should be sickened at how our young men and women have been wasted and sent to die for Bush lies.
I thought America would be up in arms when the true extent of the lies came out, but evidently Americans are either ethically or morally bankrupt or asleep to the gravity of the problems. My bet is the problem is both. We just do not have enough people awake and ready to do something about it. We just do not have enough people who realize that allowing our government to be terrorists means that we will face generations of blow back from people that did not hate us but do now.
In the past an excellent video was done about Iraq and how Bush and Rumsfeld screwed over our soldiers at every opportunity. They still do every chance they get in the White House, Congress, the DoD and the VA.
Veterans are still being denied medical benefits through any excuse or legal ruling the government can dream up to screw them over some more. They love those photo ops and wrapping themselves up in the flag but behind the scenes they put the knife in the back of our veterans at every opportunity. They cannot honor their word to the veterans for that would deny putting that money into the pockets of some defense insider. That can be put to a stop but the RNC and DNC will not lift a finger to do so. That would mean that funds would have to be directed to honor America's word to our soldiers and not put into the pocket of some insider that a political favor is owed to. 
So, enjoy the red ink, many will be blue and many will be as white as their shirts when the proverbial fertilizer hits the proverbial ventilator. Fitting colors for a nation led by liars, thieves and cowards and two political parties that could not care less about America. 
This would be a great US foreign policy.
Right actions for the future are the best apologies for wrong ones in the past.
- Tyron Edwards
Just don't hold your breath waiting on RNC or DNC to do it.
Bankrupt leaders are lining up for the 2008 Presidential race and here is my take on their chances.
Dennis Kucinich ­ not even on a prayer
Hillary Clinton ­ not a clue, plan or prayer. Still a Marxist and always will be.
Barrack Obama ­ too young and inexperienced
John Edwards ­ too tied to the DNC New World Order side of the system. He lost with Kerry, will lose on his own.
M. Romney ­ Mormon, not a chance to win once show and tell starts.
J. McCain ­ not a plan, just the Bush Plan renamed the McCain Plan. Backing the current Bush Surge will finish McCain by the end of the summer.
George Allen ­ slim to none
John Cox ­ Bush Lite,
Rudy Giuliani ­ less than slim to none. When the truth about 9-11 is fully known, Rudy may well be facing indictment. He is the bona fide "keep the lid on" candidate for the Bush Co types.
Rep. Ron Paul, long shot but the best in the Republican field.
Independents, Third Party
No one.
Remember to wear those lifejackets, seas are getting rough.
Best regards,



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