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Whitman's BAD ­
Bonds, Ash, Dust

By Ted Lang
Exclusive to Rense.com
I consider myself an honest man. If someone accused me of a crime, especially a heinous crime, I would be extremely outraged. And if such a false accusation were uttered or published in the public domain, I would immediately advise my accuser to retract the accusation or face legal action to restore my good name. One thing I wouldn't say if someone accused me publicly of wrongdoing, and/or someone else then asked if it were true; I certainly wouldn't say: Talk to my lawyer!
I offer that analogy considering former President Bill Clinton's response when asked by a reporter if the accusations against him concerning Juanita Brodderick's claim of rape were true, which elicited from him precisely that guilt-proving response. Consider the level of outrage and anger that one would experience if such a serious charge were hurled publicly, a charge that the accused knows to be false and extremely damaging to their reputation. Would the reaction be cool and calm, and similar to the one offered by Clinton? And wouldn't denial by the guilty party reverse the accusation, thereby providing the opportunity for challenge in a legal action? A reply of "No comment" avoids such legal action, as does "talk to my lawyer." Case closed!
Clearly, honest people who are falsely accused publicly, especially well-known public figures that must always consider their reputations, would never hide behind such a flimsy see-through curtain offering accusers and inquisitors to simply "talk to my lawyer." And even in the rare event that such false accusations are not actionable legally in a court of law, whether in a civil action or in a criminal proceeding, certainly, at least, the falsely accused would jump at the opportunity to present their side of the story in a public forum. Not to do so when given the opportunity, especially in a case where the forum would allow for testimony to be given under oath, casts heavy suspicion that accusations of wrongdoing are accurate, for why wouldn't a truly innocent person joyfully leap at this golden opportunity to clear their name?
But increasingly, in this the most litigious society in the world, a society with five percent of the world's population yet 25 percent of the world's prison population, individuals so accused are not nowadays the usual stereotyped dregs and criminal elements of our society. Neither are they ordinary run-of-the-mill, law-abiding, church and synagogue-going, hard-working and taxpaying citizens. And they are not even the beautiful people of the Hollywood sex and entertainment industry. 
So who are they? They are our town, our city, our county, our state, and our federal government exalted societal leaders. They are our "honorable" politicians. It is they who, on an increasingly daily basis, are charged with heinous crimes against our fellow law-abiding, religious, taxpaying citizens. It is they who are accused, exposed, charged, and identified for their wrongdoing, their graft, their bribe-taking, their "fixes" subverting both statutory and constitutional law, their involvement in sex, pedophile and prostitution rings, their connections to kidnappings and missing or murdered persons, their sanctioning and condoning of torture, as well as their attempts to legitimize it, and other crimes against Man and nature simply to numerous to itemize.
Our government crime wave has no bounds. The United States Attorney General, Alberto Gonzales, is a criminal. He, like neoconservative Zionist gangster Paul Wolfowitz who initiated and emblazoned the program of lies to facilitate Bush's illegal war in Iraq, also stood accused and simply refused to resign. He is the only one thus far, excepting Tenet and Rumsfeld, in the Bush crime machine that has been made to leave in disgrace. Gonzales refuses to resign, and our treasonist mass media, led by the "newspaper of record," The New York Times, will now resort to their standard "newspaper mentality" in hopes that you will forget and thereby ignore the fact that a professional criminal is running the Department of "Justice." So, whaddya gonna' do about it??? What are our elected and "honorable" representatives, the congroids, doing about it?
If he doesn't feel like appearing in the Senate or the House of Representatives to testify, or he doesn't wish to testify under oath, or he offers conflicting testimony, or he can't remember anything citing a serious bout with Alzheimer's, whaddya gonna do? Did Clinton resign like Nixon did? Noooooo, of course not! Nixon was asked by his own party leaders to step down in order to preserve the good name of the Presidency, as well as that of the GOP. Thanks to Clinton and now Bush, neither have a reputation worth protecting or even getting excited over. The Clintonpardons ­ what Clinton pardons? The Cox Commission Report ­ what report? The latter was buried by Monica and Juanita and all the smoke and dust from Mount Phallus.
And speaking of smoke and dust, we get to revisit GOP politics yet again! That's right folks ­ more mystery and adventure from your politicians in action, action you'll never find in a court of law. So for Chrissakes, pay those f#*#*ng traffic tickets and "click it or ticket," and make sure you water your lawns on the right day!
