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Backpeeling The
Government Onion

By Ted Lang
Exclusive to Rense.com

Unusual and drastically changing times and events call for unusual and drastically different approaches as regards the evaluation and assessment of their impact. And the abnormality of recent events and occurrences are indeed confirmed as such by the total absence of input from the government-complicit mass media. And as I have often pointed out, the common thread uniting the mass media is Zionism. And it is Zionism that unites both America's political parties, its two chambers of the United States Congress, as well as uniting Congress with the White House in a unified approach so detrimental to the American people.
In the past week, an astonishing historic event and government crime was revisited. And more astonishing than the crime that was revealed, a crime no longer confined to mere speculation or relegated to that of a Limbaugh-type "conspiracy theory," an angry and believable former military man has come forward to expose a crime perpetrated by American government against its own military. The sad fact here is that this is not the first such incident, nor will it be the last. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely; and those in power in American government have generally been corrupted all the more by the growing international military power that is the United States of today.
Sadly, our former freedom-guaranteeing republic has fallen to the world's most dangerous dictatorial nuclear power, a Big Brother threat to the world controlled by a tiny foreign nation and its powerful overreaching lobby. It was the joint action of our large and internationally feared behemoth joined by a tiny nation with little to lose when comparing it to the expanse of American wealth and the opportunities for attaining such. This "Master Blaster" alliance creates the global fear we as a nation are now directing at the rest of the world. And nothing confirms this threat more than our unjustified and unprovoked attack on, and invasion and occupation of, Iraq. The world wonders: who's next?
American diplomacy and international honor are now forever lost. They cannot easily or readily be reclaimed.  America is no longer trusted. Global opinion now sees the America and Israelduality as a dangerous threat, and will begin to form alliances for mutual protection against our dangerous and unpredictable warmongering. We are today less secure than we have ever been during our brief experiment of a government compatible with individual freedom. And our little-guy-protected-by-his-big-brother relationship with Israel is now being exposed establishing the complete mastery the tiny nation has over US. How can nations of the world deal with US when they now know for sure that it is America's shadow government headquartered in Tel-Aviv that calls the shots?
Our relationship with Israel and its dominion over our government and our politics was on display at the recent AIPAC conference, where both kingpins of our "opposing" political parties gave speeches. Cheney, Hillary Clinton, and Barack Obama confessed their loyalty to AIPAC and Israel. Israel's domination of our nation is not only disgusting and denigrating, but its control of our politicians and "elected" government officials is downright dangerous for the reasons previously stated. And now we learn that the U.S.S. Liberty incident may not have been initiated by Israel in terms of the planning stage, but could have been initiated at the highest levels of American government; namely by former President Lyndon Baines Johnson and former Secretary of Defense Robert A. McNamara.
There's a common military thread here. The Liberty involved our Navy and was obviously carried out as a false flag operation. But so was LBJ's farce involving the North Vietnamese attack upon U.S. Navy ships in the Gulf of Tonkin, employed to gin up the Vietnam War which eventually cost the lives of over 47,000 of our military. And let's not forget Pearl Harbor in 1941, when FDR goaded the Japanese via an embargo and the threat of a U.S. Navy blockade of the shipping lanes used to transport oil from Burma to Japan. FDR knew of the impending attack since our intelligence had broken the Japanese code. FDR allowed an excess of 2,400 of our Navy's military and civilian personnel to be slaughtered to launch World War II and to make the world safe for communism. LBJ was commissioned as an officer in World War II in the U.S. Naval Reserve, and FDR was once Assistant Secretary of the Navy. Pursuant to orders given by America's real puppet president, Dick Cheney, our Navy is again being put in harm's way in the hopes of provoking an incident to launch World War III for Zionism.
As Professor Kevin MacDonald has pointed out, "communism is a product of Jewish intellectualism." And as the Reverend Ted Pike is pointing out now, in his June 11th posting on hisNational Prayer Network's "Truthtellers" site entitled, "Jewish Activists Created Communism," historic reference to the role of Zionism in initiating World Wars is proven. See:http://www.truthtellers.org/alerts/jewishactivistscommunism.html. But when actor-director Mel Gibson uttered almost these same words, he was denounced as being "anti-Semitic" and anti-Jewish. And of course, Professor MacDonald is also being smeared as an "anti-Semite." How about the truthful statement that the majority of Jews in America are both anti-American and anti-Christian?
