Pre-Emptive Plunder -
The Profiteers Of War

By Judith Moriarty

I once met a couple from an outlying village whose lives were consumed with Tweety Bird ­ a yellow truck, Tweety Bird decals, pillows, stickers etc, all over the damn thing. It struck me that they represented a great many Americans living in a delusional cartoon world of Ronald McDonald ­ road runner - the three little pigs etc; living out their lives in a voyeuristic Matrix of Star Wars, Viagra love affairs, silicone breasts, chemical lawns, and Elmer Gantry religion promising them Cadillac's and furs if they could just cough up enough dough for Fine- Living - Faith! What's happening in the real world of shredding bombs and nuclear war plans never touches their Tweety Bird lives:
If I'm not mistaken it was America that initiated this illegal 'pre-emptive' war on a desert country the size of California, with half its citizens women and children. Supposedly we were after the non-existent 'weapons of mass destruction' morphing into 'liberation ­ instilling democracy etc'. The reported terrorists, who with $1.98 box cutters, with a few lessons on antiquated crop dusters, were able to invade our super power nation and cause massive destruction with our defense system (costing billions over the years) on a coffee break. These reported terrorists were for the most part from Saudi Arabia, not from Iraq. Saddam a secular leader hated Bin Laden in his religious fanaticism. This 'war' mapped out in corporate bunkers was to cost a minuscule few billion and last a few months. These incompetents thought they were merging another corporate company. You may recall when the President dressed in a flight suit, announced a few months after this massive bombing announced "Mission Accomplished".
Macho man back from war ­ war can be fun when it's just a costume!
A study of the 10 year Afgan-Russian War ( a disaster) might have clued these dullards in on what one unleashes in a culture that will has the fatalistic view that dying for Allah is a supreme honor. If Iraq's major commodity on the world market was spinach, I dare say we wouldn't be expending massive billions (all borrowed) to instill McDonalds and Nike footwear! Saddam fell out of favor with the oil barons when he nationalized his country's oil (much like Chavez of Venezuela). Iraq holds the second largest oil reserves in the world (though the Caspian Sea oil is another prize).
Meantime children of soldiers sent back 2-3-4 times are given  cardboard daddies  to comfort them ­ a bit tough playing ball with, or reading a bedtime story.
Though it wasn't made major news (not reported at all) since the Nicole Smith Enquirer news has taken over the media --- the four years of working on the Hydro-Carbon Law for Iraq is complete which will turn over Iraq's oil to the oil barons (with a minuscule amount allowed for Iraq citizens). This policy is worth billions with much of Iraq's oil yet untapped (billions of barrels). He who controls the world's oil resources controls the world ­ thus Iran is the next in line to be taken out. Cheney has announced that this will be a 'generational war' and he's right if those fields are to be protected, thus the building of 14 military bases plus a walled embassy (for 7000 employees) costing a billion+ is being constructed complete with homes, swimming pools, parks etc. Meantime multitudes of Americans are homeless due to the millions of jobs outsourced not withstanding the Gulf tragedy with people still living in tents, in their cars etc. I'm not sure how a country that is now a service economy can support forever war ­ with interest payments on the debt at $41+ million per hour ---- and the tens of thousands of permanently maimed veterans to care for who will suffer 'forever war' in their lives.
No oil companies will be sending royalty checks to this once upon a time NH police chief with three children now lying in a VA hospital in Florida with irreparable brain damage.  War is forever for him.
American's are thought to be too stupid to be kept informed of the real reasons for generational war ­ and merely a yawn is given to the billions (Congressional Hearings) that have just disappeared (meant for Iraq's reconstruction ­ which will never happen) ­ you might want to brush up on what the rest of the world knows (they don't do car chases, shaved heads, nor silcon injected bimbos as their top news) ­ Hydrocarbon Law (not reported in U.S.) real reason for surge .    --- the real deal in the making for years with American's believing the 'lie' of freeing an oppressed people (remember Rwanda? How about Durfur? Etc)      



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