As a former GOP addict and dittohead, I jumped at the opportunities to meet the illustrious former Governor of the State, Christie Todd Whitman, while she was still in office. In fact, I have a signed letter from her somewhere in my office files. I met her very briefly twice; I was very active in county and state politics of the Republican Party flavor, as I have oft mentioned in this space. I even got to know my Congressman! But he hasn't written me of late. Could it be he's upset with me over all those letters I sent him demanding Bush's impeachment? I guess I'm now a traitor, but certainly not as regards the United States Constitution and my fellow citizens. As I said, I'm an honest man!
Not being a lawyer, I am nevertheless still a great fan of the US Constitution, something that both Rush Limbaugh and the Republican Party have abandoned in favor of politically correct organized crime. The Constitution is only valid assuming, incorrectly I might add, that dedicated, honest, government officials will be in charge of American government. They are not! Only the Honorable Ron Paul of Texas fits that bill. Politics in America today is best described as organized crime legitimized by creative word science and verbal trickery; bribes are "campaign contributions," for example. 
Crimes committed by our honorable gangsters and politicians in government are of a more serious nature than anything ever perpetrated by the lesser criminals that are usually their targets, and considered only when it serves a politician's interest. That is why gun control is such a favorite of government criminals: it costs them nothing, and they can taut their concern for the citizens. And the mass media are terrified of an armed populace and will give gun controllers much free "face" and press time. Never mind that such unconstitutional "laws" target only law-abiding citizens who do not commit crimes with or without firearms. Criminal politicians and their media backers pretend they're BIG on fighting crime, creating unjust "laws" that leave law-abiding citizens defenseless against criminals in and out of government, both foreign and domestic! 
The St. Valentine's Day Massacre? Seven fatalities!  King George III's Boston Massacre? Five fatalities! Charles Whitman at the Texas Tower? Thirteen fatalities! The recent record-breaking gun control-inspired campus slaughter at Virginia Tech? Thirty-two fatalities! Cheney, Bush, Rove, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Pearle and Feith-inspired unjust, unnecessary, unconstitutional invasion, war and occupation in Iraq? 655,000 innocent, law-abiding citizens of that sovereign nation that neither attacked US, nor even had the means to attack US, have been massacred by these criminal butchers!
And the death count of our troops is at around 3,500? Nonsense! Do you believe that criminals who massacred 655,000 human beings actually tell the truth? Do you believe that individuals who refuse to testify, either under oath or not under oath concerning the events of 9/11, didn't have anything directly to do with that powerfully enabling act of terrorism? Look, fool me once, then shame on you! Fool me twice, , well, then, ah, you can't fool me again! All the aforementioned neoconservative gangsters planned and perpetrated 9/11 and the Iraqi War. Bush is just the figurehead, and Cheney the organization's leader. And all are under the direct supervision of the globalist banksters. The simple-minded fool, the White House Moron, is their lovable dunce and heat sink!
But I have digressed shamefully and referred to the wrong Whitman. My focus was distracted, for it was really intended for former New Jersey Governor Christie Todd Whitman. Along with the burgeoning volume of government wrongdoing and crimes, an aspect that is even more frightening about these activities is their interconnectivity. One corrupt politician is connected to another, who in turn is connected to yet another, who is in turn, well, you know! And the same thing can be said of their criminal events as well. Without too much investigative deft, even a shoemaker like me can dope things out pretty darn well. All it really takes is a knack for paying attention.
Take Whitman ­ please! Almost to the month FIVE years ago, in a piece I penned for Etherzone [http://etherzone.com/2002/lang052002.shtml>], I commented on Whitman's immoral behavior as Environmental Protection Agency Administrator.  Whitman served as governor from 1994 until her appointment by the White House Moron to the EPA in 2001. As governor, a Republican governor, she kept both New Jersey income AND property taxes in line and fabulously under control. In fact, her terrific rebuttal to a Bill Clinton State of the Union speech put her on the RNC's national radar screen.
But then, there was her infamous gaffe labeled the "pat down" scene. Whitman was photographed enjoying herself and evidencing a big smile during a State Police bust and the arrest on the highway of a suspected criminal; a BLACK suspected criminal. That was a most serious violation of political correctness; namely, racial profiling. It signaled the end of her seemingly once promising political career. In all fairness, perhaps it would have been better if she could have taken credit instead for having massacred several hundred thousand Muslims and Arabs. In American politics though, smiling at the wrong time, and in the wrong place, and for the wrong reason, is a much greater offense in America these days.
