That Sinkhole We
Call The 'NEWS' 

Jim Kirwan

Something odd happened to me this morning. Okay, most of the time I seem to be some kind of attractor for the unusual - but this still had one foot in the mainstream. I was having coffee in a shop and scanning the debris of the morning Chronicle when I noticed a tiny item on page A8 entitled: "2 teens killed as sinkhole opens in city" from Associated Press
It reads:
"GUATAMALA CITY -- A 330-foot deep sink-hole killed two teen-age siblings when it swallowed about a dozen homes early Friday and forced the evacuation of nearly 1,000 people in a crowded Guatemala City neighborhood. Officials blamed the sinkhole on recent rains and an underground sewage flow from a ruptured main. The two bodies were found near the enormous fissure, floating in a river of sewage. the father of the two teens was still missing, a disaster official said."
It was the picture that got my attention - because I'd been wondering aloud, to the owner of the place about the likelihood of being able to sue the networks for false advertising - when they call what they produce - "THE NEWS"!
When I saw this picture I immediately thought that this is exactly what will happen to all these disinformation networks when all hell breaks loose in the middle east - and when ordinary people begin to realize that they were NOT warned about what is about to happen in Iran and the USA: especially once this becomes clear that this stuff was all over the web - but nowhere to be found on American network media.
This Sinkhole is how 'the amerikan media" should end, in a pool of raw sewage with its anchor-personnel dead and floating in the debris, like the driftwood that they were in life.
The disconnect between what is called "news" and what is broadcast, is so great that it is no longer even laughable.
The proportions between gossip, and actual events is nearly twenty to one, at least it is in San Francisco. Between the continuing dissection of the corpse and life, of what's-her-name Smith, and the travails of another celebrity druggie named Britney, which when combined consumed the first 16 -18 minutes of every network newscast - while the combined national and international "news" was confined to 90 seconds - followed by more gossip, a lost child, a house fire, an infomercial for the Oscars, another weather scare and then the traffic: ending with more weather and then the sports. And that's all the news that's fit to tell the public! NO - that's propaganda and censorship for sure ~
Nothing about the impending bombing of Iran, or the impending failure of the dollar (1): or the possible over-flight permission needed by Israel, (for the bombing run - that was asked for yesterday(2) - when Israel formally presented their request to the US military command in Iraq. All of this is less important than a bunch of overpaid and virtually failed people with way too much money that none of them have earned?
If the media wants to continue to use the term NEWS, then they ought to conform to the truth in advertising rules of commercial businesses - they don't DO News - they DO disinformation and misdirection of the political and military events of the day - and then they sprinkle that with more lies and flavor the entire gooey mess with gossip and a generous supply of trivia.
Because of the Vietnam War, the media was purchased by the same folks that make all the bombs and bullets, the planes and the missiles - and this set up a conflict-of-interest. But then why is it possible for those who make the weapons of war and who provide the oil, the gasoline, and the jet fuel to run the wars, and who have amassed billions upon billions through SECRET and illegal policies that they have directed through the back channels of government AND in the rooms of the White House, under Cheney's direction: in order to create profits that surpass the GNP of most nation states - yet why are these same people and corporations allowed to own all the public's airwaves - maybe as an added bonus?
The stench coming from these criminal enterprises is creating a huge hole beneath this society, and at the moment it has become large enough to swallow Washington D.C. - so it ought to be large enough to also consume the entire charade of the current players within that circus called "the media," as well! Write and call your local stations and ask those morons why they are NOT reporting those parts of life, right now, that might well result in WWIII? On second thought - don't ask them - DEMAND that they cover these stories, in detail, and at the top of every news cast!
These cute little network affiliates may not make policy, but they are damn sure in the community to absorb any backlash that might occur - so why not make it such a large BACKLASH that central NETWORK casting might have to review their policies - despite their management overseers, and those generous payoffs they've already accepted, from both parties and a lot of businesses? Why not practice this twenty-first century version of the Boston-Tea-Party - on those very people that are using your airwaves to block your ability to know what you need to know - if we are going to survive in this world - Then please - MAKE them responsible!
1) A Moment of Truth has Arrived
2) Israel Seeks All Clear for Iran Air Strike



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