Rev. Pike elaborates: "As the Christian-persecuting federal hate bill dangerously waits in the Senate Judiciary Committee, the Jewish Forward says most of the American Jewish community has mobilized to get it passed. They are pressuring President Bush not to honor his pledge to evangelicals to veto it. (See, Jews Pressure Bush to Sign Hate Bill) You may ask, 'What's the problem? Jews are an infinitesimal one and a half percent of the American population. What can they do?' Plenty. A Jewish population of exactly that percentage brought communism to Russia. The most murderous and anti-Christ system the world has ever known (having starved to death or slaughtered over 150 million) was overwhelmingly inspired and birthed by a tiny minority of Jews." And never forget how the Jewish The New York Times covered up the starvation-massacre of 8,000,000 Ukrainians in 1932. Now you know why: Judaism and Communism are one and the same!
So the Jewish Forward, published weekly in New York City, offers that, "...most of the American Jewish community has mobilized to get it passed." Two questions: first, why "most" of the Jewish community, and why so much pressure to get it passed quickly? The answer is of course the Internet and the real truth and facts to be found there.
I had often offered in this space that all it takes to break the back of the shadow government that controls our politicians, "our elected" officials, and both political parties is the real truth, and the need for this to be articulated from a well-recognized source. Now someone has stepped up that COULD BE well recognized, and the criminals in our government and its supportive mass media will soon be in a state of total panic. The dissident must be silenced! And the threat of more and more dissidents, especially those with military credibility, releasing the truth via the alternative media and Internet is a threat that will be dealt with immediately by our treason-practicing traitors in "American" government.
Rev. Pike is concerned with the attack upon freedom of speech that the Jewish Forward has informed US of: the need for Jews to work together to block criticism of Israel and AIPAC. Then there is the Internet itself. Congress and its congroids are working on a plan to allow for taxing Internet transactions, along with, of course, a way to TRACK those sales. This will require the licensing of ISPs so that hate crimes legislation can be directed at those who dare to criticize AIPAC and Israel. This is the reason for the Jewish pressure and the urgency in passing hate crimes legislation quickly.
But already, individuals of the American military recognize the grave danger of silencing criticism of Israel and its powerful lobby AIPAC. And it would be much better for US if more of our courageous military and those in American academia would step up and tell the truth, such as Scholars for 9/11 Truth. Sure, the mainstream media [MSM] will attempt to bury these stories. That's their job as "American" professional journalists.  CNN's Wolf Blitzer is a perfect example. But we on the Internet, at least those of US in the truth-telling and fact-finding alternative media [AM], are dedicated to doing all we can to prevent the traitors who align themselves with our secret, shadow government from enslaving US in the Zionist New World Order.
Retired U.S. Navy Captain, Ward Boston, Jr. fired an opening volley in his Rense.com piece, "40 Years Ago ­ Israel's Attempt To Sink The USS Liberty," originally published in The San Diego Union-Tribune and posted on Rense June 11th. Boston's anger says it all <http://www.rense.com/general76/wwlib.htm>: "'Those god-damned murdering bastards intended to kill everyone on board.' -- Ward Boston, Captain, USN retired. [He was] chief legal officer investigating the attack on the U.S.S. Liberty. Forty years ago to this day, thirty four American Sailors were murdered on the high seas. Their crime goes unanswered.  They will not be forgotten. It's time to clear the air. This is not going to go away."
And of course, there are the Jewish crimes against humanity under the Semitic banner of communism's hammer and sickle. Here's Rev. Pike again: "The Jewish Encyclopedia (Socialism, p. 418) frankly points out that 'Jews have been prominently identified with the modern Socialist movement from its very inception.' 'Scientific socialism,' or what we call communism, says theUniversal Jewish Encyclopedia in its article on socialism, 'originated in the combination of Jewish Messianic feeling with German philosophy...' 1 Marx, of course, was Jewish. But, just as important, Jews at all levels, from high financiers like the Warburgs, Schiffs and Rothschilds to rugged revolutionaries like Trotsky, Kamenev, Sverdlov and Zinoviev, made the success of communism possible."