The Bush crime machine was probably and in all likelihood trying to salvage her national political persona, which after the newspaper photo release of the pat down, was spinning into the ground. And perhaps it would have worked; but then, there was 9/11 and the Bush crime machine's obvious involvement.  Insight Magazine, and its online website Insight on the News, were, and probably still are, bastions of "conservative" political filters for national news. Although at one time I considered myself a staunch conservative, I run in sheer terror from that label due to its present day connotation as even slightly relative to the neoconservative movement of global terrorists so dedicated and loyal to the New World Order. In fact, I now prefer no political label at all! "American" will do!
But back then, I was in lockstep harmony with publications such as Insight and National Review. The conservative label has been as much tarnished by the globalist neocons as has liberalism been tarnished by global socialists and communists. Back during Whitman's gubernatorial career, she toed the conservative philosophy of not raising taxes. In 2002, I wrote: "Whitman kept her promise not to raise income taxes; she just funded her left-liberal spending lust by bonds thereby saddling future generations and politicians with the bill. She allowed the left-liberal New Jersey Supreme Court to write law and set specifics as to school funding requirements sending both income and property taxes through the roof - but not on her watch.  And environmentally, she mandated increased pollution inspections engineering a private contract arrangement that cost the taxpayers not only lost millions of dollars, but also horrific waiting times for car inspections due to failed private contractor equipment.  The hiring of the contractor was extremely questionable."
I continued: "In a comprehensive article by Sheila R. Cherry posted on Insight on the News May 6th [2002], Whitman's latest maneuvering was brought in detailed view. Whitman is a lawyer, and is therefore adept at using the law to cover her tracks.  It may be recalled, that Robert Martin, former ombudsman for the EPA, resigned in protest due to some flap with Whitman.  The ombudsman position is the go-to-guy when citizens have a complaint concerning EPA wrongdoing or heavy-handedness.
In virtually every federal agency, there is an Office of the Inspector General [OIG]. The position monitors complaints of malfeasance and government fraud and waste internal to the respective agency.  It makes little or no sense to transfer the responsibilities of the ombudsman to the OIG function.  But there is a legal consideration: records, letters, complaints, etc., that come under the jurisdiction of the OIG are not available to the public.  Since the ombudsman represents the people in an EPA matter, there are fewer restrictions on records and files, as would be the case with criminal charges and the need to preserve OIG records for possible use in court proceedings."
It serves at this point, to break away from my account provided via the thorough and vital investigative reporting by Cherry, and fast forwarded to something I found in Daily Kos[http://www.dailykos.com/story/2007/5/17/92513/6249] dated May 17th and entitled "Whitman Refuses to Testify About Misleading WTC Rescue Workers," posted under the name of a "PaulVA."  Daily Kos specifically cites the "flap" ombudsman Martin had with criminal-lawyer Whitman: "In April 2002, the EPA Ombudsman, whose office serves as an internal watchdog that investigates complaints about the agency's performance, had his records, computers and files seized in a daybreak move ordered by Whitman that was part of an effort begun in November 2001 to fold the office into the EPA's Inspector General's office." [Emphasis in the original].
That puts Whitman's move at about only a month or so after 9/11, culminating in the brash action of April 2002 that Kos cites. Returning to my account based on Cherry's report, "A company in Colorado, S.W. Shattuck Chemical Inc., had been required to make financial restitution for pollution damage.  Sheila Cherry offers: 'According to an EPA press statement, the EPA placed the Shattuck facility on the Superfund National Priorities List in 1983. Under the Clinton administration Whitman's predecessor, Carol Browner, negotiated a settlement with Shattuck that required the company to pay $26 million to entomb the contaminated waste at the site.'"
Continuing, "Cherry goes on to explain that [Senator] Allard 'put a hold on all EPA nominations and secured an ombudsman investigation, which verified the citizens' concerns.' Ombudsman Martin headed the investigation, which ultimately required Shattuck to pay an additional $7.2 million.  This was before Whitman became administrator. Cherry points out: 'But Whitman signed the consent decree approving that settlement, which critics say will result in taxpayers [paying] the estimated $32 million cleanup.' [Emphasis added].
And in New York, EPA assurances that the air in lower Manhattan is safe does not square with environmentally knowledgeable sources that report the air is still thick with asbestos and other carcinogen dust. [Again, keep in mind I wrote this back in May, 2002.] Travelers Insurance, which has the largest policy liability as regards commercial property and business-interruption, is the focus company in a growing flap concerning the post 9-11 WTC pollution.
