To Would-Be American Leaders
Of Industry, Art & Commerce
In The United States


Welcome to the side of the universe that does not deal in the things you value. Know that if you are in college or an institution of higher learning today ­you have to be dumber than a box of rocks. Whatever you are supposedly studying is a dead-end street-given the course this nation is currently pursuing. The world is interactive, and as people still in school you are not participating in this society, except to the degree that you may be seeking a personal passport to money and success, according to the doctrines of the New World Order-whether you like it or not!
In case you missed it, the powers that be in the world of formal education have been co-opted by the financiers of global corruption and privatized plundering. So whatever you may be 'studying' will either be downsized, outsourced, or eliminated either just before or just after you complete your courses. Say goodbye to your private passports to promise and/or real money. The good news is that you won't need to pay back the egregious sums involved in your student loans because the bad news is that there won't be a society into which you can ply the paper-world of your freshly minted degrees.
There are institutions of 'higher learning' all around you whether in the major cities or in the adjacent suburbs and they're free. But to 'access' them you will need the ability to understand what you're seeing, hearing or reading: most of all what you'll need is the one faculty that you obviously lack.
You must understand how any society is structured, and that is a view that can only be understood by looking at the streets and neighborhoods where the less fortunate live. FYI all real societies are held together by razor thin threads of trust. The death knell for any would-be society is the imposition of mega-lies, massive deceptions and total control of what used to be the government. You have obviously missed the boat entirely because you have remained outside the public commons when it comes to weighing-in on where this nation ought to be going. Your predecessors instinctively knew this (because they faced a draft) and became involved in a pivotal way-to STOP the Vietnam War. But because you are not yet threatened with the DRAFT, you've basically remained immune from the slaughter, the massive death and horror being produced minute-to-minute in the Middle-East.
There is a precedent for this ­ people such as Dick Cheney, George Bush, Donald Rumsfeld and another 50 or so members of this administration who also ducked previous conflicts to pursue their greed and passion for money and power-much as you are doing now! If you disagree, then where's the evidence of your commitment to an open government, to free speech zones in this country or to a responsible federal government that cannot, in conscience, continue to send your ex-classmates into that jet-propelled meat grinder that is simply called "THE War." If you continue to show so little concern for the lives of the less fortunate in this society, or the ones that we're killing (those without access to connections) ­ then you deserve the failure you are paying through the nose to obtain!
If you doubt my words, just look at how much control over higher education has recently taken over the funding for colleges and universities, not to mention the new federal role in student loans everywhere. If students were to organize demonstrations against the war ­ the institutions themselves would be penalized by the feds ­ through funding losses that would directly affect the price of your so-called 'educations.' So you choose not to rock the boat-which continues to aid and abet the criminals who are running the American side of this war. Of course you could fight your administrations - but that would be out-of-character given your "status in the pursuit of fun & games!" 
On the other hand if you continue to fail your fellow citizens-as supposedly the most privileged among the youth of this country-then you will also fail the obligation to yourselves and to your own potential futures, as that privileged class that is supposedly being groomed to take over the reins of everything that is America, as an idea or as a country.
People around the world are dying by the millions under American and Israeli guns, bombs and torture. Currently this war is costing the US a mere $8.4 Billion a month to stay in Iraq. If you think for a second that this kind of commitment can be continued indefinitely then you need to enroll immediately in math 101.
If you believe the BS that comes from the puppeteers running the war machine, then you need to be made aware of exactly who is directly profiting from this huge financial outlay. Even a lowly college student should be able to figure this one out. . .
"Why did so many have to die? Who profits? It started with Dresser Industries: 'We manufacture market and service the critical equipment that forms the backbone of the world's energy infrastructure.'
What does this have to do with the War in Iraq? Prescott S. Bush who was George Jr.'s Granpappy served on the board of Directors for 22 years. Even George Sr. served on the same board until 1998, that's when Halliburton CEO Dick Cheney acquired Dresser-in other words the Bushes had Cheney use Halliburton's money to buy their family business for $7.7 billion. Doesn't Halliburton get most of its money from American taxpayer dollars awarded through (secret) government contracts?
Before the Bushes had Cheney acquire Dresser Industries. . . Dresser bought a rival company called Kellogg in 1988, ever heard of a company called KBR? It's a Halliburton subsidiary otherwise known as Kellogg, Brown & Root. The 'K' in KBR is the same Kellogg owned by the Bush family business.
KBR just happens to be the recipient of billions in taxpayer dollars through NO BID CONTRACTS.
Is this why Bush was so horny for war? This is why our men and women were sent to their deaths."
In Iraq Bush Jr. says "you don't succeed in Iraq before the mission is complete."
"The Mission? To keep KBR in Iraq as long as possible in order to control the world's energy and profit from the blood of American life. That's why they're dead.
All hail the profiteer in chief. The Great profiteer who oversaw 'Halliburton plans Spinoff of KBR" by taking it public." (1)
And those secret no­bid contracts were involved in what the General Accounting Office found to be over $9 Billion that simply disappeared from the money appropriated for Halliburton and KBR. These are the kinds of business opportunities that have a controlling interest today: and unless a whole lot more of you begin to speak out ­ that will be your future as surely as it has been ours for the last six years!
1) The War based on Lies
Impeach Bush Stop the Attack on Iran



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