Pike goes on: "Gary Allen in his book None Dare Call It Conspiracy, pp. 68-75, fingers those key Jewish financiers, especially Max Warburg in Germany and Jacob Schiff in America, who provided millions to arm and subsidize Jewish revolutionaries returning to Russia under the leadership of Trotsky. Schiff, head of the international banking firm of Kuhn, Loeb and Co. (now Chase Manhattan) was particularly influential. Quoting the New York Journal-America of February 3, 1949 out of Allen's book: 'Today it is estimated by Jacob's grandson, John Schiff, that the old man sank about $20,000,000 for the final triumph of Bolshevism in Russia.' (Remember, that was when a common wage for adult hard labor was several dollars per day.)"
Communism has claimed many more lives than Hitler's Holocaust. In fact, according to yet another article on Rense, "Red Cross Records - Only 271,000 Died In 'Holocaust'" <http://www.rense.com/general76/cadmp.htm> the number murdered is bad enough, but a lot different from the 6,000,000 Jewish deaths claimed by Abraham Foxman and the Jewish smear artists at the American Defamation League of B'nai B'rth. Yet the Jewish slaughter of 150 million human beings under their communism is inconsequential to Jews and Jewish Hollywood such that there are plenty of Nazi atrocity characterizations, portrayals and movies that have been produced focusing on their crimes; but absolutely nothing regarding Jewish-communist atrocities? Nothing on the 8,000,000 Ukrainians murdered by Jewish communists? Now why is that?!
And how did we go from "Zionism" to "Judaism?" Didn't the Jewish weekly, the Forward take US there by proclaiming that most Jews support the hate crimes legislation pending in the Senate Judiciary Committee? And yesteryear's communism and Bolshevism is today's Zionism and neoconservatism. Since all our government is controlled by a Jewish minority and foreign influence, we must peel the onion of corrupt government from the inside out. We will not be told of the true aims of our corrupt, criminal government; we will have to deduce cause and effect due to the corrupt nature of our secret government and its bought-and-paid-for secret arrangements and agreements.
Backpeeling the onion and the use of reverse logic has always been the ultimate way to solve a mystery, both in fact and fiction. It employs the reverse logic of first looking at who benefits. It then looks at opportunity: who was in a position to do what to whom and when? How can distracting activities/coincidences be used as cover? What alibis must be ensured and in place? And when all else fails to cover criminal government's tracks, there is always the invocation of secrecy and the "hands off" protection of "national security." We must start at the root cause and work backwards. Why are the members of our military so expendable? Ask who benefits and then consider what risks they shoulder themselves. And consider who really wields the power and is exposed to the least amounts of risk.
Here's Captain Boston again: "Israel claimed it was an accident. Yet I know from personal conversations with the late Adm. Isaac C. Kidd - president of the Court of Inquiry - that President Lyndon Johnson and Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara ordered him to conclude that the attack was a case of 'mistaken identity.' ... For decades, I have remained silent.  I am a military man, and when orders come in from the secretary of defense and president of the United States, I follow them.  However, attempts to rewrite history and concern for my country compel me to share the truth. Adm. Kidd and I were given only one week to gather evidence for the Navy's official investigation, though we both estimated that a proper Court of Inquiry would take at least six months. We boarded the crippled ship at sea and interviewed survivors.  The evidence was clear.  We both believed with certainty that this attack was a deliberate effort to sink an American ship and murder its entire crew."
Whether the attack was planned by "Americans" or the Israeli attackers is, of course, not the issue. What is relevant is that the government decided that the lives of it own military personal were irrelevant. Now consider this fact against the realities of Pearl Harbor, Waco, the Oklahoma City bombing, TWA 800 and 9/11. Do these not make a case citing the strong possibility of precisely the same cavalier attitude and sense of unchallengeable power that considers all human life as unimportant "collateral damage" when compared to a desired political expediency?
Here's the chilling final paragraph of Pike's peek into today's surreal world of "American" government quoting from the Jewish publication American Hebrew in 1920: "The Bolshevist revolution in Russia was the work of Jewish brains, of Jewish dissatisfaction, of Jewish planning, whose goal is to create a new order in the world. What was performed in so excellent a way inRussia, thanks to Jewish brains, and because of Jewish dissatisfaction, and by Jewish planning, shall also, through the same Jewish mental and physical forces, became a reality all over the world."
© THEODORE E. LANG 6/11/07 All rights reserved  
Ted Lang is a political analyst and freelance writer.



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