What do Shattuck and Travelers have in common? Both are owned by Citigroup, and John Whitman, Christie Todd's husband, has held key big-time executive positions with the parent company. In fact, according to Cherry, John 'is a founding and managing partner of Sycamore Management Corp., which is funded substantially by Citigroup.'
Additionally, the Whitmans both have substantial investments in Citigroup. And when Whitman filed a written ethics agreement, as all government officials are required to do, considering both her high-level status as well as her obvious control over the financial matters of private companies that may be required to make financial restitution to the government, she failed to disclose her financial ties to Citigroup." I wrapped up the piece by citing Citigroup's financial entanglements with Enron.
The Daily Kos article was obviously inspired by the recent death of NYPD detective Robert Williamson from cancer, the fatal disease he contracted as a result of Christie Todd Whitman's lies as EPA Administrator when she was directed by the criminal Bush White House to lie about the ash and dust-laden pollution at Ground Zero that has now made THOUSANDS of NYC emergency workers sick, and has already caused a fatality. How many more will die?
Even from the simple account of Whitman's collaboration with the White House in allowing unsuspecting individuals to work in a polluted environment, the Kos article offers: "A leading group of scientists who have tracked the environmental effects of pollution in places such as Kuwait after the initial Desert Storm oil fires was hired by the Department of Energy to track the pollution at Ground Zero. They found that the pollution included very fine metals, which interfere with lung chemistry; sulfuric acid, which attacks lung cells; and very fine insoluble particles such as glass."
"Fine metal particles that can be inhaled"? "Sulfuric acid"? Didn't the 9/11 Truthers offer that sulfur was a key ingredient in demolition explosives? And how can structural steel be pulverized such that it can be inhaled??? Think about throwing a piece of steel out of an airplane at ten thousand feet, let alone the mere height of the former WTC towers. Will this pulverize it? Bush, Limbaugh, O'Reilly and the insanity that is Hannity think so!
Hillary the Rotten was quoted in the Rag of Record in an article by Winnie Hu entitled, "Clinton and Nadler Seek Inquiry Into E.P.A. Response to Sept. 11," as saying: "'I know a little bit about how White Houses work,' she said. 'I know somebody picked up a phone, somebody got on a computer, somebody sent an e-mail, somebody called for a meeting, somebody in that White House probably under instructions from somebody further up the chain told the E.P.A.: 'Don't tell the people of New York the truth.' And I want to know who that is." As FDR once said, "It takes a crook to catch a crook!"
Now returning to those thrilling days of yesteryear in the Garden of Evil State of New Jersey, a Star-Ledger article entitled, "SEC investigates state reports on pension funding," dated May 31stand reported by staff reporters Josh Margolin and Dunstan McNichol, begins: "Federal authorities have launched civil and criminal investigations into a series of maneuvers New Jersey officials used over the past decade to shore up state budgets by skipping billions of dollars in contributions to the state's retirement accounts for teachers and public employees."
As I had written five years ago, the "maneuvers" were simple. Then-Governor Christie Todd Whitman simply "raided" the pension funds and converted bonds to cash by illegally "borrowing" from them to pay government operating expenses she allowed to careen out of control. Rather than rein in spending, she found it easier to steal from the pension funds to support the pretense she was reducing spending and thereby cutting taxes. This passed the problem to future officials and to taxpayers who would have to make up for her immoral and unethical conduct.
Margolin and McNichol continue: "Debra Patalkis, a former senior SEC litigator now in private practice, said such a probe could last years as investigators dig into the pension system's management and records as far back as Christie Whitman's administration in the 1990s. 'If the allegations of misleading disclosures are proved to be true, then officials are facing jail time, substantial criminal and civil penalties,' said Patalkis, a partner with the national law firm Drinker, Biddle & Reath. She said prosecutors and regulators also potentially could issue fines to the state." Guess who gets to pay for those?
Whitman has declined to appear before New York Congressman Jerrold Nadler's House subcommittee. Undoubtedly, she'll decline to appear before the SEC as well. And Alberto [VO5] Gonzales declines to resign. And Scooter Libby will get pardoned. And Rove and Con-the-Loser Rice do not wish to appear before Congress either, especially under oath. And the DC Madam roster will remain a secret. And Nancy Pelosi's observation relative to these matters concerning congressional oversight and the interests of America and the American people is that they "are off the table." Go to hell America! Case closed!
© THEODORE E. LANG 6/2/07 All rights reserved  
Ted Lang is a political analyst and freelance writer.



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